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I’m not sure how long I was trapped there could have been 30 minutes, could have been 6 hours. If you’ve ever tried to breathe through wet fabric you can appreciate the fact that I was in fact still remotely coherent. The towel was heavy and smelled of lavender body wash. I wasn’t in hell but I wasn’t at peace with the situation either. It’s funny the things you think about when you’re a fraction of your normal height. Perhaps it was the lack of oxygen but my mind was wandering to all sorts of odd places. I believe the idea of feeding mayonnaise to tuna popped into my head at least once. Hell may be I was just bored. My thoughts were interrupted as the vibrations in the floor that I had become so accustomed to returned.


Misty headed into her bedroom to select which outfit she would be wearing to work today. Not that she had much of a choice, Sturbux had a rather strict dress code of khaki pants and either a black or white top, with any pair of black closed toed shoes. So this process took all of 5 minutes. After dressing it was time for coffee. As she walked past the bathroom she remembered the towel on the floor. Her mother’s voice rang in the back of her head “Pick up after yourself lil miss!” Sighing she bent over retrieved the towel and proceeded to toss it towards the hamper at the end of the hall by the washing machine. She had made it halfway in that was good enough for her anyway.

She could smell the coffee all the way from her room but as she entered the kitchen the aroma began to perk her up. She did love her coffee.


Airborne… I’m flying! Heights were not my friend and at the moment I was definitely far off the ground. The towel holding me pinned to the tile moments before had been ripped from its resting place pulling in its wake. The air current sent me rushing past a khaki colored wall that cut off abruptly to jet black. The will to live must have been strong because I still don’t remember grabbing hold of the loose thread. But there I was hanging thousands of feet in the air by one hand no less. I thought the wind from the towel was bad when the world I was clinging to started to move the gusts felt like I was standing behind a jet engine. If there was ever a time I wished I had taken up mountain climbing this was it.


Still blissfully unaware of the mortal struggle happening right under her nose, Misty poured herself a cup of coffee and popped some toast into the toaster. Then she turned to the fridge to grab herself some milk, poured it into a bowl, and debated on what cereal she should eat this morning. Deciding on cheer-e-os she grabbed the box and at down at the table with her bowl and spoon. About that time the toaster popped, so she quickly hopped back up and grabbed the other part of her balanced breakfast.


Must hold on… Don’t pass out… My journey thus far had taken a lot out of me to say the least. I struggled to remain in a conscious state as the vertigo and exhaustion threatened to take me under. I managed to hold on as I hung over the toaster falling in there would definitely not be in my best interest. I managed to hold on as the cold air of the fridge beat down upon me. I even managed to hold on as she sat down at the table. Unfortunately I was not prepared for the sudden movement as she popped back out of the chair as soon as she sat down in it. I went tumbling past the wall of black. Eyes closed I waited for death but it didn’t come instead I felt cold, and wet.

Chapter End Notes:
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