Reviews For Adela
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Reviewer: Amateur Wordsmith Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 17 2014 11:06 PM Title: Afterword

This story needs a 50th review, and I will humbly accept the honor of giving it.

You created something quite special here my friend. I remember before I signed up for this site, I would often check in to see if this story was updated.

Adela is by far one of the most effective giantesses I've seen in a while. She's manipulative, brutal, and uncaring at times; however, she also legitimately cares for the main character and wants to spend time with him. This made her much more realistic, and appealing as a character.

Definetely worth every view. Good job scrymgeour.

Author's Response:

Appreciate it. I began this story with one aim: to devote space, at least one chapter, to each and every kink. That didn't last long (stories sometimes take on a life of their own). 

I do like this story, especially after Chapter 13, where it really kicks off. I'll just have to trust the readers on this one.  

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