Date: April 05 2014 9:36 AM Title: Chapter 5: The Shrink Device
Great chapter. We got to see more of Lutice's character, and got an excellent sex scene. Don't worry too much about getting back to the Resistance. I want to see how Sanders gets out, and what happens before during and after that.
Date: April 04 2014 6:46 PM Title: Chapter 5: The Shrink Device
Lol very sexy chapter
I’m going to go ahead and agree that even if Lutice is having her mind controlled or had her mind altered by the society, I doubt that it caused her to be this freaky. She must’ve been a little off kilter even before she became a swords member, I think.
Also since the society can easily grow and shrink people and objects with the shrink gun, the potentially fatal method they currently use to shrink ex society members must be a way to dissuade society members from actually doing it.
Author's Response:
That is assuming that report was telling the truth...
Date: April 04 2014 6:46 PM Title: Chapter 5: The Shrink Device
Date: April 04 2014 4:55 PM Title: Chapter 5: The Shrink Device
Can't say I was expecting that! Wow Lutice is fully off her rocker though it's hard to say if that happened naturally or if it was caused by something else.
I really hope Sanders isn't relating this part to the resistance, because even though I like him, if I heard he threw away a weapon that could possibly turn the tide of this war away for sex I'd put a bullet in his head.
Author's Response:
I...think its safe to assume he doesn't tell Derek and Darius everything. I mean, would YOU tell someone all about that?
Date: April 04 2014 4:26 PM Title: Chapter 5: The Shrink Device
Looks like the Society uses mind control to keep some of their people in line. Too bad Sanders couldn't get his hands on a Shrink Gun, and further that Lutice had to turn hers in. That means no more "safe" sex if Sanders had stayed. I think the Resistance should now focus on disabling those mind control devices. If they can get a few giant women on their side, they might have a chance. Good chapter!
Author's Response:
That would be helpful. Lets hope its that and not just that Lutice was nutty all along.