Reviews For Long Ago
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Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 08 2013 12:14 PM Title: Chapter 6 Calm Sunday

OK! They're now officially girlfriend and boyfriend. And, they have officially slept together. Is there any chance that, when he wakes up a second time (at the start of chapter 7), he will finally be shrunk for real?

Author's Response:

Yes :)

Reviewer: Stubbornstain Signed [Report This]
Date: March 08 2013 10:16 AM Title: Chapter 6 Calm Sunday

It's a decent chapter, but I felt the first and last paragraphs were rather long. I do like the characters and I hope things don't go too far too quickly.

Author's Response:

Thank You and there love will go slowly

Reviewer: Dudemanguy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 08 2013 12:12 AM Title: Chapter 6 Calm Sunday

LOL, I loved the gotcha part! Anyway, great chapter. This story reminds me of another one called The Ladybug, you should check it out!

Good chapter!

Author's Response:

Thank You Very Much

I'll Add More

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