Date: November 07 2021 9:51 PM Title: Chapter 1
OH MY GOD it was literally the BEST story I’ve ever read in my life. I just created a account just to review it because it turned me on a FUCKING LOT! It is the 2 time I finish all the chapters and am very sad because your last post was in 2013. The characters are VERY WELL WORKED, the feelings and thinking of Clara and the tinies, the power sensation, psychological problems and the crush and torture plays are so fucking perfect. I really hope you can continue this one, even if you wanna write just some new chapters, just to give a final. Anyway, I want you to know you made me smile many times with this, probably I will never forget it lol (and will reread again many times) THANK YOU HONESTLY!!!!
Date: July 23 2013 7:17 AM Title: Chapter 1
Wow i totally love this story, its by far the story with the most butt-crush parts i ever found in the internet since..ever. And they are all very well written. The best one of course is done by Vanessa, god damn how hot :) But the shorter ones with Clara arent that bad either :)
I do hope this story isnt by far at an end yet and will continue. Perhaps even a return of Vanessa..or another hot girl visiting Clara and doing some unaware buttcrush.

Date: June 29 2013 11:10 AM Title: Chapter 1
OK, this story is seriously amazing. I love how you've built a little world - with tribes, leaders, wars, and outlaws... and then toss Clara into it to mess everything up. Her interest warps the existing power structure into something unrecognizable - a small girl with influence (Lea or Charlotte) is worth more than any tribe or group of warrors.
I also love how Clara reacts to her power. Not just acting evil or demanding worship but rather playing with her little world like a toy, trying out social experiments, and so on. She's been quite evil but it's a very human kind of evil which is easy to empathize with.
I wonder what will happen to Lea. Charlotte understands her situation and has definitely out-played her. But, Clara is unpredictable and if Lea can wise up, ride Clara's next mood swing and guide it properly she may have a chance. One thing is sure, only one will ultimately survive this little "battle".
Date: June 29 2013 12:47 AM Title: Chapter 1
Noo LEA! Clara and Charlette together are angels of pain and death. I kinda hope something bad happens to Clara, shes an evil bitch, but thats the whole point of this story so its not gonna happen.
Date: May 28 2013 3:56 AM Title: Chapter 1
Very brutal but pretty sexy, I make an exception with this story since im not too much a fan of the gory stuff because it well written and the gts are sexy predators.

Date: May 27 2013 12:18 PM Title: Chapter 1
This is simply fantastic. You have such talent for building a world and developing characters. Every scene is so well crafted and even the small details work so well to highlight the power gap. Also despite all the atrocities she's committed you can still get the reader to identify with Clara and understand her reasoning.
Nuff said. Just amazing!! I hope you keep up the new perspective for a while, Clara can be scary as hell when you don't know what she's thinking anymore.

Date: May 17 2013 8:16 AM Title: Chapter 1
Please continue this story. I've seldom found a GTS story hold me so captivated. I ACTUALLY care about the chartacters. My heart jumped when Clara's freind looked as if she where about to crush Lea. I also found my mind developeing Like Clara over the contemplation of just how much she really cared about Lea. I hope you keep this up please update as regularly as you can. I truely can't wait!