Date: May 16 2013 4:12 AM Title: Chapter 1
What a fun story. I absolutely loved the end, it was thrilling, humiliating and lethal all at the same time. Nicely done.

Date: March 06 2013 3:49 PM Title: Chapter 1
Another excelelent chapter I love it when the tinies are trapped within the gts's shoe well done

Date: February 20 2013 1:45 AM Title: Chapter 1
I absolutely love the story. It has that perfect combination of sweet and spice all topped off with that hatred and the satisfaction those who inflicted the pain, being slowly tortured to death. I cant wait for you to finish it.

Date: February 13 2013 8:48 PM Title: Chapter 1
I just realized that the ending of 'The Big Proposal' led to the events of this story! Wow! Now I know how she shrunk her enemies! What genius Kickyou...
Date: February 12 2013 8:17 PM Title: Chapter 1
I started reading this when I was a guest and let me say I am very pleased with the direction this story is taking.
I love stories where one gts is aware and another is unaware

Date: February 12 2013 8:13 PM Title: Chapter 1
Another wonderful chapter.But one suggestion.
When you switch between Caitlyn's/Sammy's viewpoint and the victim's viewpoint, put in a *** or extra spaces to show the change. It was slightly confusing at points, but did not disturb the fact that this is a great story.

Date: February 01 2013 4:34 AM Title: Chapter 1
Ahh, so much fun to read, a very enjoyable story. Other than those random spellings, and maybe some past/present changes, a very nice story to read. Exciting.
Author's Response:
Thanks, but if you find any spelling or grammar errors please point them out. I swear I don't know how I miss them.

Date: January 19 2013 6:26 PM Title: Chapter 1
Good start. Please continue.
Note: spellcheck doesn't work for everything: "excuse", "there", "shock".
Author's Response:
Thank you again for finding my mistakes. I don't know how I keep missing them but thank you for picking them up.

Date: January 19 2013 9:20 AM Title: Chapter 1
Sorry for the comment after a comment, but I just had to do this after reading it. It's for "I wonder if Sammy is going to eventually tell Caitlyn what she's done so she can relish in her enemies' pain and suffering... I hope so." and I just wanted to say: There are like 99.8% aware "giantess" stories, like 20% of them are micro (about ant size shrinking), and Idk, lets say, maybe again 10% of these 0.2% unaware stories are about one os aware and the other not. Why do the fans of the ~99% aware shrinking stories ALWAYS have to comment on the 0.2% unaware stories things like "I hope they still become aware at some point^^". Can't those people stay away from the are unaware fandome and leave them to the (already unhappy) unaware fans dammit? I hope the auhtor will NOT let Caityln become aware of what Sammy did for her, it makes everything so much better. Thats the whole point of unaware, letting the suffering of the shrunken charcters being even more pointless, especially here, where they have deserved it for mocking and bullying Caitlyn for so long. Letting it be Caityln herself who will let her bullys suffer and not be aware about it, is just the best idea possible. Letting them vanish from the surface of the earth and never have any sorrows again of being bullied is just great. I loved the idea of what does Sammy for her friend. I was bullied too over some point in my life at high school, and I always wished they could get just vanish away, but yeah. I really look forward into this story now, I just loved the introduction. The reader could really get into the whole point of the story, even if there never was used the word shrinking or hint to it at all yet. I hope the story will be a combination of every other great story of yours yet, like Twin trouble and Let the Games Begin/The Games are never over. At some point if the two girls are alone now, it would be be great seeing some fun for her surprise birthday party like some anal dildo play, but I didnt know if you had this planned for this story. Also I hope there maybe will be some full trip too containing digestion and after math on the toilett a day later. Keep writing, and stay unaware (=

Date: January 18 2013 11:39 PM Title: Chapter 1
This is a great story. I don't know why I put off from reading this for so long but can't wait for chapter 2.

Date: January 18 2013 9:22 PM Title: Chapter 1
I wonder if Sammy is going to eventually tell Caitlyn what she's done so she can relish in her enemies' pain and suffering... I hope so.

Date: January 18 2013 9:29 AM Title: Chapter 1
Finally another story of my favorite author on here which seems to become awesome of what I read so far. I loved your story Twin trouble so much and I always hoped you would do another one like this. I have to say I am a big fan of unaware shrinking combined with oral and/or anal unaware vore/insertion. I love the idea of one of the normal characters being aware of the shrunken characters, and the other(s) are unaware, and the aware person puts the shrunken in the most horrible positions, mostly where the shrunken are being inserted analy into their best friends or girl/boyfriend. I always hoped you would mabe do an unaware vore story too with digestion and full trip. I am so curious right now where this is going, and I am hoping for a next udate :) Kepp up the great work!

Date: January 18 2013 5:05 AM Title: Chapter 1
Well played...well played.