Date: March 08 2013 4:45 PM Title: Sophie and Family
Just reviewing to say, I LOVE this story!
Hope you don't end for a looooooong time!
Date: February 27 2013 7:10 PM Title: Sophie and Family
Oh my god, I just stumbled on this story when you updated. And I LOVE it! I can't get enough of Sophie's or Liz's feet! Love their playfulness! The couple of cruel chapters kind of discouraged me, but this newest one makes up for all that!
Love the feet!
Author's Response: No more cruel chapters, I promise but mainly those chapters were for a good plot line.
Date: February 27 2013 7:02 PM Title: Sophie and Family
It would make more sense just to continue it. Let the views build up man! I'm all for this story and I have it favorited all over the place!
Now if only we could allow some other couple to have access to the shrinking drug (hint Liz hint, hint.)
What? I can have my own fantasies too! Now if only I could give 300 stars.
Author's Response: Haha...we really do think alike cause as much as I want to add suspense, I think you guessed right.
Date: January 22 2013 10:39 PM Title: Sophie and Family
I LOVE gentle breastfeed, too bad she turned on him. I really think she ought to have been more understanding of his situation, and why he was mad with her. And if she really did love him why not change him back? Anyway great read, Im glad you go back to (sort of) the gentle stuff.
Author's Response:
"But wait there's more"
Date: January 15 2013 3:56 PM Title: Sophie and Family
Not to be TOO criticising but you know what I think you need to add a bit more of? Commas. I found a lot of places where a comma could make a whole lot of difference in your stories. It's a good story, it's just that some parts seem to mix with each other which jumbles it up and a comma could help a lot.
But still, it's a good story.
Date: January 13 2013 12:33 PM Title: Sophie and Family
It's done already? Just realized that you put completed. Come on man, with a plot twist like that at the end of the third chapter, you need to extend it!
At least you said you had a sequel in mind.
Author's Response: No sorry that was an accidental click. Sorry,thanks for pointing it out. Oh no there is more let's say interesting things that will happen.
Date: January 13 2013 8:28 AM Title: Sophie and Family
Well each paragraph is supposed be a series of connected sentences - all focusing on one idea. That's the way I see a paragraph.
Also, I have to agree with Dudemanguy that things are moving rather quickly.
Author's Response: Sorry but I have big plans for this story and of course I think I have a great sequel in mind.
Date: January 13 2013 3:42 AM Title: Sophie and Family
Hey there! The Fifth Ghostbuster here! What? Why am I being so friendly? Cause I can, of course! Ahahahahahah! Anyway, love this story so far! Gentle and feet! You really nailed MY two favorites! Anyway, can't wait to see how this story ends!
Your enthusiastic reader,
Author's Response: Wow man(in the context of meaning a person :)) didn't know I had such a good fan. Appreciate all the comments above too. Make me crack up.
Date: December 26 2012 2:26 PM Title: Sophie and Family
I have high hopes for this story. It seems to be exactly what I like ! So please keep writing this
Author's Response: Sorry I'm a busy person so updates will probably come rarely. Try my best 2nd chapter is almost done.
Date: December 25 2012 7:15 PM Title: Sophie and Family
Haha you like what I like. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Author's Response: I can't wait to put it on paper(figuritively speaking of course). I don't know if it will be erotic for a while because a crucial part is coming up.
Date: December 25 2012 10:37 AM Title: Sophie and Family
fair start
Date: December 25 2012 1:11 AM Title: Sophie and Family
I enjoyed the short read. I hope you continue with it and I'll look forward to it! Also, I liked the foot fetish joke at the beginning but I laughed even if it wasn't intentional. (Feetish)
Author's Response: Did not realize until you pointed it out. Made me chuckle!
Date: December 24 2012 3:16 PM Title: Sophie and Family
It's a good start. Not really much else to say, other than a bit more description would be nice because the chapter was so short.
Author's Response: I'll work on that thanks though.
Date: December 24 2012 2:34 PM Title: Sophie and Family
Hmm, I like it, but I don't think i'm going to rate right now. It's nice, but I found some spelling errors. You might want to go back and read over it. That's sometimes the best thing to do. A spellcheck might do some good but your own eyes are even better.
But I do like it. I would like to see where you go.
Author's Response: Yeah thanks man I was writing it on my iPod though so I probably have some bad slips thanks for the comment though.