Reviews For HANKENSTEIN (a.k.a. "The Shrunken Prometheus")
Reviewer: Barrowman Signed [Report This]
Date: September 13 2016 6:27 AM Title: Chapter 1
Author's Response: Thank you. Happy New Year!
Date: September 13 2016 6:27 AM Title: Chapter 1
Nice fun story. :)
Author's Response: Thank you. Happy New Year!
Reviewer: Pico Signed [Report This]
Date: July 20 2013 7:32 AM Title: Chapter 1
Author's Response: Thank you, Pico. And a five-star review is always better late than never. :-)
Date: July 20 2013 7:32 AM Title: Chapter 1
Just awesome. Funny and a very pleasant pace to read too.
Hehe, I am retroactively reviewing this, since I read this a while ago before I had an account here. So I don't know if I remember anything specific to comment on.
I do remember that this is on of the most fun stories on here I read.
Author's Response: Thank you, Pico. And a five-star review is always better late than never. :-)
Reviewer: wildcatman Signed [Report This]
Date: February 17 2013 10:35 PM Title: Chapter 1
Author's Response: And, you were the only reviewer to notice! You should feel proud. :-)
Date: February 17 2013 10:35 PM Title: Chapter 1
*Forgot to mention, I really liked the comparison: Claire's referance to Hank, ' of not trying to pull a Sir Edmund P. Hillary'. Him being the first to climb Mount Everest, and return alive,...nice!!
What an expedition, being the first, to climb the head cheerleader, and survive! Ha!
Author's Response: And, you were the only reviewer to notice! You should feel proud. :-)
Reviewer: timescribe Signed [Report This]
Date: October 14 2012 3:57 PM Title: Chapter 1
Author's Response: In the immortal words of Al Jolson: "You ain't just whistling 'Dixie!' "
Date: October 14 2012 3:57 PM Title: Chapter 1
This could get very interesting, Dr Shrinkenstein.
Author's Response: In the immortal words of Al Jolson: "You ain't just whistling 'Dixie!' "
Reviewer: Mr_G Signed [Report This]
Date: October 12 2012 4:18 PM Title: Chapter 1
Author's Response: Why do you think I entitled it "Hankenstein?"
Date: October 12 2012 4:18 PM Title: Chapter 1
I have a feeling the experiement will not work as Henry hopes.
Author's Response: Why do you think I entitled it "Hankenstein?"