Date: June 15 2012 9:47 AM Title: Chapter 4
That's interesting. So am I right in assuming this reality is intended to be an opposite to our own? Intially I was a bit skeptical about your story, but in a way it's a kind of methaphor for certain societies in our reality, and I actually want to keep reading. Hopefully it won't be one of those stories that goes on forever, until the author gets bored.
Author's Response:
I'm happy it's holding your interest, and it will have a definite conclusion before it goes stale.
Date: June 13 2012 11:07 AM Title: Chapter 4
I'm a big fan Littlemac and this looks like it's going to be very cool.
Author's Response:
Hey, thank you so much for reviewing, hope you like this one as much as my others.
Date: June 12 2012 7:37 PM Title: Chapter 4
Love it. Very intersting that women are getting bigger each generation.
Author's Response:
I'm glad you're enjoying it so much!
Date: June 12 2012 6:05 PM Title: Chapter 4
The history of this is very interesting, I almost thought that it was gonna be like the batman episode were he couldn't read any of the books cause it was a dream. But this is way better. In incredibly interested in seeing where this goes from here.
Author's Response:
This is definitely not a dream :) Thanks for the compliment!
Date: June 12 2012 5:52 PM Title: Chapter 4
A very enlightening chapter. Like BlueDream, I'm also reminded of "After the Apple Fell," even though men maintained a greater sense of equality in that story, both in numbers and in treatment.
Interesting how you mention that women desire size in this world, unlike in our reality. I can't quite figure out why a woman's height isn't considered a desired or desirable trait by most people the same way it is with men. It'll be interesting to see how much the women here differ in that regard.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the compliment, "Apple" was a classic!
As far as the height thing goes, most women I've talked to that are well over 6 feet tall feel "awkward" about it, which was what I was trying to refer to. In this alternate reality, extreme height has become a status symbol, and is therefore not as awkward, but desired. I probably could have stated that more clearly in the story.