Date: June 02 2012 3:58 PM Title: Chapter 2
Holy hell, this is a great strong start! It's great to read another story of yours. I can't wait to read the next chapter!
Author's Response:
I'm glad to have such an enthusiastic fan! I hope I can follow through on my part, and write something really good!
Date: June 02 2012 12:08 PM Title: Chapter 2
I did notice a few grammar mistakes, though your spelling is good, and these aren't all that frequent. Your story is still readable. Hopefully it won't be long until the next chapter.
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and providing your input. Greatly appreciated!
Date: June 02 2012 10:08 AM Title: Chapter 2
That was a quick update! The breastfeeding came as a surprise. If I had to choose between that and my mother regurgitating her food for me like a bird, I'd probably opt for the former, but I wonder how baby boys would get their mouths around nipples the size of tennis balls. I’m interested to see if that’s the only way a man can “eat,” and what would happen if he didn’t have a wife, mother, adult sister or daughter, or any other woman willing to offer herself up free of charge. In that case, a man’s menu when dining out might feature a lineup of ladies, so that as women at a Mexican restaurant are ordering burritos and enchiladas, guys are busy trying to decide between Bianca and Esmeralda.
Dean's mother's comment that "it's hard enough being a man out there" is the first indication that maybe it's not just he, but all men--maybe even male animals--who've been downsized. We'll see how the other boys are handling it.