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Chapter 12: Finale


Saki returned with the bounty of the Glarkian Star System in her form. She vibrated into existence by countless other similarly-sized, silver bodies of hers, each with their own harvests. Together, they stared at the seemingly endless expanse of fair skin before them: it was herself, of course.


Saki kept her main body here, the only non-silvery one presently, and it was positively *massive*: too big for any lesser mind to comprehend. Another batch of ‘clones’ returned, and her main form smiled down at them as she smiled back with thousands of faces, admiring what she herself had become. In tune with a thundering moan, space-time warbled, tugging all these star-sized bodies of her closer to her own. On contact with her skin, her nanites roped them in and harvested their bounties. Then, she made more clones of herself, sharing her consciousness, to send them out to other distant worlds to harvest.


Well, that was what she’d usually do. For now, she kept the myriad selves of hers here if they were already. She wanted some more perspectives to view herself from. This was an interesting time, as she was just about to absorb the entire Laniakea Supercluster...


Once Saki got her first taste of the energy and mass a star could hold, she wanted more. It was a whole other level of matter and mass. Her time on earth was nothing. She had expanded across the entire Milky Way galaxy: along the way, unraveling the mysteries of physics with her highly evolved intellect. Faster than light travel became a simple matter of vibrating oneself at speeds exceeding that of light to warp space-time, and she used that to finish off her home galaxy, then another, and another, and so forth.


Pretty soon, she had unraveled all the mysteries the cosmos had to offer. The true equations of reality was hers to know, and hers alone. With it, she devised the most efficient path to omnipotence. She made her way to the center of Virgo Supercluster, and started dragging space and time towards her. She consumed not just the energy of the fundamental underpinnings of the universe, but every planet, star and galaxy caught up with it.


The only problem was that, although the method was efficient, it was boring. Saki had a solution though. She always did. While she slowly consumed space-time, she sent out duplicates of herself. They weren’t clones in that they had their own thoughts: they were *her*, just as much as she was herself. She could see out of them, and out of each and every one of the countless septillions of nanites that now made up her truly celestial form.


And so she could ravage the incredibly distant worlds with these smaller bodies of hers, able to enjoy her sadistic urges afar while still staying on her new goal of unlimited power.


She had recently fully consumed the Virgo Supercluster, dragging it and its thousands of galaxies into her. Galaxies, of course, were now but the size of small beads to her. Needless to say, she was unfathomably gigantic. Measuring her current height in millions of light years, it would take a human, now extinct, an uncounted amount of lifetimes to walk the length of her finger. Her toe alone could fit several Milky Way galaxies beneath it; if that galaxy still existed. But, it was long since dismantled and converted to more of *her*.


The Laniakea Supercluster was just a few contractions of space time away. Saki’s main body closed her eyes to savor the pleasure of the next pulse.



Another echoing moan. She rewarded herself an orgasm with every single compression of space-time. Saki always had complete control of her body, after all. Similarly, she treated herself to every permutation of massage all at once via her ever useful nanite components. It felt, at all times, as though innumerable masseuses pampered every square light year of her form.


Another pulse and more galaxies flowed into her by the hundreds, increasing her size steadily. Then another, and another and another. The pace was rhythmic, but the bigger she was the more she brought in with every pulse. Ancient empires that spanned many star systems within even more ancient galaxies: hers now, with ever more coming every single climax.


She watched from everywhere she could all those flickering, beautiful light-filled spirals. Each and every speck of light a star system housing billions or even trillions of lives if populated. Even the few species which had completely conquered their galaxies now found themselves specks to her. Mere trifles to such a powerful being. It was a blessing to lack the technology to take her full immensity in. The ignorance of their humiliating fate was surely bliss, if they were lucky enough to remain unawares.


Just a few more pulses, a few more spasms and she had collapsed all of Laniakea into herself: all hundreds of millions of light years of it. Tens of thousands of galaxies, quadrillions of lives: hers.


Naturally, Saki grew with every bit she consumed, and was at least 5 times the height of what she was previously. She spanned over a hundred million light years now easily.


As the smaller bodies now dispersed with the show over, the main body kept at it. At her current rate, the entire universe and its underlying fabric would be entirely consumed by her within another year or two.


The universe was no longer expanding; it was collapsing: towards her.


Once Saki had it all, she’d be able to recreate the universe with herself as the components. She’d be everywhere, controlling every tiny facet of a new reality as she saw fit. She’d be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent: a true god. Nothing would exist without her permission, and all would serve and be her.


All in due time. She was patient. And was it really work if you enjoyed yourself? Saki thought not.


Alight with bliss, her bodies each let out a giggle that, together, echoed across the stars.



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