Date: September 04 2012 12:32 PM Title: Chapter 4
So, mother and daughter shrink _anybody_ they feel won't benefit society? Including those they deem potentially merely adequate? Just because they _can_?! Can you say "sociopathic bee-yotches?"
On the plus side; I did find this story riveting enough to read these first five chapters in one sitting. So, you definitely have earned five stars.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the review and rating. Happy you like it so far.
For the rest: there's a method to their madness. In any case, I find pure & unmitigated sadism tiring and unrealistic after awhile, especially in the little fictions on this site. People (Adela and Holly among them) can be bee-yotches for pretty interesting reasons, too.
Date: September 03 2012 6:49 PM Title: Chapter 4
this shit is scary. Holly may not be sadistic but Adela sure is. I kind of want to know why Adela is so evil. martin is not a bad kid so why is he truly enslaved, I would like for martin to get some compassion from his new goddesses. I LOVE THE STORY KEEP IT UP!
Author's Response:
Thanks for the rating and review, and happy you like it so far. (I've been busy tonight, but I'll type out the next few chapters tomorrow and the day after. Got the outline of the action and dialogue worked out, and I just have to type it.)
I have answers for all those questions, but I can't promise they're the ones you're hoping for.
Re: 'scary' -- For some scenes in this story, I'm sort of living in the borderland between erotic fantasy fiction and pure horror. The vore scene from the last chapter has been repeated in dozens of different stories on this site, many times without a speck or hint of horror. In my view, a situation like that is as ripe for horror as it is for the usual 'Hot Steamy Vore' (I'm not really into vore as much as other subsets of the fantasy). I'm happy to hear that the 'scary' part of that is coming through.
Date: September 02 2012 11:12 PM Title: Chapter 4
Excellent good sir, you're crafting masterpiece.
Author's Response:
Happy you like it so far. I'll type out the next few chapters tomorrow, when I have time.