Date: January 31 2016 4:24 AM Title: Chapter 1. Amber
Once again I love the renders, beautifully done!
Author's Response:
Thanks :)
More to come!
Date: October 15 2015 3:13 AM Title: Chapter 1. Amber
The renders really help with the story, love them!
Author's Response:
Thanks! I'm glad you like them. SorenZer0 has a great talent and I think that he did a great job of illustrating scenes of the story in a very realistic way
Date: May 25 2015 1:52 PM Title: Chapter 1. Amber
Hi, not trying to sound impatient but is Volume 3 coming out any time soon... if at all?
And uh, just so we're clear Kelly thinks she got everyone inside the FSD building and is unaware that Mendel and several of his assistants got away?
Lastly, the results that they got from adding Kelly's DNA sample:
Will there be more in-depth on that?
Thank you (And congrats on your 50th review!! [lol])
Author's Response:
Well, it has been barely 10 days since I posted the last chapter of Volume 2... :)
I need to say that in these last 10 days I've progressed quite a lot in Volume 3. Now I'm at a point where I'm pretty sure it will be completed. I've written more than half of the story already and I have a clear outline of the other half. Having said that, and considering how long the story will be (it looks like it will be more or less as long as Volume 2), it will still take me a while to finish it. And once it's finished, I will need to re-read it a couple of times and probably make some changes for consistency, to try to prevent major plot holes, to rearrange some chapters to make the overall flow better...
All this takes time. Honestly, I think it will take me weeks to have the first draft of the complete story. Then some more time to do the proof reading, corrections and relayout, ...
Honestly, I don't think I will start posting this story before I'm back from summer vacation. I would not like to start posting a couple of chapters and then stop for 3-4 weeks. I intend on keeping my usual weekly schedule, that gives me some time to re-read and make the final adjustments to each chapter before posting it. This has helped me quite a lot to improve many things in Volume 2, so I will keep it. So... I think you should expect something in the August/September timeframe.
Having said that... you must be starting to like the story more than it seemed to be so willing to get the next installement ready ;P
On your plot questions:
- Yes, Kelly thinks that she has got rid of everyone in the FSD and is unaware that anyone got away
- In one of the chapters I've not written yet there will be some more details about what they got from Kelly's DNA sample and further theory on the girls' growth
PS: Thank you for the congratulations. I was quite happy with the amount of reviews I was getting with this story, since feedback s what keeps me motivated to write and post, but your reviews of the last couple of chapters definitely helped reaching the "50" milestone :)
Date: May 18 2015 7:11 PM Title: Chapter 1. Amber
Look, I appreciate you not spoiling the ending for the sake of other viewers though I will admit, if Kelly just wins, no questions asked and gets everything her way, I will not be happy with that type of ending. (There's too many stories like that on this website).
The only way these volumes would work would be if: Volume 1 Kelly is first introduced to growth, 2 Kelly decides she wants it, and has her victory, and 3: despite her belief that she beat the FSD, she gets backstabbed and dies miserably (or something along those lines)
If I wrote it, I would have Kelly either win only to die of a combination of dehydration and exhaustion.
Speaking of which, she has already gone a whole day without water, right? That's gonna be taxing, on her body, especially if she hasn't taken a break yet.
I figured she would have to take the long way to D.C. (to avoid crushing so many) because she has some limits and isn't swelled up that just wreck em. Besides, it's not like she's in a hurry, right?
All the same, I will respect your decisions, even if I hold a strong opposition to them.
Also I checked SorenZer0's artwork and I found it humourous. I thought Kelly was blond though.
Author's Response:
Kelly has never been blond... I beleive there were many points in Volume 1 where she was described and she has always had brown hair...
Your suggestion on how the volumes of the trilogy should be organized makes sense. It's one of the many possibilities. In any case, I have already decided how the story will end... and I'm still not telling :)
As for dehydration: the story does not follow the girls contantly. There are time jumps between chapters. There are some things that are shown once they have already happened, without details on how they happened. I did not include any description of the girls drinking, but they could have drunk at different times when the narrator was not following them. One of the most logical ones would have been when they were at the river.
As for her trek to DC... she is not in a hurry, but she wants to get there. How she will do it should be seen at the beginning of Volume 3.
As always, thanks for the feedback.

Date: May 17 2015 6:02 PM Title: Chapter 1. Amber
Well I am definitely glad you warned us ahead of time about the last chapter. I would have been like whhhaaaa!??!?!! But still it will be a good set up to volume 3. Good story I really hope you do keep at it. love the deviant art pic btw. I think this series was really the only thing going on that kept my interest on this site. I'll definitely be checking in from time to time to see if you updated :)
Author's Response:
Well, thanks again for your positive feedback. As you know, this is what encourages me to write. You have been one of the most regular reviewers of the story so you can be sure that if Volume 3 ever gets done, it will be, in part, thanks to you.
I knew that some people would be surprised by the sudden ending this week; that's why I took the opportunity to warn those of you that have been posting reviews regularly. I had doubts on whether to merge the epilogue and Chapter 23 or not, but I decided against it. Chapter 23 was very self-conained by itself, and the epilogue had a different mission, which was to set the stage for Volume 3. Still, I knew that if I did not let people know about the fact that the storyline will continue many would feel the ending was too abrupt.
I'm glad that you like the DA pic. SorenZer0 is a very talented artist; he has been amongst my favority for a long time and I took the chance that he had opened a Patreon account to commission the character design and render to him. I plan on commissioning some more. SorenZer0 is great at doing giantess in the city scenes and I have plenty of ideas on scenes I would like him doing, so the limit on the quantity/speed will be budget (which is always best as a restriction than just lack of options :).
Was Kelly how you imagined her? I need to commission the characters of Lisa and Casey and I'd like to know the opinion from someone that should have a very clear picture in mind of Kelly.
Date: May 17 2015 1:51 PM Title: Chapter 1. Amber
Having looked at your latest review, you said it would span over a couple of days.
From this I will assume that there is an endgame to Kelly's brief but destructive reign.
Possibly Ron and Mendel trying to stop Kelly before she reaches Washington?
Because the damage she will cause along the way: It'll be like
Percy Jackson: The Last Olympian, only on a slightly smaller scale.
Might I suggest you have longer, fewer chapters? That might ease your time constraints. It will also make us not have to wait as long for the ending
But don't worry about it... it's your story.
Author's Response:
Well, the story lasting a couple or three days means basically that it will cover that span of time... It does not mean anything else :)
The possibilities are endless: Ron and Mendel may find the way to stop her, something else will happen that puts an end to her, she will prevail over everyone and everything and I will end the story there... who knows? I don't usually give away anything about future chapters, so for sure I'm not going to reveal how the entire story ends :)
I see you have hopes that they will be able to stop Kelly before she reaches Washington. Again trying not to reveal too much, just a little bit of timing:
Kelly left Hollner while Ron was still trapped on the tower. She got to the FSD a few minutes later and Mendel barely made it out. In the epilogue Mendel has already been working for some time in a way to counter Kelly's growth and Ron, who has been rescued from the tower, has been brought to the new investigation lab. This implies that some time has passed since Kelly flattened the FSD. In the range of a few hours. I'm afraid that's time enough for Kelly to get to Washington considering how fast she can move. In the end, Washington is not that far away from the FSD.
As for the destruction she will cause: well, with her size, it's kind of unavoidable.
Regarding chapters: I'm trying to organize the chapters based on storyline. Some of them focus on one character only in one particular scenario and others try to cover a few story arcs that are happening at the same time. That's how I write, as a matter of fact. I try to make chapters self-contained and to allow some discontinuities between chapters (where some things can be explained as "already happened"). Trying to merge some chapters together after they have been written would be a little bit unnatural. Having said this... the average chapter length in Volume 2 has been about 4,000 words. Leaving the epilogue aside, there are no chapters shorter than 2,000 words and some are longer than 6,000. I would say that they are long enough, considering what is usually the norm in this genre...

Date: May 16 2015 5:13 PM Title: Chapter 1. Amber
Wow, surprised to see Kelly coming out on top in this one. She is byfar my favorite character in this . I am a bit worried for how the third installment will play out given that Kelly is now at a size where causing immense destruction is virtually unavoidable with every motion she makes and regular interaction with people is pretty mcuh impossible.
Personally that's why I'm usually not keen on stories where people are shrunk to microscopic levels or the opposite when a giantess is so huge that regular people are near unnoticeable. But, given how wel and creatively l you've handled the giantess content so far, I'm still very intereted.
Reading the bit of back and forth that went on, in the reviews about how some of the girls feats are physically possible down to the actions of the military, I do admit I have moments where I read giantess wrecking havoc and think " Man, in real life we'd probably just nuke the shit out of her" whenever an army tries to fight back. But in general I approach these stories with a suspension of disbelief. Focusing on every last minute detail and trying to be too close to reality can make it boring (and morbid/disgusting if you think of other logical problems that Kelly would face).
I must admit though, given how intricate your series is though and how you're introducing physics into it along with Kelly and Casey being adamant on keeping their size, I do keep wondering how they'll sustain themselves. For all the problems they're causing, I can't help but keep thinking " Worse comes to worse, Kelly will just die within a week since there's no way for her to get enough food and water to survive."
Author's Response:
Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad that you like the way I've been writing the series so far and that you have it in such a high regard. It's encouraging!
First of all, let me tell you that after reading your comment I'm convinced that we both share a very common approach in our giantess' preferences. I could not help but agreeing with almost everything you wrote as I read through your omment. It almost felt as if you had written what I had in mind when I started with Volume 2.
I'm usually very happy to reply to everyone's comments (and I've been very glad that there has been a group of people that have taken the time and effort to provide regular feedback about what I have been posting). I'm especially keen on trying to provide some additional insight to some of your comments and to hear back from you if you have any additional questions.
Let me start by the middle: I have to admit that I was a little surprised about the level of scientific/reality scrutiny in some of the comments. One of the things I was more proud of when writing the story was that I tried to keep it plausible as much as possible (considering that the entire starting point of any giantess fantasy is completely impossible). I honestly thought that I had done a decent enough job at doing that, so the strength of the criticism in some of the comments puzzled me a little. In the end, once engaged in the conversation, it has even been helpful to fine tune some of the things I had in mind (without too big changes, I have to admit). Still, it made me wonder if maybe the job I had done had not been as decent as I thought.
Then, I read your comment and realized that you had explained perfectly what I had in mind: there needs to be a ertain level of latitude in order to keep the fun. Otherwise this would be hard science fiction but boring as hell. Still, I tried to keep accuracy in as many things as it made sense, to help in getting the plausibility I was looking for. Judging from your review I think that I managed to keep the right balance, at least for you :)
Let me go to the beginning now: Kelly is also my favorite character. If this was real life she probably would not be. She is not as bad as Casey, but she is arrogant and is getting dellusional. Lisa is a much nicer person. But this is a giantess fantasy story and in its context, Kelly is the funniest character to write about. It would be hard for me to write a complete story about Casey. And even harder to write one about Lisa (that would be boring). The combination of the three is what made this story interesting to write to me and Kelly has a central role, with a character which is flexible and adaptable enough to help me make the story progress.
Now, about her new size: I need to admit that I don't like stories with microscopic people or huge giantesses either. My favorite sizes have always been in the 100-300ft range (precisely the sizes the first two volumes have focused on), since they offer the women a lot of possibilities but still make the interaction with the world and its people easy. In Volume 2, this size was especially interesting when writing Kelly who, during most of the story, just played with her surroundings. The bigger giantesses get, the harder it is to interact with the people, as you mention. And as you'll have seen in this story, like you, what I like is interaction.
So, why did I decide to make Kelly grow so big? When I wrote the outline of Volume 2 I had the entire story figured out until the ending. The catfight between Lisa and Casey had to end up in some way. Either the girls were reduced, as in Volume 1, or something else had to happen. I was tempted to make them small again, but it did not feel right. Up to some point, it felt like Groundhog Day. I did not see anyone teaming up with anyone else. None of the potential alliances made sense in the long run, and besides, it would have kept the story running in loops (one girl down, two roaming the city doing whatever that had already been done). There had to be something that changed the status quo, and this being a giantess story, I decided to make one of the girls grow.
Of course, the only logical choice was Kelly. I did not even think about the possibility of making Lisa grow and if Casey had been the one to become huge, any story from then onwards could have only been Casey rampaging this or Casey rampaging that and it would have become boring too (at least to me). Kelly was the only one that could grow and still be interesting to write. So, that's what I did. And I chose a much much bigger size than the one I typically like because I did not want to turn this story in a growth contest where every girl gets a hundred feet taller in an attempt to be the one on top. It would not have played well in the universe I had thought of. Whenever Kelly grew, it had to be evident that she was the one in charge, so that’s what I did.
This choice helped me end Volume 2 at a point where even if the storyline is not concluded, I think the story feels complete enough to close it. And it set the ground for Volume 3. This choice also means that Volume 3 will be much more challenging to write. Kelly’s new size does not feel so natural to me when I’m writing about it, but I decided to take the challenge and see what would come out (hopefully it will still be decent enough…). And since what I like is interaction, I can tell you that one of the things I’m keeping my focus while writing the first few drafts of Volume 3 is precisely Kelly’s interactions with the world from her new perspective. As she stated in her speech, she wants to rule. And this means that she has to interact with the people, so she will try. Of course, with her size the amount of destruction will grow exponentially since, as you mention, it’s quite unavoidable. And this will also end up having an impact in Kelly, who was already getting a little too detached from reality by the end of Volume 2. But still, she won’t be just an oversized version of Casey. Kelly is much more complex than that.
Having said all this, I’ll try to keep making the story as plausible as possible within the rules I already set for this fiction world. I hope that I will be able to achieve the objective. I would not think too much about Kelly dying due to lack of food. The story will take place immediately after Volume 2 and will not span more than a couple or three days.
Thanks again for reviewing and for the positive feedback!
Date: May 16 2015 12:59 PM Title: Chapter 1. Amber
So I just read the epilogue, and I gotta say, it has a great prelude for Volume: 3.
I'm going to assume the helicopters were a decoy, to trick Kelly, while train took Mendel and Howard safely away.
Seeing as you decided to have them survive but without Kelly knowing, means they will be spending a long time preparing to confront Kelly. After all, they are not idiots like Archer and Sykes.
I just have one thing to ask.
WTF do you mean she can move at the speed of sound??? Being bigger doesn't make you faster! It's the other way around
In dry air at 20 °C (68 °F), the sound barrier is reached when an object moves at a speed of 343 metres per second
If you mean she cover a thousand feet with a single step, that's a different story. Being able to raise and lower a foot in the same motion is virtually impossible without possibly breaking one's ankle. Let me explain through wikipedia:
Human walking is accomplished with a strategy called the double pendulum. During forward motion, the leg that leaves the ground swings forward from the hip. This sweep is the first pendulum. Then the leg strikes the ground with the heel and rolls through to the toe in a motion described as an inverted pendulum. The motion of the two legs is coordinated so that one foot or the other is always in contact with the ground. The process of walking recovers approximately sixty per cent of the energy used due to pendulum dynamics and ground reaction force.[28][29]
Walking differs from a running gait in a number of ways. The most obvious is that during walking one leg always stays on the ground while the other is swinging. In running there is typically a ballistic phase where the runner is airborne with both feet in the air (for bipedals).
Another difference concerns the movement of the centre of mass of the body. In walking the body "vaults" over the leg on the ground, raising the centre of mass to its highest point as the leg passes the vertical, and dropping it to the lowest as the legs are spread apart. Essentially kinetic energy of forward motion is constantly being traded for a rise in potential energy. This is reversed in running where the centre of mass is at its lowest as the leg is vertical. This is because the impact of landing from the ballistic phase is absorbed by bending the leg and consequently storing energy in muscles and tendons. In running there is a conversion between kinetic, potential, and elastic energy.
There is an absolute limit on an individual's speed of walking (without special techniques such as those employed in speed walking) due to the upwards acceleration of the centre of mass during a stride - if it's greater than the acceleration due to gravity the person will become airborne as they vault over the leg on the ground. Typically however, animals switch to a run at a lower speed than this due to energy efficiencies.
So in other words, every time Kelly lifts one foot, the other foot stays planted for at least a couple of seconds. In fact it would take, most likely a total of ten seconds for her to complete a single step. Otherwise she'd go right through the Earth's crust.
That's another thing. Her weight at this point would be enough for her to sink through the ground.
If she is 17,00 ft and was about 5 ft 6 to begin with, she is over 300 times her size.
That means she probably weighs around 100-200 tons. Unless she is lighter than she should be.
Otherwise, good job!
Keep it up!
Author's Response:
Well, I'm glad you liked the way it ended and it linked with Volume 3 (hopefully it will get done).
The helicopters were not decoys sent on purpose to let the doctors flee... it's more that the ones in charge made sure to bring the really important people to the secret train station while they did not bother to warn the rest of the considerably amount of people working at the FSD, some of them pretty high level executives, who tried to flee through the road or by helicopter. In the end, this helped slow Kelly down, although not really that much. The important part was that the station was so deep underground that it could hold even when Kelly stomped on the complex.
As for your comment on the speed of sound: you are probably right. I know walking speed follows a pendulum law, but I just did not want to overcomplicate things so much. I'm using a fairly linear approach when converting the women's size into speed. I know this is not accurate, but this has been the traditional norm in the majority of giantess stories for a long time and at some point I decided that the increase in strength and reflexes of the girls could partially compensate "the inaccuracies".
Having said this, Kelly's stride is now almost 700 feet long; I guess we can argue for a long time about how long she will need to take that stride and how long she will need to keep her foot on the ground, but honestly, I'm not writing hard science fiction here. This is still fantasy and I believe that considering the fact that the starting point of the story is impossible (everyone knows human beings cannot grow and that if they could they would not be able to stand or even breathe) I've made a reasonable enough effort to keep the story plausible.
I'll keep on making references to Kelly's speed and other consequences of her new size in Vol. 3 and my intention is to keep at this level. If I tried to include the pendulum law into the story I'm afraid we would end up with a "disfunctional" mega giantess, since she would not be able to adjust her movement to the fast paced world around her. And while this might be what a standard science approach would request (considering the girls are not much stronger and agile than they should), it would be plain boring...
As for your last comment: at her size Kelly weights in excess of 1 million tons. Of course her feet break through the earth's surface every time she takes a step. And they sink quite deep. Heads up: I did not bother to research how much her feet should actually sink through each different type of surface.
Seeing that Vol. 3 is going to devote quite a lot of time to Kelly at her current size, I'm sure that you will find plenty more to comment when it's release. The bigger the girls get the less realistic I'm afraid some of the science will become. Again, my main purpose is to keep the story plausible in the context of fantasy. Even if I'm trying to bring physics into the story when it makes sense (precisely to support that objective), I'm not trying to write hard science fiction
Date: May 16 2015 6:06 AM Title: Chapter 1. Amber
This is the last time I post before I read the epilogue, I promise.
It has to do with what you said about:
The guys that created the formula did not create any fancy methods to take the girls down because they never imagined that the girls would grow again. Apart from that, they did not have enough data from what had happened in Volume 1 to realize that the girls would be so tough and so hard to beat using more conventional methods... Of course, after what happened in Volume 2, if anyone would grow again in Volume 3, you can be sure that the army would be more ready for that
I mean the Army (Archer and Sykes). And to imagine never growing again especially when they ran tests on them seems extremely naïve. Even if they were sure, they should still have been prepared for the worst-case scenario: we are incredibly paranoid these days (construction of all those hydrogen bombs during Cold War)
On the other hand, missiles shot by fighters rely either on heat or on radar. Neither will work well on Kelly. And it's not as if the planes can stay in position to manually guide the missiles (that's not how it works...). One could argue that they could have shot a few Tomahawks on her and guide them visually
Not to sound like a bigot here, but I know that satellites are also capable of guiding missiles, and while it's fine they didn't do it the first time, well the second time seemed nutty. As I said before, sending tanks was just as crazy as sending soldiers.I'm just saying that the pilots wouldn't need to be so close. Kelly's a pretty easy target to hit now.
It has been implied a few times in the story that whatever made the girls grow only works on females. I intend to keep it like this.
(sigh) I expected this response as much. That's why this site is called ____________ and all. The other thing I had in mind was converting the formula to increase the user's strength instead of their size but that would be too "Superman". Well thanks for giving the heads up ahead of time.
I also wondered if people were considering, killing Kelly from the inside, by entering her ear canals??
Thanks, again!
Author's Response:
Well, I can agree that the army was under-prepared. In any case, if they had been extra-paranoid they would not have been ready for them growing again... they would have killed them (or locked them twenty stories underground) in the first place. Unfortunately, then there would have been no story...
Fighters do not tend to shoot satellite guided missiles unless they make special preparations for that. Satellite guided missiles tend to be used to attach fixed targets on the ground (or very slow moving targets like ships). Kelly is neither of those. I see that I will not convince you here but I honestly believe that sending a few anti-tank helicopters looks like a logical enough course of action... The tanks and the soldiers were just meant for support and to take care of the situation once the women had been taken care of. Besides, Kelly is pretty easy to hit once she has grown again, but when the army was sent the women were "just" 250 feet tall. That's what the operation was prepared to fight, not a Mega-Kelly
The fact that there are no giants in the story is basically because I don't enjoy too much the giant couples topic and I don't think I would enjoy writing about it. So, in the rules of the world I created, the formula does not work on men. As for strength without size: I guess that we will need to give the scientists some more time to research, now that they are on the right direction. Unfortunately, right now they are a little busy trying to make Kelly smaller...
As for ways to kill her: the main problem people face when they are trying to find ways to defeat Kelly is that it seems that she grows every time she is about to die. So, it's not such an easy decision to make.
Epilogue will be posted within the hour. I don't think it will clarify many of your doubts, but it will set the stage for Volume 3. I'm curious to see what you think about it...
Date: May 15 2015 3:18 PM Title: Chapter 1. Amber
OK thanks, I just want to clear up a few things with you...
My name was random, and yes I must admit, I have been tagging along with this story, in hopes that it would improve... I can't say it's entirely disappointing though... I do like the idea of Casey becoming Kelly's bitch.
Superstrength: It was not obvious in Volume 1. Still, for the girls to be able to even walk at their new sizes, they would need to be much stronger than at regular size. Otherwise, following the common theory that weight increases with the cube of the growth factor but strength only with the square, the girls would die crushed by their weights. In Volume 2, since they have got bigger, the increase in strength should have been even higher. And, having said that... I guess that you are not happy with some of the time and words I invested into trying to explain the theory behind their original and second growth, but in the conversations between Ron and Dr. Mendel I think it was clear that they had messed quite a lot with the girls' genes while trying to make them big again, and that once everything was unlocked, they were not completely sure about how many other things they had unlocked, besides the size. Well, in my mind, one of these things was super-strenght. You may like superstrength in a story or not... but at least I tried to explain where it is coming from. By the way, once I started writing a story about girls growing to 250 feet tall, I was under the impression that adding superstrength in the mix was not really going to make the story any less believable. I tried (as many authors do) to add some sort of bullshit scientific component to the story, since I think it makes it more interesting, but in the end this is fantasy, not science-fiction, and in fantasy there are no limits as long as you follow the rules you have set to yourself on how the universe works (which I tried to do, with partial success, according to your comment)
Well, duh of course they are stronger... but in my opinion they seem too strong. Being able to hurl your opponent into a building, several blocks away... that means you could lift at least four times your own weight. A bit overkill if you ask me...
Megalomania: I never said that Kelly or Casey were goddesses. They said that of themselves. And I think that throughout the story it should have been clear that Casey is a pshycho-bitch and that Kelly is gradually falling into a dellusional state (let's call it megalomania). I agree with you that both of them are pretty bad and that Kelly is just trying to fool herself (she still is a little better than Casey, but the results are almost that bad, no matter what she thinks). But I think you should not confuse what a character does with what the author thinks... (otherwise one should start getting worried about Frank Miller's or Cristopher Nolan's mental health after writing the Joker). I understand you think Kelly is stupid to think she is a goddess... well, I never said she was right to think so :)
I apologize for giving you that impression. FYI, I AM concerned for Frank Miller's mental health (LOL). Because if you read the The Dark Knight Returns series, you will find that he has portrayed Superman in the worst possible light.
The army's behavior: true, Kelly would not be able to fight back against fighter jets. And fighter jets can fire missiles from beyond visual distance. A problem with missiles, though, is that they are either heat seeking or guided by radar. As far as I know, Kelly is not made of metal... and as for heat, she has a regular 98ºF body temperature (not what heat seeking missiles are used to target). So, at some point, someone in the fictional military in my fictional story decided that a closer range attack was needed. One where they could guide weapons manually. Foot soldiers, of course, were not sent to try to kill her. But if the army had any expectations to kill her, then foot soldiers would have been needed in any case to secure the area and deal witht he body (and remember, she was 250 feet when they sent them)
I must object here again: Kelly's temp would have increased with her size or she'd be freezing standing so close to the stratosphere (it's as cold as the Antarctic). Also the fighter jets don't rely that much on thermal radiation, and even then they would not need to get that close (unless it's a really cloudy day) because Kelly would be visible even from two miles above ground.
Operation Goliath: explained in Chapter 6 (fast reponse force in case a giant appears); brought back later when General Archer orders his troops to attack following operation Goliath (Chapter 22), after the reducer fails. I guess you were expecting a more sophisticated method to deal with a giant woman, but I believe that the army had underestimated the threat... (after all, their previous exposure to the risk the woman represented had been very minimal). You consider it's bad story writing... It may be, but I think you might have missed a chapter or two before writing your comment.
Yes, I did expect that the guys that created the formula for giants, would have also developed more sufficient methods to take them down.
Demise of Sykes and Archer: no one would go to ground zero to deal with a zombie epidemic. This is mostly due to the fact that zombies are contagious... as far as I know, giant women are not contagious. Archer is treating them more like terrorists than anything else, and you typically deal with a terrorist threat by commanding in the field. Beisdes, Archer is ambitious and he was under the impression that they would easily defeat the women and then he would be on the field to take the credit for it. It was implied a few times along the story (this was the purpose of Sykes point of view the entire time)
I gotta say, that makes some sense, but not much... After seeing Kelly and Casey wipe out their first wave, you'd think that General Archer would have realized the error of his ways.
The fact that the military has been able to assemble a force and strike the women is already impressive enough... As for which other methods will the military try to employ against them, I guess you will need to wait until Volume 3. Of course, they will not sit idle...
- I'm not closing the story. There will be a Volume 3. No one will want Kelly to roam free. The story will deal about what they will try and what she will do. It will also deal with the new situation Casey and Lisa have to face.
I got, by this time, that you hate Kelly and would like to see her pay for what she has done. WHo knows what will happen... It's almost as hard to tell as whether you will continue reading Volume 3 when it's done, despite how little you seem to like it.
I probably will read it, because I have been real bored due to waiting for my favourite comics to come out... I also will check up on this in hopes having some level of satisfaction as the story comes to a close.
Final Thoughts:
I want to add something that I forgot to mention earlier... I don't think Kelly is the most natural of the three... I think it's Lisa. She might seem like a truly good-hearted person but at the same time, she is the most logical thinker of the three. She hates her size and does not try to abuse it, because she knows she will be treated by the rest of the world as an outcast.
I usually just go onto this site to "jerk off" because some of these stories are really sexually arousing... But every now and then I find a story that might actually be worth reading: BFG Angleland, Toxicity, and Yet Another Threat to Humanity come to mind. I also study this writing and use it to improve my stories
(none of them are size fetish based)
BTW, I would like to see the idea of male giant confronting Kelly. Ever since the beginning of Side Effects 2, I'd wondered if the 'growth' would have different effects on a guy than it would a gal, or it just depends on personality... either way it would be nice to see a "battle of the sexes". It also seems totally plausible considering that Ron still has the formula (unless I'd missed something) and I had initially thought that male giant was the brainchild for Operation Goliath.
Thanks for your valuable information!!! I appreciate it!
P.S. can you send me the link for the epilogue? I really would like to see it.
Author's Response:
Well, thanks for taking the time again. I guess that the fact that the story is not entirely disappointing and that you will probably read Volume 3 is good news. It may not be that bad... :P
- I think I explained why the girls had been able to get superstrength. I realize you do not like the concept of superstrength in a giant, but I can hardly do anything about that... everyone has its own taste
- The guys that created the formula did not create any fancy methods to take the girls down because they never imagined that the girls would grow again. Apart from that, they did not have enough data from what had happened in Volume 1 to realize that the girls would be so tough and so hard to beat using more conventional methods... Of course, after what happened in Volume 2, if anyone would grow again in Volume 3, you can be sure that the army would be more ready for that
- Kelly is not nearly close to the stratosphere. In the last chapter, Kelly is roughly 1,700 feet tall, about the size of a super-skyscraper like the Sears Tower and shorter than the Burj Khalifa. It's not freezing on the roof of these buildings. I'm afraid that in my story, Kelly can continue living perfectly well with a body temperature of 98F... On the other hand, missiles shot by fighters rely either on heat or on radar. Neither will work well on Kelly. And it's not as if the planes can stay in position to manually guide the missiles (that's not how it works...). One could argue that they could have shot a few Tomahawks on her and guide them visually... but I just did not feel that this would be the first thing the army would think about. They were sure that a few gunships and tanks would be enough, and that is what they sent. After all, it SHOULD have been enough, had the girls not been much tougher than expected as a result of the side effects of the formula. Besides, one thing the army would have definitely tried to achieve was to have its presence felt once the girls were brought down.
- After Kelly and Casey wipe out the first wave, Archer is too furious and too worried that his tactical mistake will look bad on him to think that he is in danger. In the end, it's not as if he is sitting in the middle of the street with a bulls-eye painted in his back. He is commanding the operations from a building pretty far away, and it's not as if the girls are bringing half of the city down at that point.
Regarding which is the most natural girl... I guess everyone will agree it's not Casey. And Lisa is definitely the more human (she is the only one that is still thinking like a human, I would add). You can say that this means she is the more natural. Kelly sees herself as the only one that has really understood the situation, but of course, that could be her own dellusion. In the end, each of the girls is like she is and what I tried in the story is to at least keep them consistent to their characters and make them evolve as someone like them could have plausibly done. I understand that there will be many opinions here and that some people would have made different choices, but in the end this is the story I wrote.
Finally: there won't be male giants in Side Effects. It has been implied a few times in the story that whatever made the girls grow only works on females. I intend to keep it like this.
The epilogue will be posted here later today.
Date: May 14 2015 4:52 PM Title: Chapter 1. Amber
Listen, I don't mean to be a hater here, but there are so many inconsistencies in this story that I do not really like it.
Firsth there's the super strength issue:
Not only are these woman giants, but they also are much stronger than they should be. I know that was intentional and I think it was ridiculous. The original formula didn't have any effect like that in Side Effects 1 right? This seems like an excuse to make them feel invincible.
Then there's Kelly's new size:
As far as I am concerned, that came to you in the middle of Side Effects 2, because your story focused on 100-500 ft. It was another excuse to keep this story going on so you could make Volume 3. And I think that's a bad idea? What else would there be to show aside from Kelly squashing more people and buildings?
Kelly is by no means, a goddess. Neither is Casey. Both of them are just naïve sadistic bitches that have lost all regard for human life. Kelly might think she's being 'fair' but she's only fooling herself. As or Casey, we all know she was insane from the start.
My point is, she didn't get chosen by divine selection. Ron made it happen, and he also made the antidote.
And now Kelly has declare undeserved sovereignty and tryanny not just over the City of Hollner, but the World? That just shows how stupid she is.A nd I don't like that.
On the other hand, people value their freedom more than their lives. Kelly expects them to be obedient but so far, no go, even after her latest transformation. In my opinion, this should make Kelly realize that she will never be accepted as a Goddess... unless the writer decides to do something silly.
Then there's the illogicity of the army's behaviour:
Who in their right mind would send FOOOTSOLDIERS to take on a skyscraper? Even using tanks are ridiculous. The airforce would be the only chance of confronting her head on without being caught (cause they fly at speeds of 700km) and you decide to make them stupid enough to fly too CLOSE?? Raptor jets would not need to get closer than 25 km at the closest. That's 82021 feet away from her where she could even hope to hit them with her super breath.
Then there's Operation Goliath:
We first heard about it in Chapter 6 and since then we have learned nothing about it!!! What the hell is it already?? You can't continue to leave us in the dark or say that you forgot, because that is BAD STORYWRITING. Please mention it at some point in Volume 3.
Then there's the untimely and impractical demise of Sykes and Archer:
Let me ask you a question: If there was a zombie outbreak and you were trying to stop... the first you'd do is STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM GROUND ZERO. In this case, Ground Zero is Hollner. So the two bumbling officers decide to go to a building located THERE! Stupid. From what I know about Sykes and Archer, they may be fools, but even they have common sense to stay away from danger.
Then there's the matter of the outside world:
By this point, the whole world has seen the devastation caused by K, C and L. What are the reactions of world leaders? The United Nations? The fucking AREA 51 Development and Research against unknown threats?
I gotta say, it's ludicrous that a foreign country has not tried to nuke Kelly by now. After she did just effectivley demand everyone to fall in line behind her. I heard someone say 'no even a nuke can stop her' and I disagree whole-heartedly. The fact is she can still feel missiles even they don't actually hurt her. And these missiles seem to be so far no more than the ones capable of destroying tanks.
I'd like to see her laugh off Tsar Bomba, the most destructive bomb in existence. Unless there is Plot-Induced-Stupidity (PIS), she won't survive the explosion let alone the exposure to radiation
The logical explanation that I'd accept is that people are afraid of causing more deaths and possible starting nuclear war.
And finally let's talk about the ending:
You said about Ron that he has a chance to redeem himself and fix the mess he created in the first place. I do hope you intend to explore that. There will be no closure if Kelly is allowed to roam free. In fact I'm thinking of a twist where Kelly and Casey are both reduced and only Lisa stays giant. That would be dramatice irony: the one person who hates being a giant, remains one.
Speaking of irony, it would be nice if Kelly got a taste of her own medicine. Like say the reducer worked 'a little too well' and she got stepped by Ron or something. 'Cause I gotta say, she has become even more hateful than Casey. At least Casey knows doesn't care about being accepted. But Kelly actually thinks she can teach the 'littles a lesson'.
I hope you take your time to read my notes. As I said before, I don't mean to be hater, but I think you should do more research and be more logical if you want to have a decent storyline?
One last thing: what's the link for the epilogue?
Author's Response:
Well, first of all I think I should thank you. From your comments it is quite clear that you did not like the stories at all. And yet, you took the time the read the 130,000+ words in both of them, together with the comments from other readers and my answers to those comments (since some of your references are to them and not the story), then you took the time to create an account and finally, you took the time to write two pages of feedback about different elements in almost every chapter of the story.
I need to say that while I may agree with some of your comments, I generally disagree with most. I guess that you'll interpret that as me not wanting to accept criticism and, well, it may be that, but the truth is that my feeling after reading your extense review is that you mostly don't like some (or a lot) of the things that happened in the story, that you don't like the type of characters I wrote about and that you are considering that anything you don't like is illogical or bad writing or lack of research or whatever...
I intend to respond to the comments you made (it may sound sarcastic, but after the considerable effort you put on this, I think that you deserve an answer). I have three questions for you first, though (of course, feel free not to answer them):
- The nick "IHategiants666" is truly meant to say that you have the concept of giant people (men and women)? In case that's true (maybe you prefer shrinking), I would be even more surprised that you read the entire two stories
- The story description for Volume 2 clearly specifies that it is mostly a giantess in the city scenario. I'm curious about what were your expectations about that...
- The important one: the fact that you have waited to the last chapter to make this comment is because you had liked the story so far and then suddenly Chapter 23 (and my comments about the story ending here) disappointed you completely (sort of like Lost's ending) or did you not like it all the way through and you just kept on reading in case it got better or more logical?
My comments to your points:
- Superstrength: It was not obvious in Volume 1. Still, for the girls to be able to even walk at their new sizes, they would need to be much stronger than at regular size. Otherwise, following the common theory that weight increases with the cube of the growth factor but strength only with the square, the girls would die crushed by their weights. In Volume 2, since they have got bigger, the increase in strength should have been even higher. And, having said that... I guess that you are not happy with some of the time and words I invested into trying to explain the theory behind their original and second growth, but in the conversations between Ron and Dr. Mendel I think it was clear that they had messed quite a lot with the girls' genes while trying to make them big again, and that once everything was unlocked, they were not completely sure about how many other things they had unlocked, besides the size. Well, in my mind, one of these things was super-strenght. You may like superstrength in a story or not... but at least I tried to explain where it is coming from. By the way, once I started writing a story about girls growing to 250 feet tall, I was under the impression that adding superstrength in the mix was not really going to make the story any less believable. I tried (as many authors do) to add some sort of bullshit scientific component to the story, since I think it makes it more interesting, but in the end this is fantasy, not science-fiction, and in fantasy there are no limits as long as you follow the rules you have set to yourself on how the universe works (which I tried to do, with partial success, according to your comment)
- Kelly's new size: believe it or not, I had it in mind since the beginning of Volume 2. I never post a story until I have the entire outline done. Volume 1 was about the girls growing, getting used to it, making differnet use of their size based on their very different characters and finally having things out of control. Volume 2 was intended to be a giantess in the city scenario with my favourite size of giantess involved and again witht three different girls with different characters, but with a much longer evolution, so that Casey's psycho attitude and Kelly's new approach to being big can have some background justification (which you may or may not like). I could have ended Volume 2 like Volume 1, with the girls being reduced. For many chapters I guess it felt like that. It was intentional on my side. But the truth is that I did not want the story to become groundhog day. And the only logical option if the girls were not reduced was to change the status quo (things were a little at a stalemate). And, call illogical... but a way I found to change the status quo in a giantess's story was to make one of the giants grow. Which, by the way, taking into account all the explanations about why the girls grew after they tried to kill them in the first place, was perfectly possible. As a matter of fact, Kelly, who had been the only girl to be awake when they tried to kill her and grew, had all the information she needed to make herself bigger.
- Megalomania: I never said that Kelly or Casey were goddesses. They said that of themselves. And I think that throughout the story it should have been clear that Casey is a pshycho-bitch and that Kelly is gradually falling into a dellusional state (let's call it megalomania). I agree with you that both of them are pretty bad and that Kelly is just trying to fool herself (she still is a little better than Casey, but the results are almost that bad, no matter what she thinks). But I think you should not confuse what a character does with what the author thinks... (otherwise one should start getting worried about Frank Miller's or Cristopher Nolan's mental health after writing the Joker). I understand you think Kelly is stupid to think she is a goddess... well, I never said she was right to think so :)
- The army's behavior: true, Kelly would not be able to fight back against fighter jets. And fighter jets can fire missiles from beyond visual distance. A problem with missiles, though, is that they are either heat seeking or guided by radar. As far as I know, Kelly is not made of metal... and as for heat, she has a regular 98ºF body temperature (not what heat seeking missiles are used to target). So, at some point, someone in the fictional military in my fictional story decided that a closer range attack was needed. One where they could guide weapons manually. Foot soldiers, of course, were not sent to try to kill her. But if the army had any expectations to kill her, then foot soldiers would have been needed in any case to secure the area and deal witht he body (and remember, she was 250 feet when they sent them).
- Operation Goliath: explained in Chapter 6 (fast reponse force in case a giant appears); brought back later when General Archer orders his troops to attack following operation Goliath (Chapter 22), after the reducer fails. I guess you were expecting a more sophisticated method to deal with a giant woman, but I believe that the army had underestimated the threat... (after all, their previous exposure to the risk the woman represented had been very minimal). You consider it's bad story writing... It may be, but I think you might have missed a chapter or two before writing your comment.
- Demise of Sykes and Archer: no one would go to ground zero to deal with a zombie epidemic. This is mostly due to the fact that zombies are contagious... as far as I know, giant women are not contagious. Archer is treating them more like terrorists than anything else, and you typically deal with a terrorist threat by commanding in the field. Beisdes, Archer is ambitious and he was under the impression that they would easily defeat the women and then he would be on the field to take the credit for it. It was implied a few times along the story (this was the purpose of Sykes point of view the entire time)
- Who in their right mind would shot a nuclear missile to the USA while the USA military is still trying to deal with the problem? That would be a declaration of war and would definitely be stupid! Besides, the girls have been in Hollner for about half a day. I'm afraid world leaders do not react that fast to things. The fact that the military has been able to assemble a force and strike the women is already impressive enough... As for which other methods will the military try to employ against them, I guess you will need to wait until Volume 3. Of course, they will not sit idle...
- I'm not closing the story. There will be a Volume 3. No one will want Kelly to roam free. The story will deal about what they will try and what she will do. It will also deal with the new situation Casey and Lisa have to face.
I got, by this time, that you hate Kelly and would like to see her pay for what she has done. WHo knows what will happen... It's almost as hard to tell as whether you will continue reading Volume 3 when it's done, despite how little you seem to like it.
Anyway, thanks for reading again.
Date: April 25 2015 9:05 AM Title: Chapter 1. Amber
please don't kill Lisa!
Author's Response:
As she has shown in this chapter, Lisa is tougher than everyone (including Casey) thought...
Date: February 21 2015 1:48 PM Title: Chapter 1. Amber
Becomes quite strange - Ron debarred, other people safely make mistakes and then tell him - it's your fault go and solve problems. He agrees, and as he says "we" he took responsibility for the mistakes of others before themselves Lisa :) I do not understand just why?
Author's Response:
Well, Ron is not completely free of blame. For a long time he has been testing on Lisa, even if she was his friend. And he started testing on Kelly as well. It's true that he not intend to hurt them and that his motives to keep some secrets from them were understandable, but he is not completely innocent, once things start going wrong.
On the other hand, it's true that he is taking more responsibility than he probably should, but this is, in the end, driven by the fact that he really appreciates Lisa and, being the only person in the FSD that knows her, he feels somehow compelled to help her. Of course, she does not see it like that, at least initially...
Date: February 07 2015 8:05 AM Title: Chapter 1. Amber
The full arsenal of mankind hasn't been unleashed yet. Heavy artillery, missiles, bio/chemical weapons, nukes. Does she believe that she's immune to these? And after her little speech on TV, the government now knows her intentions and will be less hesitant to use them.
I hope we have a moment at some point where Ron can confront Kelly, and maybe get to the truth. From the beginning, Ron has been as much a victim as anyone else. He didn't give the growth serum to the girls, and he's been trying to live up to his earlier successes, which now appears just to have been an accidental discovery, with no understanding of the process. And then the pressures that his bosses have placed on him to replicate that success. It seemed his one moment with Kelly was probably the most joy he's gotten out of the whole experience. And now, to him it appears that even that was tainted. Always rooting for the underdog.
Author's Response:
You are right, she has been barely tested. Right now Kelly has let the power get into her head and is acting with too much arrogance. The successful confrontation with the police has been too easy and has built on top of the power rush she was already feeling.
It's not as if the government needed her speech to react to her. She will, of course, meet more and harder resistance as she goes. As for what will happen then... I'll let you find out when it comes :)
As for Ron and Kelly, I'm afraid that giving any details would be too much of a spoiler. We will learn quite more about Ron, in any case. Ron is decent guy and has been a victim of many things that were out of his control. But we cannot forget that he has not been completely true to the girls, especially Lisa. He had good reasons not to be, but in the eyes of Lisa or even Kelly, who believes that he was behind the attempt on her life, he doesn't look completely innocent...
You'll find out more about the different relationships in future chapters, in any case.
Thanks for the review and the feedback. Hope you'll enjoy what remains of the story.

Date: January 31 2015 5:29 PM Title: Chapter 1. Amber
Once again great writing on a literal giantess story on a site where shrinking is usually the dominant competent used here.
Keeping Kelly as a humane giantess, but a bully makes it much more interesting to see how far she'll go when someone challenges her or when she loses her temper.
Author's Response:
Thanks so much for the feedback! I'm glad that you like the writing style. I hope you will continue enjoying the story (there's quite a lot of it left, still).
Kelly is definitely the main character on Volume 2 and the funniest character to write about. She kind of stayed in the background in Volume 1, so I owed her a lot more attention share in this second part. In the end, both Casey and Lisa have ended up being quite stereotypical. Casey was quite bitchy on Volume 1 already, and everything that happened since then have made her much worse. Lisa is kind of her opposite. On the other hand, Kelly is somewhere in between: she likes being giant and she likes what her size allows her to do, but she is not a mindless psycho. I think this is what makes her more interesting, since her reactions in front of different situations are more unpredictable (even when I'm writing about her, the possibilities about her detailed actions are very varied and I end up surprising myself about the ideas that come to me).
Of course, Kelly is not alone in the world, so she will need to react in front of external situations. She will get challenged and she will lose her temper in different situations. I hope that you will find the results interesting enough once that comes.
Date: January 22 2015 12:30 PM Title: Chapter 1. Amber
Will what Ron said to Lisa hold true? About since she was still breastfeeding she won't grow.
I was wondering that if this was true than it may increase her growth. Maybe even double it. That would actually be the only way yo stop both Kelly and Casey. Cause even though Kelly isn't as destructive as Casey she still doesn't want to become tiny again and may fight to stay giant.
Looking forward to see what happens next.
Author's Response:
The theory behind why Lisa has or has not grown will be further explained in coming chapters ;)
And you are right: there's no way Kelly will accept being reduced again. She just loves her new status. It will become more evident in the coming few chapters.

Date: January 12 2015 11:50 AM Title: Chapter 1. Amber
Since Casey sees herself as a goddess, will she have worshippers? I'd also like to see either Kelly or Casey ask/force some tinies to pamper their feet. I mean with all Casey's squishing of tiny people and just general debris their feet are gonna be quite dirty.(I would hope to see some toenail painting with regular house paint just so that they can feel pretty) I reread that visits chapter and I can't wait to see when Casey finds Kevin. For what its worth, I'd also like to see Kelly find love at this size.
Like i said before about Darlene, I just think that if her and Casey had some sort of prison relationship prior to her growth that it will definitely add some interesting interactions to this story and maybe even calm Casey down...(yeah maybe not haha)
These are just some suggestions, if they don't fit with what you've got planned please don't feel obligated to add them in as that will only hinder the story if you write something that you don't truly care about.
See-ya(for real)
Author's Response:
Hi again... let me finish with the answers :)
- Casey sees herself as a goddess. In fact, Kelly feels like that, as well. But in the context of this story this just means that they consider themselves so powerful that they are really above anyone else, which basically entitle them to do as they please. They are not so interested in the mystical aspect of it, like being worshipped.
- I'm afraid that we will not see Darlene again in this story... she has already played her part as a secondary viewpoint
- And as for the rest... there's not too much more I can say without spoiling the story
Volume 2 is pretty much done. I re-read, review and edit the chapters before posting them, which is the reason I need a few days between chapters (depending on how busy I am at the time). But the story is pretty much closed. I think you'll find quite a lot more things that you'll like and that you'll also miss some others. Hopefully you'll continue enjoying the story, though.
I really enjoy getting your feedback and discussing the details on the story with you. Please, keep the feedback coming!
Also, I'm more than open to discuss ideas and suggestions for other stories. Please, do not hesitate to contact me at if you want to do so.

Date: January 01 2015 5:05 PM Title: Chapter 1. Amber
Awesome so far. Glad you started part 2! Interesting to see how characters have changed since the first. Love the story keep it up! I think this will be a great balance because I do love the giantess in the city story and character development as well!!
Author's Response:
I'm happy to see that you are enjoying it.
The purpose of leaving 6 years between the first and second parts was to allow enough room for the characters to evolved based on the events of part 1 but also on what happened to them after those events. I knew I wanted to do a "giantess in the city" story with the characters, but it did not seem natural to force that in the timeline of Part 1 (Kelly was still wavering and while Casey would have probably gone for it, I wanted to introduce enough reasons for her to be even bitchier than she was in Part 1).
I hope that I will be able to keep the right balanace between the giantess in the city story and still being able to make the difference in characters relevant. You'll tell me if I got it!
Date: January 01 2015 9:44 AM Title: Chapter 1. Amber
I don't think there will be any holding back this time. I can't say I'm a fan of Cassie's behavior from the first book, so I fear that in addition to her, you'll have Kelly joining in the bitchiness. In addition they'll be out to kill Lisa, whom they blame for the recent bad years, and Ron, since he's the person that has a chance of making them small again. As a nerd myself, I was happy to see that Kelly and him were starting something up. So I'm a little worried that she's blaming him for the attempt on her life. I just can't see how this can NOT go in a violent, evil direction (not my favorite genre). I'm curious to see where you'll take this.
Author's Response:
Well, there will be considerably less holding back this time, you're right. In the end, the set up, with the events of the six years that go between both stories, is meant to provide some back story on how the girls character's and motivations have evolved that explains somewhat their future behavior.
A pretty large chunk of Side Effects Volume 2 is meant to be a "giantess in the city" scenario. Let me tell you that Kelly's character is still nothing like Casey's and that this is an important factor for the story.
I guess that, no matter what, this story is going to have many things that are far from your favorite genres, but, without adding any spoilers, let me tell you that not all of your fears will become true.
I'll be interested to see how do you like the rest of the story. Thanks for the feedback.

Date: December 29 2014 10:01 PM Title: Chapter 1. Amber
Love it so far! I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the encouragement. I hope that the story will keep up with the expectations.