Panties, Pads, and Diapers. A shrunk in your own house misadventure. by Lumberpanda
Summary: You shrink down to 2 inches in your own house and try to get help from your older sister. Rather than help she decides to punish you first by sewing you into the back of her favorite panties. Deciding this isn’t enough of a punishment she cuts a small hole in and sews you onto one of your mom’s maxi pads - before covering you with some of the pad material - repackaging it and placing it back in the box. After you are worn and thrown out she fishes you out of the bathroom trash and does the same as before except she sews you into the back of a diaper belonging to your two year old baby sister and hides the diaper containing you in the stack on the changing table. Your mom unknowingly changes your sister and you end up being used before ending up in the diaper pail after you are disposed of. What happens after is up to you.
Categories: Giantess
Characters: None
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Categories: Giantess
Characters: None
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