Date: April 18 2015 4:42 AM Title: Chapter 20. Déjà vu
Good chapter. A little short but def needed. No we see what happens when they have to pick sides. Are u gonna post another chapter or is this the chapter for the week? Can't wait to see where it goes from here!!
Author's Response:
Well, this chapter came out a little shorter than usual (still >2000 words, but I guess that I'm used to writing quite longer chapters that that...), but we've reached a point where I wanted the plot and the necessary cliffhangers to determine the action and the length of the chapters. The next couple of chapters are going to be longer and packed with a lot of action. Things are getting to their conclusion, so action will practically not stop from now until the end.
I missed the update last week (I was travelling for work again...), but I'm afraid that this is this week's update. I should be able to post the next chapter next weekend, as usual. And one never knows what can happen, but I think that I should be able to keep the regular weekly updates from now until the end of the story.
I hope that "where it goes" won't disappoint!

Date: April 17 2015 4:07 PM Title: Chapter 20. Déjà vu
Oh man! Shit is getting real! I wonder what side humans will take? Will they destroy everyone? Or will they take the side of Lisa? I kinda hope humans don't screw Lisa over, that would kinda suck, but it would be realistic...
Author's Response:
Yep! Things are starting to get out of control... and to converge to an ending. What will the humans do? Well, you won't need to wait too much to find out. Action is really going to be fast paced from now on :)
Just let me say that one thing is what they'll do... a different one is what they will achieve...
As usual, thanks for reviewing!