Date: March 24 2015 1:21 AM Title: Chapter 15. Unleashed
How did I miss these updates?!
You've done a remarkable job making Casey this giant goddess.
I'm keeping this review short because I've gotta read the other two chapters.
Again awesome job in conveying Casey as this sexy Godzilla. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Author's Response:
Hey! I was missing your feedback, Aaron!
I'm glad you enjoyed Chapter 15. That's really Casey's rampage chapter and I rewrote it a couple of times to try to capture the type of giantess she has become. I'm happy that you liked how it came out finally. The idea was precisely to portray her like you are describing her.
I really appreciate all the effort you've put in commenting previous chapters of this story with so much detail. Please, let me know what you think of the chapters that you missed. I'll have the next chapter ready by Saturday.

Date: February 28 2015 4:32 PM Title: Chapter 15. Unleashed
Ok. At first I thought the military foolishly attacked Kelly. But now I think it must be Casey throwing something at her. Maybe I'm wrong.
A story that can keep me guessing must be good.
Author's Response:
Well, you will only need to wait for next week to know what happened to Kelly and what she intends to do about it... The next chapter is entirely about that. Just let me tell you something: one of the two options you thought about is right.
I'm glad that you are enjoying the story. Please, keep letting me know what you think.

Date: February 28 2015 12:04 PM Title: Chapter 15. Unleashed
It will be interesting to see where everything goes from here. What will the girls be like when they meet up this time? What (if anything) can stop them? Are you going to be updating this on a weekly basis like it seems like you have been? I think this series is already up at the legendary status. Let's see how much bigger (pun intended ;) it can get!
Author's Response:
First of all, thank you very much for the praise to the series. I'm happy that you are enjoying it so much. I hope that the rest won't disappoint you and that by the end of Volume 2 you will keep the same opinion about Side Effects.
I'm planning to keep posting a chapter per week, as I've been doing. The story is written already, but I proofread and edit each chapter before posting. Since chapters are rather long, I can normally handle one per week. The coming couple of months are going to be busy on my side, but I'll try to keep the same cadence.
You won't need to wait too long to see what will happen when the girls meet again. Of course, things will be different than in Volume 1. As for what can stop them (if anything)... you'll need to wait a little more to see where the story is going. There are still a couple of twists in the plot; I believe that you'll especially like the last one...
Please, keep letting me know what you think. I'm still going on through possibilities about Volume 3, so feedback is always welcome and helpful.