Reviews For The Evolution of Mice
Reviewer: KageTengu Signed 

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Date: November 18 2014 7:13 PM Title: Chapter 26

Date: November 18 2014 7:13 PM Title: Chapter 26
i really love this story I hope you continue it it's been way to long since you last chapter.
Reviewer: youre_my_slave Signed [Report This]
Date: June 28 2013 7:46 PM Title: Chapter 26
Date: June 28 2013 7:46 PM Title: Chapter 26
I'm glad that Clara is teaching Lea a lesson. How dare Lea believe that she (or any of the mouse people) are on par with humans. At least Charolette knows that the closest thing she can be to a human is a pet and accepts it. That's why I like her.