Date: December 30 2017 11:39 PM Title: Meet The Griffins
Just started reading the story. As soon as I heard his sister wasn't related by blood, I knew exactly where this was going. I've watched enough anime.
Date: April 01 2013 1:51 AM Title: Meet The Griffins
Hey dudemanguy I didn't know any other way to get your attention other than a comment so yeah.
anyways you should get on chat whenever your on as chances are I'll be there and we can discuss storys and stuff.
Author's Response:
Sure! I can do that sometime.
Date: March 18 2013 9:07 PM Title: Meet The Griffins
How did this story excape my gaze... no matter I will post a review every couple of chapters I read and since this story has 10 chapters ill read five today and five tommorow
Author's Response:
Looking forward to it!
It probably escaped your gaze because I slacked off for a month or two on it. Oops...
Also, it's my most popular story, earning 25000 views in 9 chapters. I think that's pretty good for me!
But anyway, looking forward to your reviews! My dialogue was shaky on this one though, so don't hesitate for criticism.
Date: January 08 2013 5:12 PM Title: Meet The Griffins
No sibling rivalry, huh? She almost killed him. Not that Im complaining, but damn, he definitely did not deserve that.
Author's Response:
Not sibling rivalry, I guess it's kinda hard to explain. Sibling rivalry is where they hate each other. These two don't hate each other but Angela had such complete power over Andrew it kind of made her lose her mind for a bit (hence the plug metaphor I put in). But this is definitely not a sibling rivalry.
It's ok, I don't think he deserved it either. But it was still fun to write.
Date: January 06 2013 8:52 PM Title: Meet The Griffins
Wow, this is really pretty good! If the actual discriptions were more defined, as in (How his girlfriend handles him, ya know, like,.. I don't know, maybe.....( Her tremendious size overwhelmed his view as the magnificent EYE peered at him with the dialating spirals inside, exspanding and contracting as they focused in on his puny little form....
Maybe something like that? I don't know thought, just a suggestion?
Author's Response:
Wow, that's pretty descriptive. I'll think it over and try it in chapter 5.
Glad you seem to take an interest in this story too. (LOL)
Date: January 02 2013 7:27 PM Title: Meet The Griffins
Im Interested in where that box came from? I hope it gets a lot more use!
Author's Response:
I have a few ideas.
Date: January 02 2013 1:35 PM Title: Meet The Griffins
Definitely a good start and I'm a big fan of shrinking within the family. I'm glad it doesn't seem to be a brother was a jackass to sister and now he's shrunk leaving her to get vengeance kind of plot.
Author's Response:
Thanks a lot! Coming from you that means a lot. Im a big fan of your stories and am glad you like mine.
Expect a lot more coming.
Date: January 02 2013 9:39 AM Title: Meet The Griffins
This chapter was great. I love this idea for a story. Will there be some gentle foot/toe play between him and his mom? An she seems like the type to take time off from work to be with her son. An I'm also looking forward to the interactions between him and his sister too.
But I can't believe nothing was said about him peeing on his mom, unless she just didn't want to embarrass him further... But all in all fantastic start to this story.
ps thank you very much for the stellar review of my tale
Author's Response:
Ok 3 things I have to say.
1. Nothing was said between his wetting himself because she knew why he did it.
2. You seem to like foot play. I'll try to add some in somewhere. Right now I'm taking it slow.
3. I have good plans for his sister and him.
Thanks for the review.