Date: June 20 2015 3:47 AM Title: July
This is so great. I really like your writing.
Author's Response:
Thanks! Hearing that makes it a lot easier to keep up writing, so I definitely appreciate it.
Date: April 11 2015 10:45 PM Title: July
Wow. It's these kinds of chapters that are just... I dunno.
It's weird to see family bonding and humiliation in the same story. It's like they don't do it on purpose, or they do it for a purpose? I dunno. For the first time ever, I am actually confused to the family dynamics here. Usually people are either cruel or gentle in these stories - it gets boring - and here is actual good feelings.
Grah! You're hurting my mind!
Author's Response:
There's a gray area with April and May for sure. We're very limited in the unbiased truth, and all we can really use is Juniper's word. I think that's what makes this chapter much more surprising. Up until this point, Juniper has been painting them as heartless, but there's much more than that. Anyways thanks for the review.

Date: April 11 2015 7:19 AM Title: July
The only way I can see May as caring is if she's just totally oblivious to how awful she treats June. Does she not realize how bad it must be in her shoe? Obviously bad enough that her tiny sister gets stuck to her foot and ends up reeking before long.
April, on the other hand, doesn't seem malicious. The "torments" on her sister in the first chapter seemed mostly unintended. The twisting of the cage between her fingers was more of an "idle hands" kind of thing, and I doubt she realized how jarring it was for June. The saliva from her fingers seemed to be just the April didn't realize how much was left after turning the page. The pudding event was intentional, but was her being playful instead of malicious.
Author's Response:
May knows it's bad in her shoe, but as long as June doesn't have any broken bones, she thinks it's fine. She just doesn't understand the full toll it takes on Juniper. I think Juniper's right in saying that May sometimes has moments when she remembers that she is her sister after all. She isn't 100% nurturing, but she isn't all evil either like Juniper pegs her to be. The bad almost always outweighs the good May does.
As for April, you're on to something there. April doesn't really know her full power and how it affects Juniper. She isn't malicious, but she's also not above exploiting her sister's defenseless state for fun, especially on a slow day. After what May does to her on a daily basis, I think June has every right to be distrustful of April if she's nearly doing the same, intentional or not.
Both April and May are just ignorant on the realities of June's situation, both physically and emotionally, but how can they really identify with their sister's pain without spending a day in each other's shoes. (I couldn't resist...I'm sorry, I'm a dork.)
Date: April 11 2015 6:45 AM Title: July
Whew. I'm usually terrible at leaving more than one review on stories, so consider this my emphatic vote that you keep up the good work. The gentle stuff here was nice to make the dynamic of the characters more complicated, and advanced May and April past being purely malicious into something more interesting and lifelike.
Author's Response:
Well, I'm super flattered to know that you're keeping up with the story. The sisters definitely have a complicated relationship, and a lot has happened in Juniper's first two years tiny. Their reason's aren't 100% justifiable, but they do have reasons as petty and overblown they might be.

Date: April 11 2015 4:34 AM Title: July
I'm really digging this story, the jeckyl and hyde demeanor of the bigger two adds to the enjoyment.
Author's Response:
It definitely makes April and May a little more interesting. All it really takes is Juniper saying the wrong thing at the wrong time to be back into the shoe or maybe even just a whim to do it. She's dancing a very fine line.