Date: May 13 2012 4:50 PM Title: Chapter 7
That's a very great story in my eyes. It is always exciting to find out a new chapter and a few scenes make me smile for real. I have a lot of trouble writing in english since it is my third language... I often feel like I'm doing some 4th grade text. Your stories give me a lot of motivation to keep on and try to contribute on this site despite the genres not being that popular. Whenever I visit this site and see Pixis in most recent it's always a joy. I hope you won't let a few negative criticism alter your motivation because I am eager to see more ! The only thing I have to say against you is that you should write faster since it's so great to read :)
Date: May 12 2012 4:22 PM Title: Chapter 7
Poor Vera! I hope she finds a way out of this mess, and that she can somehow make all those people see some sense. I'm also dying to see how the 'war' will turn out, but I'll try and wait patiently, LOL
Date: May 12 2012 9:54 AM Title: Chapter 7
A rating of 10 to counter that noxious review. Maybe Vera will bring peace? War is never a nice thing.
Author's Response:
He has a right to his opinion. Gentle (and for that matter, violent) GTS stories can be polarizing. Glad you're liking it though.
Date: May 12 2012 8:01 AM Title: Chapter 7
It's probably sexual tension, Shrimp. All great couples, in romantic comedy, usually start out as hyper-arguementative antagonists.
Date: May 12 2012 5:13 AM Title: Chapter 7
I don't know... This story is getting rather boring and predictable.. With the General continually being put in different places through predictable bickerings to her predictable nasty repsonses..
The people's continual snivelling ibehavior is getting a little tired and routine as well.
But such is the fate of many a gentle GTS story that hasn't the courage to put trajedy into it..
I suppose this humdrum routine is the eventual outcome of every boring gentle story in the end. For without real drama or trajedy, there's just not many places you can go or explore.
As a result, I do not envy the task of those writers who go down the sad gentle GTS path..
But, the story is not over yet and perhaps this particlar author is going somewhere with all of this kindness and groveling...
Only time and paragraphs will tell.
Author's Response:
Sorry you're not enjoying it. We may just have fundamentally different tastes. I don't consider the gentle GTS genre to be sad or boring. It appeals to me more than most violent GTS stories (which I find just as boring and predictable as you're finding this one). This story is motivated by my personal fetishes so I'm including scenarios that I find sexy while exploring themes and ideas that interest me. Your mileage may vary.
I didn't think that the story was without drama or tension though. The drama comes from the conflict between the two societies, not the violent actions of a giantess. Maybe that's not of interest to you but with the armies now gathering for war, that will come more to the forefront.
If you still find it boring, well, I don't know what to tell ya. I'm writing primarily for me here while hoping that others enjoy it.