Date: April 26 2014 8:17 AM Title: Chapter 7: Distrusted, but Needed
In terms of their being condescending, to Jacob, back in the first two chapters? They're inseparably identical.
Date: April 19 2014 9:46 AM Title: Chapter 7: Distrusted, but Needed
Heh! Derek sounds a lot like Jacob did, back in the prologue. Guess he's finally realized it's not as easy as he thought, practicing what he preaches to the rest about "sacrifice!"
And, I think that kind of hypocrisy goes double for Swanson.
Author's Response:
Its always easier to say to do something than to actually do it. That said, Derek, so far, seems to be willing to carry out the mission so he is walking the walk. Doesn't mean its easy for him, though.
And what did poor Swanson do? He never mentioned anything about sacrifce in his speech to Jacob. Or are you getting Darius and Swanson mixed up?
Date: April 19 2014 3:50 AM Title: Chapter 7: Distrusted, but Needed
Funny how Derek was a muscle bound mook in act one and now has an entire chapter that gives insight into his character. Then there is the description of Hope that shows how human ingenuity thrives at any size. Darius certainly has interesting people under him. I think Sanders would like hope if everyone wasn't so distrustful
Author's Response:
I did that on purpose. A number of people we saw in the Resistance will get fleshed out and made more than just random guy #5.
And yes he just might.