Reviews For Leverage
Reviewer: aaron Signed [Report This]
Date: August 12 2013 8:04 AM Title: Chapter 16
Date: August 12 2013 8:04 AM Title: Chapter 16
I liked this chapter a lot. But, when she clicked the light switch was she turning it off or on? I liked the fact that they both wanted to spend time with eachother. Hope to see more.
Author's Response:
Ah sorry if it was misleading, the light was being turned off. Thank you very much, will hopefully get another chapter up soon.
Reviewer: Flaming_Heart Signed [Report This]
Date: August 11 2013 9:59 PM Title: Chapter 16
Author's Response:
Date: August 11 2013 9:59 PM Title: Chapter 16
Really good chapter,
Poor Charles is going to have a long night.
Also you have a really good story going.
Can't wait to see what happens next.
Author's Response:
Thank you, haha indeed he is. Thanks means a lot. I'm trying to satisfy everyone whilst actually having a bit of plot, so will probably continue in the same manner.