Date: November 14 2013 7:34 PM Title: Chapter 1
Woo-Hoo! Trishy's fishy smelling undies right in front of him, and she crosses her leg's! What a bitch! Bob's in a heap of Trish NOW! Damn, can't wait for the second part to come around, please get it up soon, Ya got me hooked...;`)
Date: November 11 2013 10:42 AM Title: Chapter 1
This story had a very promising start. I'm concerned about the treatment he's going to receive by his wife and his sister-in-law. Will he be a toy or will they still treat him humanly and with love? I've already detected some darkness in their personalities, despite claiming that they care for him. I wonder if it was their intent for him to get loose. I just figured that they'd want to keep a close watch over him, since so many life threatening things could happend to him at his new size. I'll keep an eye on this story to see how things develop.
Date: November 07 2013 12:16 PM Title: Chapter 1
So far pretty amazing. Very detailed. I love it. Hopefully you can add some butt crush in it or just butt action in it from his wife and her sister, maybe even his mother in law.Then the story will be perfect!!! :). Booty booty booty rocking everywhere lol