Reviews For Burn it to the Ground
Reviewer: Jimbob Signed 

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Date: August 14 2014 3:38 PM Title: Onward to Pornshire!
Author's Response:

Date: August 14 2014 3:38 PM Title: Onward to Pornshire!
"This realm is based off Moon Guard"
Of course it is. It's the most Pornshire of all the Pornshires across all the realms.
Author's Response:
Reviewer: voredom Signed 

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Date: August 14 2014 2:22 PM Title: Onward to Pornshire!
Author's Response:

Date: August 14 2014 2:22 PM Title: Onward to Pornshire!
Though I don't like death/extreme violence, I still really enjoy reading through this. The sisters are playful in their domination, which I love, and I can ignore the death and blood for the anal play and other goodies.
Author's Response:
Sorry Voredom, this story i will admit is a lot more graphic then my other stories but i'm having fun letting out some idea's that are a bit too just plain horrifying on my other story lol
I'll try to continue with my other wow story soon but i ddo want to finish at least chapter 3 of this first.