Date: March 28 2012 2:10 PM Title: Chapter 2
This is awesome, although for some reason I feel de-ja-vu. Ah yes, it was a story by Malaka; but no worries, I think I will enjoy this one just as much.
Author's Response:
Yeah, as I said, I've resisted using the Gullivera theme because so many writers already have. But I love the scenario and have lots of ideas so it wouldn't leave me alone. I hope you do enjoy this as much as Malaka's version.
Date: March 27 2012 1:59 PM Title: Chapter 2
Absolutely wonderful so far. It has all the ingredients I like, not least a lead character and plot I cannot take my eyes off of. I get a feeling that Vera's really going to turn everyone's world upside-down - wonder how they're going to feed and clothe her, though.
Anyway, nice to see you back with another story. Since I have so little time to write these days, you'll probably be finished long before my next cahpter is up, lol!
Author's Response:
Feeding you will see a little of in future chapters. Clothing, er...not so much. That would require a lot of fabric on the Piconoreans' part. Plus, with this being largely fetish-inspired, I kind of like the idea of her staying in the bikini. Sue me, I'm a guy. ;)
Anyway, since you wrote a story with a similar theme recently, I am glad you're enjoying this and not feeling that I'm a copycat.
Date: March 26 2012 5:26 AM Title: Chapter 2
This tale's worth getting into. I ran out of ideas for my Gulliver chapters of "Alice in Giantland" months ago.
I'm sure you'll keep the readers hooked with this.
Date: March 25 2012 11:35 PM Title: Chapter 2
As much as I'd hate to admit it fallowmark kinda has a point(in his own stupid misguided way) I don't think it would be very wise for Vera to go traipsing across this tiny country without an idea of where she's headed. Although, she's probably just going to the beach to rinse off the poor puke soaked soul(love how she's holding him btw, made me lol big time) an the fact that she is from 'modern times', that is magnificent along with her discovering their armor.
Was glad that they indeed could understand one another(within range of course, an with with a slightly different accent that part I loved btw)
This story is a ton of fun to read, hope it's as much if not more to write.
Ps loved the part where Fallowmark trying to catch up with vera while avoiding her giant footprints, that was a nice touch(an it's a element that seems to be seldom used) well done. An loved her boulder toes as well.
Pps I'm still amazed that it was updated so soon..
Date: March 25 2012 4:49 PM Title: Chapter 2
Heh! Your second chapter is way better than mine. I especially loved the "Veracruz" pun! :-D