Reviews For The Diminutive Situation.
Reviewer: blackwolfunder Signed 

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Date: December 12 2014 2:03 PM Title: Introduction.

Date: December 12 2014 2:03 PM Title: Introduction.
Are you evet going to update this story? I really want to know what happens!
Reviewer: Frollo Signed [Report This]
Date: May 04 2012 11:15 AM Title: Introduction.
Date: May 04 2012 11:15 AM Title: Introduction.
Excellent story! And your descriptions are vivid and rich in detail. Yet you manage masterfully to keep the story flowing!
Thanks for posting! :)
Author's Response:
I'm very flattered to hear you say so. This is the first time I've ever shared any of my material with anyone. And I'm glad that you think so highly of my story!
Reviewer: Hollow Signed 

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Date: March 22 2012 7:02 PM Title: Introduction.
Author's Response:

Date: March 22 2012 7:02 PM Title: Introduction.
alright i'm hooked, can't wait to see claire fight for her life though!
Author's Response:
Oh Don't worry. Claire will fight for her life soon enough.
Reviewer: tinyslave Signed [Report This]
Date: March 22 2012 8:02 AM Title: Introduction.
Date: March 22 2012 8:02 AM Title: Introduction.
Seems an intetesting story I will stay tunned!
Author's Response:
Thank you! I've seen your stories in your profile (Hope you didn't mind) And I neve thought I'd be praised by such a good GTS story writer!