Date: October 11 2014 7:53 AM Title: Starting the Fire
I wonder just how big those two will get eventually. I imagine this is just the beginning for them, even if the rest won't be recorded.
Author's Response:
Who knows? they might be the next deathwing :P

Date: August 16 2014 6:40 PM Title: Starting the Fire
Nice! I'm a big fan of the darker sides of these scenarios, and the fact that it's a Draenei and a pandaren makes it that much better! The tail scene was awesome, but I loved the whole thing. Can't wait for more!
Author's Response:
Thank you for your review it makes me happy to see people like it so much :)

Date: August 14 2014 8:18 PM Title: Starting the Fire
Don't apologise! As I said, I'm really enjoying the story. The fact that I'm able to despite the harsher nature show the quality of your work.
Author's Response:
Then i thank you for your review and im happy you enjoy my stories :)

Date: August 08 2014 12:00 AM Title: Starting the Fire
Ooh, a new story. Looking forwards to seeing where this leads.
Author's Response:
I dont plan on it to be very long but it will be a good read i assure you.