Reviews For A Small Surprise
Reviewer: zephilia Signed 

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Date: March 07 2013 2:12 AM Title: Chapter 4
Author's Response:

Date: March 07 2013 2:12 AM Title: Chapter 4
Love the new chapter, however one part has me troubled.
"Caitlyn was mushed up against the furry material as it poked her in the back and gave her a cushiony surface to prevent her from being crushed."
I though Caitlyn was the one doing the walking and Britney was the one stuck to her foot. Great story though, can't wait for the cake chapter.
Author's Response:
Thanks for catching that for me.
Reviewer: Ronnie Signed [Report This]
Date: March 06 2013 7:02 PM Title: Chapter 4
Date: March 06 2013 7:02 PM Title: Chapter 4
Really dug this chapter, love the dynamic of one character being aware while the one doing all the destruction is unaware :)
Reviewer: Dudemanguy Signed 

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Date: March 06 2013 4:20 PM Title: Chapter 4

Date: March 06 2013 4:20 PM Title: Chapter 4
As always, it's such a delight to see an update to this story. Love the unawareness of Caitlyn, especially with Britney.