Date: January 06 2015 4:40 AM Title: Chapter 7. Second chances
Lisa said it best "fun and power... an intoxicating combination"
I absolutely love the details you've placed in to really bring the scale of these two ladies to life. Like when Lisa realizes that the buildings near her were crotch level or the guard towers with Casey were at or below her knee. Like both of these giantesses in their own way, Lisa's general playful attitude at wanting to truly enjoy her fun this time around and not waste this opportunity also like Casey's attitude of wanting to be son kind of giant queen or goddess. I kinda had a feeling that she would completely level the prison but I was hoping she'd find some prisoners and relieve some stress with them(would've been even better if she knew them). Really liked how you described the utter chaos in the courtyard that she was oblivious to and how she apologized only because she didn't want to squish them yet.(at least that's how i saw it) Can't wait till Casey gets her hands or fingers on her former boyfriend and fulfills the fantasy of hers that she revealed to Lisa.
Anyways spectacular chapter. Big fan of these characters and this story in general. As well as the details that bring this story to life. Remarkable job and looking forward to more.
Author's Response:
Wow, thanks for the very positive and very detailed feedback! It's both encouraging and also helpful to know what to do and what to avoid as I work in future stories.
One of the things I tried to improve in Volume 2 vs Volume 1 was precisely around the areas that you are mentioning. I wanted to convey the size and effects of the giant protagonists in a way that felt natural (avoiding too many mentions to exact heights), so I tried to use as many references as possible and also to introduce different viewpoints, including many from the people around them and that do not share their size.
About Casey and relieving stress... she will definitely feel the need to do that. While in the prison, she is too excited about being big again, but she will get used to the size soon enough, don't worry ;)
I really appreciate you taking the time to let me know what you think about the story and the way I wrote it (I would appreciate it even if you did not like it so much :P).