Date: January 31 2015 2:55 PM Title: Chapter 11. In charge
Hahah did not see Kelly stopping the police with pee. That's hilarious but also very gross. Glad to see she showed them how powerful she is without killing anybody. Also glad she had the presence of mind to not walk into the pee. Only thing this chapter lacked was the point of view of the police because that would have been interesting.
Liked that Ron and this other jackass are discussing what may have caused this new growth. Wonder how far Ron will take this involving Lisa, will he actually hurt her to find a "cure"?
I'm hoping that what Kelly saw was Casey but I'll just have to wait and see.
PS I really liked the part where Kelly stomped her foot in front of the squad cars causing some to tip over but all the officers were knocked off their feet. Although I feel like she could have toyed with them a bit longer until her grand finale.
Author's Response:
The truth is I had mixed feelings about Kelly peeing on the cops when the idea first came to me. Without disclosing too much about what's coming, let me tell you that this chapter was not meant to portray the main confrontation between Kelly and authority. There is more of this later. But there were a couple of things that were needed: first, it was not realistic to have Kelly roam around the city for so long without anyone trying to do anything about it. And I also needed Kelly to become a little bit upset about the attitude of the little people and, especially, to become even more convinced of her utter superiority over them. This will be important to explain the evolution of her attitude in the coming chapters. So, I basically needed to have the police face Kelly and I needed her to clearly defeat them without resorting to mindless violence, since that would have turned her into a character I did not want her to be.
With this in mind, the idea about the pee kept coming back to me and at some point I decided that it was good enough to go. So, while I'm not too big on this type of things, I ended up using it as a good enough resource.
This also explains why I did not have Kelly toying more with the cops. She would probably have tried to; in the end, this is what she did when she stomped her foot. But after being fired on, they did not leave her too many options, did they? They made her mad and she had to react. And it would not have been realistic to have the cops sitting idle while Kelly played with them.
By the way, I completely agree with your comment. This chapter would have been better if I had added the point of view of one or two secondary characters in the police task force. I'm afraid I rushed too much through it when I wrote it. I understand that you and many other readers had the expectation that the chapter would depict a large scale confrotation between Kelly on the cops, but in my mind, this chapter was always meant to be a transition chapter to explain a little more on her evolution and to give some space to the scientists to explain more about the women's growth.
On the scientists side... keep in mind that the government is right now in crisis mode because they have two rogue giant women in a large metropolis. There is little they won't do to try to fix the situation.
Finally, regarding Kelly meeting Casey... you'll have to wait and see :P. I think you'll like it when it happens (I guess no one has any doubts it will happen).