Date: April 04 2015 7:00 PM Title: Chapter 19. Duty or fun
I love Lisa! The fact that she's pondering whether or not to help tinies who are scared of her really puts her character into perspective. To be honest I think BOTH Casey and Lisa are ouliers, they are the rare people. I think it would be hard to find girls that would kill any and every little human in her path with such glee.
Similarly, I think it would be hard to find girls that would care about normal humans to the degree Lisa does...I think most people would be like Kelly, not caring about abusing power but not straight up killers either, I think she's the most "normal human" of the group.
As for Lisa, I think she SHOULD help tinies out even if they are afraid of her! Really give her gentleness a chance to shine. Kelly has gotten her time in this story to playfully screw with tinies, Casey has had her chapters of ruthlessly killing tinies. Personally I would like a "Lisa" chapter, that would give her end of the spectrum a chance in the spotlight...
Anyway, I can tell that the story is coming to a climax: this is probably my favorite "in-progress" story on GTSWorld. Keep it up!
Author's Response:
I definitely agree on the comment. Lisa is one of a kind, and the truth is that she did not even know how she was before the events of Volume 1. Casey is an outlier too, of course. In her case, she had a mean character to start with, but the fact that she was reduced, experimented on and then locked in a maximum security prison have done nothing to help... as a matter of fact, if it had not been for that experience, Casey would have probably not ended up being the sociopath she has become.
Kelly is definitely the more mainstream girl of all. In her case, having been big before has definitely helped in making her enjoy her new condition right away. She had more doubts in Volume 1, but seeing what happened with her life after being reduced has been all the nudge she needed to start enjoying her new size right after growing.
Of course, Lisa is confused about the situation and for a girl like her, being rejected is not easy. She would have probably ended up trying to help the tiny people anyway, but unfortunately she cannot stop to do that. She knows that she needs to get to Hollner as soon as possible, to help the people there get rid of Casey. I'm afraid that the situation from now until the end of Volume 2 won't have too many moments of break that would allow Lisa to explore her gentlessness too much...
You are right that the story is coming to a climax. There are still a few chapters left and a decent amount of plot to develop, but Volume 2 is heading towards its ending. I'm happy that you are enjoying the story and have such a good opinion about it. I know that not everything in the story is playing out in the way you would have preferred, so the fedback is still more valuable to me. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment each chapter and letting me know what you think. Readers' feedback is probably the only incentive a writer has to write and publish in a site like this one.
I hope that you will enjoy what's coming. Please, keep the feedback flowing.

Date: April 04 2015 8:28 AM Title: Chapter 19. Duty or fun
Looks like everything is getting set up to maybe make girls bigger? I've been wondering about that for a little bit but I think this chapter confirms that. I actually figured they would have to make Lisa that big to stop Casey. I think Kelly really is the wildcard here. I love that she's not "evil" but wants to use her power and size. Good set up chapter. Looking forward to the next few. Should be fun!
Author's Response:
Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad that you liked the chapter. As you mentioned, it was meant to be a set up for what's coming next. Volume 2 is heading towards its conclusion, but there are still a few chapters and quite a lot of action left!
The scientists at the FSD did not make Lisa bigger because of two reasons. First and most important, because they did not know how to. They gave Lisa exactly the same chemicals they had administered to Kelly and Casey in the past, so the effects of unlocking the growth in her were identical. Second: they really did not mean for Lisa to save the city. They just wanted her to understand more about how the growth worked and potentially find a way to reverse it. It was Lisa's call to head to Hollner to try to stop Casey.
As for what will happen... your hypothesis definitely seem sound... but as usual, I won't reveal in which direction the story will evolve. I believe that there will be at least one thing (potentially a couple) that will be somewhat surprising. You'll tell me in a few weeks!
As usual, thanks for commenting. Hearing about readers is the biggest incentive I have to write and post.