Date: October 11 2015 5:47 AM Title: Inured
50th review here, I will be watching your space very closely now. The next story you've planned sounds very interesting!
Author's Response:
It's pretty fun, and I'm still ironing out the outline before I fully commit to posting it. It'll definitey be alot longer than Junebug in both chapter and story length. For some reason I just really liked the short, choppy cadence in June's "voice."

Date: July 13 2015 1:16 PM Title: Inured
I love this story so much! Especially the mean things the sisters do. When will the next chapter be up? :p
Author's Response:
Considering the most recent chapter was posted today, I'd say not much longer than a week.
Date: June 15 2015 7:29 AM Title: Inured
Any updates soon?
Author's Response:
Soon hopefully. The latest will probably be next week. Although updates will probably be more steady once I get off for summer.
Date: May 18 2015 10:59 PM Title: Inured
No problem and yes, I'm back to updating. Never intended to let all my stories drag for a year so I'll am aiming to finish them by the time college starts in August.
I usually set a minimum length for my stories but whatever works for the writer I suppose, as long as the pacing is good and the story is told well.
Author's Response:
If it's any consolation, this chapter was intended to go up a day or two after the last one, so you're not the only one getting their stories slowed down by life.
My motto for writing has been "Write gud" Or even "Why waste time say lot word, when few word do trick."
Date: April 22 2015 4:06 AM Title: Inured
Nice of April to allow Juniper a chance to know what the book is about. As for Juniper's payment, I hope its not too degrading.
Author's Response:
I'm sure it won't be too bad. Anyways thanks for the review.
Date: April 22 2015 1:09 AM Title: Inured
I find myself more and more interested in the conclusion of this story somedat. I honestly wanna see a happy ending really bad for this one. Even though the chapters aren't too long, they are written well and do good at explaining what is happening. All I can say is keep doin what your doin man :-D
Author's Response:
Thanks! I think we both want to see her end up better off, but we'll just have to wait and see.

Date: April 13 2015 2:22 PM Title: Inured
So I'm gonna drop yet ANOTHER review. God I wish this place had a comment system.
Anyways, the cage was possibly my favorite part. It's very creative, I don't think I've ever seen that before, and it's so... perfect. Stuff here gets pretty dry and 'checklist,' but you certainly have a talent. Even inshoe, which I'm a huge fan of and probably wouldn't ever get bored of, you do well, mostly because you added that other element of what happens with that tiny, which by far is one of my favorite scenes. Has June literally never seen another tiny?
This reminds me a whole lot of The Insole Girl, which you might beat as my favorite story on this sight (it's a tie,) but this whole 'not entirely evil' deal is definitely something I like.
I might get into that in the future. This story, especially with your dynamic, is certainly opening my horizons to what's possible in this genre, and I've already got a few ideas I don't think have been tried before. Keep going, and I have to say this twice because the views aren't that great (wait for it,) you're onto some amazing stuff.
Author's Response:
My biggest complaint about the premise is the fact that it's mostly used as a throwaway explanation to why the character is shrunken before the story goes into checklist mode. I feel like with the excessive use of the shrinking disease/gene I need to do something that stands out, and it's super cool to know that it's working. As for the scene with the other tiny, June hasn't seen another tiny in person, but she's heard of them and seen at least one on tv to know they're real before she shrunk. So seeing another tiny alive and in front of her is definitely something to be shocked at in her point of view.
The fact that you put this story up with The Insole Girl is probably one of the most flattering things I've heard, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't take inspiration from it. I wanted this to feel similar but be it it's own thing, so hopefully it's coming across that way.
This genre's definitely a blank check among other scenarios, and I'll definitely look out for whatever you have in mind.
Date: April 11 2015 8:19 AM Title: Inured
@smoki, ya know it. I will inflict a tsunami of pain on those who cross my favourite characters.
Date: April 11 2015 7:39 AM Title: Inured
Nostory = Equalizer of oppressed from gts cvommunity lol U rule man
Author's Response:
He's definitely doing a lot more for them than I am.
Date: April 11 2015 7:20 AM Title: Inured
SO they aren't totally bad but I still wish for someone to make her sisters pay for their bullying against Juniper.
Author's Response:
Ditto. I'll just say that "tiny, protective, legislation, population" will factor somewhere in the story. But then again, for all we know it could be "the tiny humans have been exploiting their protective legislation, and I intend to suggest actions to control the dependent diminutive population." Or even, "Those Cutie oranges are super tiny, and I'm always protective of them when my siblings come around. I just hope legislation passes to make them more accessible to the population."
Date: April 09 2015 11:35 AM Title: Inured
I like more gentle stories so I will keep my fingerd crossed that Juniper somehow gets a better life in the end. Or her sister realise how terrible they've been and try to make it up to her.
Author's Response:
You and me both. She definitely deserves something like that.
Date: April 07 2015 11:56 AM Title: Inured
Wondeful story. You paint a familiar scenario with new details that make everything seem fresh and exciting.
I absolutely love the idea of the little cage necklace wresting at her sister's chest.
Author's Response:
The birdcage is a fun idea. I think it easily demonstrates Juniper's position in life. Thanks for reviewing.
Date: April 07 2015 9:38 AM Title: Inured
By all means, do review one of my stories, I love to hear what people think about it. Plus reviews tell the author people care about their story.
Author's Response:
I'd definitely like to get more into reviewing. It's been somethingI've been slacking on just cause I get super nervous whenever I get a response or even a review.
Date: April 07 2015 5:37 AM Title: Inured
Well, I'm glad I was able to indirectly lead to the posting of this, cuz it's real good. Like you said in your review of mine, the familiar premise works great if handled right. This world allows you to dig into the story first and trust that we get the gist of behind-the-scenes stuff. The character personalities are also very well-defined here and made me immediately intrigued to see more. And that pudding scene... geez. Steamy.
Author's Response:
I like to think of the premise as a zombie or found footage movie. Once you think it gets old, someone does something interesting with it. Moving away from gentle is definitely something I find refreshing, so I'm surprised I didn't post it when I first had the chance. It's super cool that you're liking it, and I definitely appreciate the review.

Date: April 07 2015 12:20 AM Title: Inured
Great stuff, can't wait for more.
Author's Response:
I've got some pretty neat stuff mapped out so far, so look out for that. Thanks for the review.
Date: April 06 2015 11:37 PM Title: Inured
I don't think I ever reviewed your work before but this is a good start!
Author's Response:
Thanks for reviewing! Guess I should return the favor then. I've been meaning to read your stories when I had the time.

Date: April 06 2015 11:30 PM Title: Inured
To not finish this is the greatest sin....
Love this
Author's Response:
Thanks! I'll definitely post the next chapter as soon as I finish editing it.