Date: September 22 2012 8:52 AM Title: Chapter 7
I had forgotten about this story over the past several years, like many that seem as if they'll forever be unfinished, but when you added a chapter and I revisited it, the story came back to me. I think that's saying something after such a long time. It's a very unique premise.
I like the idea of technology allowing people to initially be unaware of one another's size. It makes you wonder how many people in this society have met someone online, hit it off, and were too afraid (or forgot) to inquire into whether the other was a Dom or sub. All sorts of men and women probably think their dates were no-shows, when in actuality their dates showed up but saw them standing there and looking around everywhere except eye level, causing them to run for the hills!
Author's Response: Thank you, I appreciate the continued interest in my story! I realize that, yes, I too forgot about it after some time but I am now actively seeking to continue it as it's a story that I think has some interesting stories of its own to tell. BTW, I like that idea! See, it's that sort of stuff that greatly interests me, the world-building aspects of a story. It was always my intention with this story to reveal things about the world little by little, hinting at things through dialogue and throw-away exposition, so you slowly get an understanding of what's going on.