Date: February 23 2013 5:46 PM Title: Chapter 11
I know what story this is (slightly) based off of. But I love this one all the same. If only I could give 80 stars for this is possibly one of my 2013 faves.
Author's Response:
Based of? I wasn't aware an idea like this had already been put down on paper? Should I stop writing? I'm glad you like it so much, I've had a great time writing it and am keen to continue with it for the foreseable future, thanks
Date: February 23 2013 4:23 PM Title: Chapter 11
Those pesky Chinese! Tanya should get her captives to use their cultural bckground and make her a noodle dish or something.
Author's Response:
Now that's got an idea cooking! I hate taking aclaim for brilliant idea's which aren't my own work, but I do like the sound of that
Date: February 23 2013 12:00 PM Title: Chapter 11
2 Chapters in one day! Aren't we lucky, still going great can't get enough of this story! I think the plot's fantastic and you're doing a great job! Also a little scenario played out in my head that Tanya became a giant and defended the company from the Chinese? Maybe a little too sci-fi but still that'd be great! I can't wait to see some more action between Charles and Tanya, it's been too long!
Author's Response:
Haha that's a nice thought but yes I'm afraid a little too off on a tangent I am not willing to touch in this particular story. There will be plenty more don't you worry about it!