Date: February 06 2013 5:24 AM Title: Recompilation
Lee is a very believable character I think. I don't feel many people focus on the emotional scars. They just want to jump right into the sexual stuff.
Author's Response:
Thanks. I wanted to make readers sympathize with him.
Date: January 20 2013 6:37 PM Title: Recompilation
Dear Dudemanguy,
I have not been on officially recently, but unofficially I have been following a few of your stories and gosh dang it, they are amazing. I love your stories. Don't stop writing!
Enthusiastic reader,
P.S. This is my favorite so far
Author's Response:
Dear Ghostbuster5,
I am honored you think my stories are amazing. Heck, as an author, I always look back on my stories saying "Oh man, I could have definitely done this better. This just seems terrible." But I guess that's just the author's viewpoint of his own stories.
Enthusiastic Writer,
Date: January 19 2013 11:16 AM Title: Recompilation
This is the most plausibly rendered version of shrinkie-PTSD I've ever seen depicted. Bravo!
Author's Response:
Probably some of the highest praise i've receieved in a review! Thanks!
But PTSD for shrinkie's can be quite different. Some other authors have expoited this fact like edexdexx and such.