Date: May 05 2013 7:54 PM Title: The Ceremony
Well, this was a really entertaining story, very well written and has barefoot giantesses, so it goes straight to my "awesome stories" folder :)
But I had to make a huge effort and (even if you used real places, real sport events and real people's names) try to not take it too seriously haha ^_^
It wouldn't be possible to start with, I think. Not only because of the (sadly) restricting laws of nature, but because of the Olympics' laws xD -point 2- As erotic and amusing as a growth ray is, it'd still be an artifice capable of enhancing the athletes' performances, so they wouldn't allow it irl haha (I could be wrong, but I think that stands as the official definition of doping for the Olympics).
On a more personal point of view, as a sport player myself, I would be offended if I was told "Hey, thanks to those scientists over there you can win any championship you enter because we're giving you a huge unfair advantage over everyone else". I don't know how a pro (olympic, for that matter) player would feel about that. If they agreed to that, it could mean that they would use real doping substances if the rules allowed them to, IRL, which would speak volumes of their sportsmanship -or lack of-.
As you pointed out in the wrestling competition section, anyone would have won if they were given that advantage, making it really an empty victory (mho). The US Olympic Committee could have just used their untrained daughters, grand daughters, nieces... or even themselves... and the results would have been the same. Easy gold medal.
That said, I admit I am being extremely nitpicky. The story itself was very, very well written and it was indeed amusing and exciting :)
Date: September 08 2012 9:16 PM Title: The Ceremony
I'm so sad, I love this story, but is the end.
I'm waiting for another stories ok.
Date: September 07 2012 6:25 AM Title: The Ceremony
Hi, do you plan to write about volleyball and basketball ? That would be great !
Author's Response:
Yes, I'm on that. I've just been a little bit busy lately, so I didn't have the time. But yes, definitely.
Date: August 28 2012 6:57 PM Title: The Ceremony
Cause I wanna commission you lol. Email me.
Date: August 27 2012 8:15 PM Title: The Ceremony
I mean do you write stories for payment? :) lol
Author's Response:
Oh! Well, no, I've never done that. Why do you ask?

Date: August 26 2012 8:45 AM Title: The Ceremony
I love this story. It's difficult to place what's so appealing about it, but if I had to sum it up I think it's the casualness of it all. It conveys an expression of raw power, and coupled with the incredible unfairness of it, it falls into place very nicely.
The fact that you use real characters is also quite handy for easy google image searches. My only criticism is one of those annoying ones which just comes down to personal taste - I kind of wish the wrestler had thrown her weight around a bit more when at her maximum size, but I suppose that may not have gelled well with the rest of the story.
I hope you still plan to add more chapters.
Date: August 25 2012 10:49 PM Title: The Ceremony
I agree! Id love a giant hope solo lol :) soccer giantess
Date: August 25 2012 6:35 PM Title: The Ceremony
Suggestion: What about a follow-up story featuring tiny male athletes in Olympic sports with giantess female referees? The same way the Paraolympics are being held in London right after the main Olympics.
Author's Response:
I don't know. I didn't think of that. I guess the regerees aren't really involved in the sports, so I'm not sure how it'd work.
Date: August 25 2012 1:10 PM Title: The Ceremony
Awesome story. Lolo and Kara are my faves lol. Do you do comissions? :) send me an email
Author's Response:
What do you mean if I do comissions? Also, thanks for the comment.
Date: August 19 2012 5:18 PM Title: The Ceremony
Another sports can enter like handball, basketball, volleyball, badminton, hockey water polo, and soccer too
Author's Response:
Yes, of course. I had that in mind. Although I'm not sure if the rules let the badminton racquet or the hockey stick be any size they like, so that they could use giant ones.

Date: August 15 2012 11:50 PM Title: The Ceremony
i have to say i thouhgt the idea was a little weird at first but i gave it a try and it surprised me. you write very well and its a fun story, keep going
Date: August 15 2012 3:46 PM Title: The Ceremony
As sport fan, I love this story. I deeply hope you'll update it as soon as possible!

Date: August 15 2012 1:00 AM Title: The Ceremony
I'd be so pissed at myself for not really watching the Olympics this year if this were true. Great story you are very good at this kind of stuff. That opening ceremony scene was perfect for setting the story and as itself. Can't wait to see what happens when it's better to be small in an event.

Date: August 14 2012 2:40 PM Title: The Ceremony
I see I wasn't the only one inspired by the Games! I just hope you get more reviewers than I have so far. ;-)