Date: July 23 2015 12:10 AM Title: Captured Again?
Funny story with good ending. Rachel sounds like an insecure totall loser.
Date: October 31 2013 7:30 PM Title: Captured Again?
I really enjoyed this story, I've also seen your other work and am so happy to finally see someone who writes GOOD gentle GTS stories. I find gentle GTS to be my favorite kind. Thank you for writing this. My only complaint would be that I wanted to see Alex confront Rachel about Lee but I could see why she wouldn't.
BTW Will the sequel be a what if scenario where Melissa didn't crush Lee?
Author's Response:
Wow, a review for an older story of mine.
First off, thanks for reviewing! I'm glad you enjoyed reading this story!
Second, Alex pretty much stayed away from Rachel after discovering what happened because she didn't want to let Rachel know that Lee was in her hands.
Third, I'm thinking about a sequel that pretty much runs along those lines.
Date: February 24 2013 10:53 AM Title: Captured Again?
you know i first read this story before i read you comment on mine, i enjoyed the similarities in events. as far as content i loved it. u almost lost me when alexns friend crushed lee but i am curious as to how he is still alive
Author's Response:
Sequel man. Sequel coming one day...
Date: February 19 2013 1:05 AM Title: Captured Again?
I only recently started reading this story, but I was immediately caught up in your almost unique decision to not ignore the deep emotional scarring that would almost surely occur after being shrunk and abused for an extended period of time. While a romance formed by one trying to heal an emotionally broken other is almost a cliche in most media, in giantess fiction it's positively novel and with your presentation, quite well-executed I might add. I was actually very sad when her dumb friend ended what could have been a beautiful and rather intersting relationship, so I was actually kind of happy you left Lee's apparent survival and growth a mystery, leaving us simply wiht thte knoweledg that they will be together. Amazing story, Dudemanguy.
Author's Response:
Ahh thank you much Youlooktasy. I made the mistake of having 'her dumb friend' (lol!) end Lee's life. I almost went back and deleted the chapter, but I decided against it and created the epilogue. Now I do have a sequel in mind, which I might write one day. But that's for the far future.
Thanks again. Yours Truly,
Date: February 18 2013 11:37 PM Title: Captured Again?
Im not going to lie, this new chapter feels kind of like a cop out ending since nothing is explained...But I do like that Lee is alive and well.
Author's Response:
I don't have to explain anything... Mwahahaha...
That really wasn't my intention. Explanation wasn't really part of it. And don,t think of it as an ending, more like an... Epilogue.
Date: February 18 2013 6:49 PM Title: Captured Again?
Dude! Simply Awlsome, It was really unexspected, but, much better ending....
Author's Response:
Thank you. I thought it was better too. I had the idea and just typed it up. Probably why it looked rushed...
Date: February 06 2013 5:11 AM Title: Captured Again?
I won't be pedantic. I'm hopefully going to update my own story by the end of the week and then you will have the right to go all 'grammar nazi' on me, I actually hate that term, and in fact the begining of this story has some similarities with the story I'm going to be updating.
Date: February 05 2013 7:45 PM Title: Captured Again?
Ouch, what an ending...And just when Lee was starting to like living again. Not what I wished would have happened but an ending nonetheless...Great story Dudeman.
Author's Response:
Yeah... I don't know why but I liked that ending over a lot of others. Maybe I'm in a bit of a dark phase right now. But don't worry, I'll be back to my happy endings before you know it.
Date: January 21 2013 2:23 AM Title: Captured Again?
I just want to say that outta all the stories you've written so far, this one is my favorite, because I like the fact that Lee isnt afraid to die. I feel like it adds a lot to a character when they are so broken that death seems like the best option. And of course the fact that Alexis is trying to keep him alive while also making him trust her.
Author's Response:
Thanks. Even though this is just a short story (which I end in chapter 5) people seem to think it my best. Maybe it's because I work extra hard on character development in this one.
Again, Thanks.
Date: January 19 2013 1:41 PM Title: Captured Again?
I am loving this so far, and I had no problems understanding chapter 3, so my theoretical hats off to you.
Author's Response:
Why thank you. I reread over chapter 3 to make sure everything was understandable.
Author's Response:
Why thank you. I reread over chapter 3 to make sure everything was understandable.
Date: January 19 2013 11:07 AM Title: Captured Again?
Ah! An action-packed prologue, followed by explanatory flashback. A literary classic. :-)
Author's Response:
Flashback's are going to be...
Wait, haven't I said this before?
Date: January 19 2013 11:07 AM Title: Captured Again?
Ah! An action-packed prologue, followed by explanatory flashback. A literary classic. :-)
Author's Response:
Flashback's are going to be all too common here, so don't think this is close to ending.
A classic? I would like to think so.
Date: January 17 2013 10:08 PM Title: Captured Again?
Nice chapter. Keep itup! I, like many other people, like the whole past to present thing.
Author's Response:
I plan to keep it up the whole story, each chapter hopefully.
Date: January 17 2013 8:11 PM Title: Captured Again?
"Well, for the first week and a half or so, she wouldn't let me out of her sight. Or in public, out from under her foot." Alex gasped as she saw Lee meant what he said. Rachel kept him under her foot for hours at a time. This also meant Lee heard the entire conversation!
"O-ok, just w-wanting to know." Lee raised an eyebrow.
"Something wrong Alex?"
I think that your new spacing is kind of making some things a little tough to understand sometimes. This part is an example, I had to re-read it to make sure that I was understanding it correctly. And its not really a problem that you've had with previous stories, its just the spacing is causing you problems. I dont know, maybe its just me being dumb, but Im trying to help you make your stories easier to read.
Anyway this was a great chapter, good luck in the writting.
Author's Response:
Yeah, it's weird ya know? I see wildcatman saying he likes it, and you saying it's confusing! Gah! What should I do?
I'm gonna use this spacing still but from now on, I'll make an effort to clearly explain who's who. This new spacing requires it and I haven't been paying attention much. But from now on, I hope to fix this.
Date: January 17 2013 7:50 PM Title: Captured Again?
Really good beginning. Lee straining to recall memory, and slowly remembering....
Fading from present to past; I like that, keep that going! Maybe, a l;ittle bit of each one of his past tormenters, revealed in each chapter? (Flashback)
Lee seems to be in good hands Now, Question: Is that going to develope into anything?
Author's Response:
Flashbacks of past tormentors. Maybe.
It develops into something no doubt, but what...?
Date: January 17 2013 12:34 AM Title: Captured Again?
First of all, thanks for reviewing my stories. It's people like you, along with all my other main reviewers, who've helped me improve, and you in particular, have posted some great reviews. Now, onto the review.
All I have to say, is that the story's great. As a suggestion, It'll be cool to see some foot and breast stuff in the story later on.
Oh, and by the way, is the girl's name, Alex, a reference to one of my stories?
Author's Response:
Thanks for the review! I plan to read 'Adam's New School' right after I post this. As for your suggestion, let's just say that I plan on taking the more 'enjoyable' route, while still having a story plot.
And to your question, the name is kinda sorta a reference. It's a mix between a character called 'Alexia' in a story by TinyDann, and yes, Alex from your story. And out pops Alexis or Alex!
Date: January 16 2013 10:07 PM Title: Captured Again?
You are definitely getting better, this is the most interesting start to a story you've written thus far. One criticism though, is that towards the end, its kind of hard to tell who is talking, especially the part with "Tim". Im not sure who is saying what in that paragraph. Anyway, glad to see you improving and can't wait to read the rest of this.
Author's Response:
Yeah I noticed that too after rereading it once I posted. I plan to fix it though.
Date: January 16 2013 8:49 PM Title: Captured Again?
Sounds like you did enjoy some of my work, I see that it's beginning to rub off on you...
Great start, and if the spaceing stays like that it's much easier to flow through...
I like it!....I have trouble with the tight spacing, and can't seem to stick with it if it's not double spaced like that,...
Author's Response:
I decided to space out paragraphs more for this story and it actually makes much more sense. Expect a lot of future chapters to be spaced like this.
Date: January 16 2013 8:45 PM Title: Captured Again?
Good start, I like it!
Author's Response:
Thanks! Glad to have you onboard for this story too.