Date: October 10 2012 2:50 PM Title: Chapter 11
P.S.---Revolutions are ALWAYS chaotic!
Author's Response:
Okay. But that doesn't contradict my point.
By the way, I reread this story and found that, so far, it's really, really not that explicitly violent. Only man has died under my watch. And that was in a vore, borderland erotic/horror, scene I was reluctant to write in the first place. It seems that what strikes you as chaotic here, more than anything else, is the psychological unsettling (or erotic brainwashing, maybe) of Martin and the other people here--maybe even of Adela and Holly.
When that settles--when Martin and Meredith, e.g., settle after the transition--there'll be no more mountains to climb. But right now there is definitely that sense of the big solid object ahead--the NWO thing I added after the fourth chapter--and I want to get over it and, to be honest, see what's on the other side just as much as the reader does.

Date: October 10 2012 5:49 AM Title: Chapter 11
I have a feeling Holy knew already or at-least Adela thus why she didn't put her in her shoe to my knowledge for punishment.
Excellent chapter.
Author's Response:
I'm happy I wrote this episode. I was going to skip along something else, last night, but the idea of Holly 'punishing' Meredith in this way happened to strike me after the first or second paragraph, and I wanted it all down in writing. Never read something like that before. I didn't plan on Meredith's having a fetish, when I wrote her, but it seems pretty obvious now when I look back.