Reviews For HANKENSTEIN (a.k.a. "The Shrunken Prometheus")
Reviewer: wildcatman Signed [Report This]
Date: February 16 2013 8:59 PM Title: Chapter 10
Author's Response: I always aim to please. How often I succeed is anybody's guess. :-)
Author's Response: I always aim to please. How often I succeed is anybody's guess. :-)
Date: February 16 2013 8:59 PM Title: Chapter 10
Poor Hank. the worlds smallest bobble head? Ha! L.S.U. Golden Girls, and being kept by the head cheerleader, Claire(ensconced to her decollete') Oh,Man, I don't see how you kept this rated 'PG'!! Great Story! The sciencie-stuff in the 1st couple chapters gave this the feel of 'Humonculious', and then poor Biff getting swallowed alive! Ha)
Really funny story! I laughed my **s off!
Author's Response: I always aim to please. How often I succeed is anybody's guess. :-)
Author's Response: I always aim to please. How often I succeed is anybody's guess. :-)
Reviewer: Mr_G Signed [Report This]
Date: February 15 2013 6:44 PM Title: Chapter 10
Author's Response: You're welcome. :-)
Date: February 15 2013 6:44 PM Title: Chapter 10
Not surprised the cheerleaders decided to keep little Hank to themselves. Bit surprised the government managed to wisk away Dorothy so easily, Thought there would be more of a fight.
Anyway thanks for finsishing this story.
Author's Response: You're welcome. :-)
Reviewer: timescribe Signed [Report This]
Date: February 15 2013 1:03 AM Title: Chapter 10
Author's Response: Anytime! :-)
Date: February 15 2013 1:03 AM Title: Chapter 10
Well thanks Hank and Cary ... and Claire-Isabel.
Author's Response: Anytime! :-)