Reviews For A New type of School Day
Reviewer: WilliamHanna Signed 

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Date: February 03 2016 1:46 AM Title: Fantasy becomes Reality

Date: February 03 2016 1:46 AM Title: Fantasy becomes Reality
Making a fan fiction archive is not an easy task but managing a good fan fiction is really a hard work. As far as this fan fiction is concerned, I am very happy that this is a good fan fiction website with interesting stories being posted by different authors.
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Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: May 07 2015 1:22 PM Title: Fantasy becomes Reality
Author's Response: Thanks for the tip like I said I am new to writing these types of stories but I appreciate help. I'm trying to make this story one that more people enjoy to read but you have to start somewhere. Thanks.
Date: May 07 2015 1:22 PM Title: Fantasy becomes Reality
Feels rushed, you should take your time to type out how each character feels, let the reader get to know them. Even if you plan on having lots of sex, its still important. Plus break up the text, it makes it easier to read.
Author's Response: Thanks for the tip like I said I am new to writing these types of stories but I appreciate help. I'm trying to make this story one that more people enjoy to read but you have to start somewhere. Thanks.