Date: April 09 2015 3:55 PM Title: Focus
Very good stuff! Especially the 2nd chapter!
Author's Response:
Thanks for the review.
Date: April 09 2015 5:25 AM Title: Focus
Yeesh, where's this been all my life? Far and away my favorite story you've posted. You write the personalities well, and that moment of acknowledement with the other tiny is great. I hope you'll keep on going strong with this one.
Author's Response:
Thanks! I'd like to think other tiny definitely has his own thing going on, and there's something unsettling about only getting a brief glimpse of the boy's personal hell with very little context.
Date: April 09 2015 2:58 AM Title: Focus
Ugh, it was painful to watch. This torture and abusing of tinys is worse than I thought, seems everyone is doing it. I just hope you'll introduce someone who is nicer to their tiny person. Like a girl who treats her brother with respect or maybe a wife who is kind to her shrunken husband, they can't all be this bad.
Author's Response:
Yeah I know how you feel. It hurts me to hurt Juniper. All I can really say is that Juniper has a very skewed look on the role of tiny people in the world, and I'd take her word about it with a grain of salt. You're also right, they're not all like that. I'd say the ratio of good to bad is about 95-5% It just happens that seeing another person in her predicament is both the most comforting and disheartening thing that could happen.The other story I mentioned in the first chapter is clear proof of that they're not all evil. Thanks for reviewing, and I hope it doesn't get too painful to read.

Date: April 09 2015 1:37 AM Title: Focus
Great stuff
Author's Response:
Thanks for reviewing. It definitely helps keep me motivated.