Reviews For The Diminutive Situation.
Reviewer: Malaka Signed 

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Date: March 27 2012 2:07 PM Title: Parasite.
Author's Response:

Date: March 27 2012 2:07 PM Title: Parasite.
Love a girl in a school uniform - especially when viewed from below, lol! Hope the mile-high beauties will soon discover their tiny companion.
Author's Response:
I recently checked out one of the polls on this website today and saw that a lot of people like school-girl Giantesses. I was inspired to write this story after I saw youtube videos featuring role playing games called Pagojo Shrink school (or Pogojo or what ever it's called) and Shrink High. Then I thought, hell why don't I write my own damn story! So I did. Thanks for the 4-star rating :)