Date: February 24 2015 10:25 PM Title: Chapter 14. At large
I like how even though Kelly toys with some people for her own amusement she still allowed Daphne her fantasy which was very cool. The elevator scene was a trip and executed very well.
I just thought of a neat scenario: When Kelly gets shot in the stomach(by what I'm assuming was a tank) Daphne falls to her death and Kelly is shaken by this. Of course she's mad they had the gall to shoot her but as a result poor innocent Daphne was killed. I hope this would be the reason that sends Kelly into a blind rage. She'll then take perverse pleasure in crushing the army/police in any way she sees fit.(could also capture a few to use for her pleasure later)
I like how the situation with Lisa and Ron has progressed. I wonder why she isn't frantic about her baby yet? I understand that she cares a great deal for her husband and wants to see him asap but I'm a little confused as to why she hasn't even asked about her baby. Also I think it would be neat if her husband(forgot his name) when brought out to her was all bruised and bleeding from wounds on his face and he's handcuffed.(just cause I wanna see her reaction but also cause I'd like to see how Ron reacts)
I don't know if it will happen but I'd still like to see Casey get her hands(or fingers) on her ex-boyfriend Kevin.
Great chapter and I'm looking forward to see what happens next.
PS since that facility housing Lisa is so giant, does that mean she could get bigger?(I honestly don't want her to because I feel the ladies are the perfect size. I'm just curious.)
Author's Response:
Thanks! I was pretty happy with how the elevator scene came out, honestly. Kelly is like this: she will use the city and its people to have fun without inhibitions, but she is not cruel. Making the woman's fantasy a reality also played to her advantage, so in this case it was some sort of win-win.
Kelly will definitely not be happy about having been shot (quick preview on next chapter: it was not a tank but a missile shot by an helicopter), and the loss of Daphne will definitely contribute to her unhappiness. For the first time Kelly has been challenged for real, by an enemy that has managed to hurt her, and so, she will be forced to react.
Somewhere else, Lisa is definitely upset and worried about her husband and her baby. She wants to see Joe, but she is a little wary of having Stella seeing her in her current status. That's the reason she asks for him, initially. I'm afraid that the government has reached the peak of their stupidity, so far, so they won't be doing anything in the short term to piss her off even more.
Keep tuned for the next couple of chapters: Casey in the city (finally) and Kelly dealing with the army.
PS: the facility was built "huge" to be prepared for any eventualities. It does not necessarily mean that Lisa will get bigger...
Date: February 22 2015 5:40 PM Title: Chapter 14. At large
Well, i am too enjoy Kelly is/was having the day of her life, wonder what happen to Casey since she left prision, is she even close to the city? or is she enjoying other city?
And i don't know how wise shooting Kelly is, last time they tried to kill her she only grew, maybe she will grow more this time? ;)
Author's Response:
Well, I've definitely enjoyed writing about Kelly having the time of her life. Of course, things will need to change somewhat now that she has been attacked.
As for Casey, she is about to get into the city. In Chapter 13, when she "enjoyed" with the bus, she was already at the gates of Holler, so you will see her in the city soon enough. And of course, once she gets there, she will be noticed.
As for what will happen to Kelly after being shot... well, you will just need to wait for her next chapter :)

Date: February 21 2015 3:42 PM Title: Chapter 14. At large
Great chapter! I'm really glad we got that conversation between Kelly and that lesbian chick. It really cements the fact that although Kelly is kind of a giant bully, at least she's not flat-out evil like Casey is.
Author's Response:
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
The whole purpose of the conversation between Kelly and Daphne was precisely the oe you mentioned: to show a little more about the way Kelly is living this entire thing. She loves being big and having so much power, and she will not hesitate on using her size for wathever she feels like doing, without caring too much about the consequences. As a matter of fact, she kind of enjoys them. But, at the same time, she is not an evil bitch that enjoys tormenting and hurting people just for the sake of it.
Of course, things won't be the same now that she has been attacked, though.
Thanks for the feedback!