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Author's Chapter Notes:

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Might be last chapter

Today was the day.

Jon made it this far and he only had a little longer till his deal with Vera was up.  Then he would get back to his freaking normal life. No more Vera, no more tiny him, and especially no more Vera! Jon mentally sighed at the thought of life before Vera. It nearly felt like a lifetime ago. He barely even recalled what it was like being taller than Vera’s boyish elf leg. What it was like not to be stepped on by accident…

Just the other day Vera just happened to step on Jon when he was walking around the apartment. It didn’t help Vera just got out of the shower too, his feet were still damp with some water. This only helped glue Jon to Vera’s foot for a few more steps before Vera finally noticed something under him. If Jon didn’t know the elf was such a clutz, he would think it was all on purpose. It seemed like every day there was an accident or something that ended up with Jon in a very undesirable place.  He hated being in those situations, well perhaps if it were a girl, human or elf it would be a different story.

Jon rolled his eyes as he thought of his week with Vera. Oh if only Vera had been a smoking hot chick. Jon grinned at the fantasy of a tall blond elf girl packing it in some tight shorts.   Slowly stepping on him, or rubbing her body all over him-

Vera’s voice cut through Jon’s daydreaming as he heard his name being called out from Vera’s bedroom, “JOOOON! I need your help for a second!” Jon slowly opened his eyes as his fantasy was slowly shredded by Vera’s voice calling out to him. The imaginary blonde elf woman fizzled away and soon Vera’s smiling face replaced it along with his boyish body and sockless feet. It was enough for Jon to shake his head to get that image out of his mind. Damn that brat for even ruining that. Jon took a moment to calm down before heading toward Vera’s room.

“Just one more day…” Jon muttered as he made his way toward Vera’s bedroom. It didn’t take too long at his current size, a mere six inches for the moment. Vera always seemed to be shifting him from one size to another, usually whenever it was convenient for the boy. Still, six inches was better than some other sizes he had been recently changed to. Trying not to snap as he slowly came toward the doorway, “What-”

Jon’s words were cut off as he walked in on a sight he didn’t want to see. Vera’s ass was sticking right out from under the bed, only cladded in dark underwear. The sight wasn’t something he wanted to even glance at, as Vera slowly shook his butt, wiggling around swaying as he grunted while trying to reach something under his bed. “I… can’t… reach…”

“Ugh, Vera clothes?! Come on man…” Jon grumbled as he tried to shield his eyes from the black-clothed booty swaying around.

“Huh,” Vera called out from under the bed. “OH JON! Great, I need you to grab something for me,” Vera explained, still stuck under the bed.

“Pants. You need to put some pants on or something, jeez,” Jon complained, still trying to use his hands to block the sight.

“Well, I was,” Vera protested, still under the bed. He let out a grunt, or maybe it was a moan, as he tried to reach further under the bed. Jon didn’t understand why he didn’t just lay down and crawl under but whatever the reason Vera seemed to be intent on trying to reach further without lowering his hips. Jon couldn’t help but consider how much better this would have been if that blonde elf woman he thought of was doing all that hip-shaking and moaning under the bed beside Vera.  Oh, how unfair life was…

Vera went on grunting and explaining, “I was… trying… to put … my nail polish on. I dropped it… and-”

Jon rolled his eyes as he cut him off, “You can’t reach it so you thought about someone smaller helping out,” Jon asked begrudging the thought that crossed the boy’s mind.

“EXACTLY!” Vera cheered as he pulled his head out from under the bed. “We’re starting to think alike,” Vera gleefully exclaimed sitting on his legs smiling at Jon. Jon didn’t mention how many times Vera had used him like this for a small task or whatever he called to help him out with. It was so common now that Jon didn’t know what else to expect.

Keeping any negative feelings and emotions from showing, Jon slowly headed toward the underside of the bed. Just as Jon reached the bedding, he noticed he would have to crouch or at least duck to get under there. Not a problem-

“Oh,” Vera quickly chimed out loud, stopping Jon. “Let me help with that.”

Jon quickly looked at Vera and shook his head knowing exactly what he was gonna do.  “No no I’m fine-”

The boy was already casting his magic, as blue sparks flew out of Vera’s hand and hit Jon. Before Jon could protest Jon felt himself shrinking fractions of his size. Now he was smaller than before. Jon groaned as he tried to measure himself with his current height. It looked like Vera shrunk him to at least two or three inches. Easily letting him walk under the bed. However, Jon preferred he didn’t have to get smaller to fetch a freaking bottle of nail polish.

Vera beamed Jon with a proud smile like he just did him a favor, “There you go.”

“Great… thanks,” Jon said, almost unable to hold back the bitter anger in his voice. The goofy and almost arrogant-looking smirk on Vera’s face just rubbed Jon the wrong way. If Jon didn’t know better he would have guessed that Vera did that on purpose just to piss him off. However, knowing Vera for almost a week told Jon another story. As if to prove how innocent the young-looking elf was, he just brightened his grin and slowly lifted the bed skirt for Jon. “Look, just put some proper clothes on before I get back,” Jon said, doing his best not to look at the even larger underwear-covered Elf sitting near him.

“Okay,” Vera nodded.

Jon didn’t wait much longer as he headed under the bed. The light nearly vanished when Vera dropped the material, leaving Jon in the dark. The sounds of Vera getting up and walking around could still be felt under the bed. Jon did his best to walk forward but the thumping of Vera’s feet while looking for clothes caused Jon to stumble a little. Jon muttered as he tried to steady himself, “God damn it, Vera.”

After a few more tremors and shaking it stopped, either Vera slowed down his walking or Jon got used to the vibrations through the ground. Heading forward, again, Jon put his hands out in front of himself looking for the bottle of nail polish. It wasn’t till he couldn’t see a damn thing that something crossed his mind.  A creepy thought that sent a shiver down his spine.  “I swear to God, Vera, if I run into something that I DO NOT want to know about… I’m gonna kill you.” Objects hidden under a thousand-year-old elf bed started to come to Jon’s mind making him shudder again. Things that would make Jon scream and run out from under the bed, or just run into a bug in general. However, the latter seemed less likely with how clean Vera kept his room.

Jon continued to traverse the underbelly of Vera’s bed, Jon didn’t bump into anything cursed like a used pleasure toy. However, he was wondering how long the bed was as he swore he was gonna bump into the wall the bed lined up against. Just as Jon thought he walked a good football field or so, he stumbled into something the size of a car. Letting out a grunt, Jon hit something made of glass as it rolled slightly from his impact. Reaching forward, Jon felt the nail polish bottle and its size. Happy to find the item, Jon called out to Vera, “FOUND IT!”

“Great,” Vera called out, sounding delighted at the news. Soon a small light on the other side of the bed shined in and Jon could see Vera’s hand held out. “Bring it,” the excited elf cooed and beckoned him.

Jon paused. Maybe it was his imagination, but it almost sounded like Vera was calling him back, like he was some kind of pet, like a dog that was asked to fetch something and return it to his owner. Shaking off the thought of Vera treating him like that, Jon chalked it up to his imagination or irritation from the whole week. Dragging the bottle of nail polish behind him, Jon found it harder to transport it than he thought. It was ridiculously heavier than he expected. Already he was feeling exhausted tugging the stupid container behind him.

“What’s going on Jon,” Vera called out confusedly, as he waved his hand under the bed for him.

Jon huffed, “Just give me a second. Not exactly as light as I thought it was gonna be.” Jon continued to catch his breath as he leaned on the nail polish bottle. Suddenly it rolled backward slightly from Jon’s weight, leaning in on it. Startled at first, Jon nearly yelped at the lack of resistance he was expecting. After a few moments, Jon grinned. Okay, that could work. Getting up behind the barrel-like-sized bottle of nail polish, Jon gave it a shove and was delighted with the results. It was rolling ahead of him. Chuckling at the fact that he could shove it instead of dragging it, Jon continued to roll the little oval container across the floor.

Stepping into the light, Jon let the nail polish roll out from under the bed and toward Vera. He was sitting there waiting for Jon. The moment the black paint bottle rolled toward Vera he let out a delighted squeak. “You did it!”

Jon huffed a little to catch his breath looking up at the elf boy who thankfully put on more clothes than the last time Jon saw him. “Yeah, yeah. Should I even ask how it got thrown under the bed?”

Vera looked ashamed at the question, “I was gonna paint my nails, but I tripped and it fell from my hands.  Then I couldn’t reach that far under my bed.”

“Well now you have your nail polish back,” Jon told Vera finally getting his breath back from the more than decent exercise of pushing the large black nail polish from out under the bed. “Now if you can just grow me back?”

Vera picked up the bottle and gave it a quick shake and nodded, “Oh yeah sure. Do you really not like being that tiny?” Vera asked, almost sounding confused at the very question. “I think you look cute.”

Cute? Did Jon just hear that right? “CUTE?!”

Vera nodded, smiling like he just gave Jon the complement of the century. Jon had to take a deep breath before speaking. He almost lost it at being called freaking cute. He didn’t want to look fucking cute he wanted to be fucking normal…

“Well…” Jon said slowly, “I don’t like it so.” Jon gave Vera a look, “Can you turn me back-”

“OH, I KNOW WHAT WOULD BE GREAT!” Vera blurted out, cutting Jon off. Something that got on Jon’s nerves more often than one would guess. Vera was giggling like he just discovered a cheat code to his favorite video game. “This is gonna be great,” Vera smugly smiled as he popped the cap off the nail polish. Before Jon could say anything, Vera’s free hand came slapping down dangerously close to Jon. Jon felt the ground shudder from the impact of Vera’s giant small palm hitting the floor. Each finger was about the same size as he was as Vera splayed them out in front of Jon. “Why don’t you do it?”

Jon was caught off guard at the question. “Do what?”

Vera drummed his fingers on the ground sending a nice thump through the floor, “Paint my nails.”

It was now that Jon saw Vera holding the brush out for him. The thing had to be at least his size or a little smaller. The handle was already being shoved toward Jon as Vera smiled down giggly at Jon. “What? No, I don’t want to, stop it,” Jon said, backing away as Vera kept nudging it toward his chest ignoring Jon’s protest.

“Come on, it’ll be fun.”

“No, it won't.”

“Why not,” Vera asked, sounding a little upset.

“Cause I just don’t freaking want to,” Jon barked back. “I don’t want to paint your damn nails!”

Vera looked saddened at the news. “But, like, you know… it’s the last day and all. I thought we could spend some time talking…”

Jon wasn’t sure if the elf was working magic on him or not, but a part of him felt a little guilty at his outburst. The depressed look on Vera’s face was a little too much, as now Jon felt like he might have been too harsh. As Vera said, it was their last day together… So what's wrong with doing something girly like painting his nails? Jon almost couldn’t believe he was gonna do this, “FINE! Just give me the damn brush,” Jon ordered, grasping the larger plastic head of the nail brush.

Vera's mood brightened drastically at Jon’s compliance, “Here you go!” He seemed so pleased at Jon’s willingness now that he almost bounced up and down on the floor.

Grasping the brush to the nail polish, Jon nearly dropped the heavy thick object. It was like trying to lift a barbell, difficult but not impossible. Grunting and regretting agreeing with Vera’s idea, Jon moved his small body over to the elf’s fingers. Why didn’t he just grow him back to normal size to do this? It would be so much easier. However, Vera didn’t seem to notice Jon’s struggles as he sat there observing him.

“Maybe… You could… grow me…” Jon grunted trying not to drop the freaking long brush. He wasn’t sure if Vera would get upset or mad at the paint hitting the floor, but Jon wasn’t sure if he wanted to find out.

“Sure sure, after you get my hands,” Vera said as he slid his hand closer to Jon. “Start with the thumb,” Vera told Jon.

“Why… not,” Jon muttered under his straining voice as he struggled to keep the brush steady. It was more effort to try and apply a layer of paint but as he pushed the brush down and dragged it, Jon found it a little easier than he thought. Once Jon had a good solid coat on Vera’s thumb, he started to head toward the index finger.

“That looks great, now the next finger,” Vera ordered happily.

Part of Jon figured Vera just liked bossing him around. That or Vera was just too simple to actually think that Jon couldn’t figure things out for himself. Rolling his eyes at the child-like elf watching him work, Jon did his best to stay calm and steady with the next finger.

Vera was so happy to see his little friend helping paint his finger. It almost was heartbreaking to think that this was their last day together. “You know… It was nice having a friend with me,” Vera said, enjoying the sound of that word. Friend. “It’s been too long… I don’t know if I said this, but in my other life, well it wasn’t as fun or enjoyable as it is now.” Vera sighed as he recalled how upsetting it was in the other world. Everything was so much different and better here, “It’s nice to finally say that I have a friend… well I mean, Alty is my friend, but I meant a human friend that is,” Vera giggled at the correction. Glancing down he noticed there was a spot that Jon missed. “Oh, you missed a spot,” Vera added, pointing at the little area missed.

Jon, who was doing his best not to drop the brush, watched Vera point out his mistake, something that rubbed him the wrong way as he babbled about his feelings or whatever. Jon wasn’t paying attention, he just wanted to get done. So when the large finger and Vera’s voice pointing out his mistake made Jon a little more upset than it should have. Muttering to himself, Jon went back and repainted the missed spot. “Why don’t you do it yourself,” Jon growled, covering the finger nail and heading back to the previous one he was working on.

Vera smiled at the better-looking nail and continued. “I’m gonna miss this. You and me, together. Just two friends hanging out… right, that’s the correct term? To be hanging out?” Vera laughed, “That’s just funny to say, cause we’re not really hanging from anything.”

Jon’s tolerance had to be improving from the week with Vera because he swore that, if he was living this exact moment at the start of the week, things would have totally been different. Jon was sure he would have tossed the nail brush to the ground and told Vera to shut up and let him do this quietly. However, he reframed … but just barely. There was only so much he could take from the boyish elf. Especially this stupid banter he was doing.

Vera watched Jon finish his right hand. Picking the brush out of his little grasp, Vera dipped it and gave it back to Jon. Soon Vera presented his other hand. “You must have had some kind of fun this week right? I know it had to be weird,” Vera chuckled, “Learning about magic and elves and everything else like this… I know, cause you looked so confused when I first shrank you… it was so adorably cute!”

Jon paused as he heard those words. There was no fucking way that you could call him being shrunken by this childish boy, effectively kidnapped and held against his will.  Constantly to have his size changed against his will to do whatever Vera wanted, as FUN! Worst of all is to call his confusion, Jon’s genuine fear at some twisted size changing magic, as cute.

Just stomach through it.

“I guess,” Jon said, sounding lifeless at his response. Just wanting to get this over with, Jon sped up his brushing. He only had a few more nails left. Once they were done, he was gonna get the heck out of here. Probably find a nice corner in the apartment to hide from Vera till this whole fiasco was over with.

Vera let out a sigh of relief, “Oh good… I was worried I was the only one having fun this week.”

“…” Should Jon correct him?

No… No, just shut up. The last thing he needed was to give Vera a reason to make him stick around longer to prove “That they could have fun…” or some stupid shit. It would be a very Vera thing for him to do. Instead, Jon kept his mouth shut as he moved onto the pinkie fingers and the last one. Jon grunted as he splashed paint on the finger and rubbed it over in a nice even coat. Sighing, Jon shouted, “DONE!”

Vera pulled his hand back and glanced at his fingers. Gently he blew over them, which blew back into Jon’s face. The minty smell of Vera’s freshly brushed teeth mixed with the strong scent of paint hit Jon, causing him to stumble at the mix of smells. Not something he wanted to experience. However, when Vera pulled his hands back and gave them a few flicks to help them dry, Jon knew he was finally done. Sighing, he let Vera take the brush from him and pull it away. Jon closed his eyes and let out an exhausted sigh as he recovered from-

A sudden jab of something into Jon’s chest caused him to flinch and instinctually grab the object. Opening his eyes he saw the paint brush back in his hands. Confusion hit Jon till he saw Vera push out his right foot and wiggled his little piggies in front of Jon.

“What’s this,” Jon shouted angrily.

“Hmm?” Vera asked, looking and blowing on his nails before turning back to Jon.  “My toe nails, of course, silly.” Vera replied, laughing at his response to Jon’s question.

“no no no, you said your fingernails!'' Jon snapped.

Vera looked confused… “I can’t paint my toenails,” Vera explained as he shook his hands, “My fingers are drying.”

Jon gaped at Vera who continued to blow on his nails to try them. “YOU TRICKED ME!” Jon shouted enraged.

“Tricked you,” Vera paused mid-blow. Vera had a soft frown forming on his face with confusion, “I didn’t trick you. I asked you to paint my nails.”

Jon wasn’t sure if that was the correct wording or not, but this wasn’t what he wanted to do. Ten nails was plenty, doing all twenty was too much. However, the foot pushing forward slowly begged to differ at Jon’s wants. It seemed he would have to do Vera’s toes too. Did Jon fight Vera on this?

Through gritted teeth Jon hissed, “LAST DAY...LAST FUCKING DAY!” With a rage in him, Jon found the strength to go on as he started the task of rubbing black paint on Vera’s toenails. Meanwhile the elf boy was flicking and blowing on his hands till he felt they were dry enough.

“I kind of feel bad,” Vera said out of the blue as Jon did his best to ignore the annoying mocha bean color giant. “I feel like I’ve hardly gotten to know you since we met,” Vera spoke, sounding a little saddened at the realization.

“Shocker…” Jon muttered at the obvious truth he spoke.

“So…?” Vera asked, seeming content on listening to Jon’s words, “Tell me something about you.”

Jon paused as he looked up at that innocent face perched on his knees, gleaming down at him as he sweated and struggled to get these big ass digits of his painted. Taking a break, Jon took a few deep breaths. Not just to clear his emotions he wanted to throw at the giant but to also get his thoughts together.

“Nothing to say,” Jon said.

Vera gave a pout, “Nothing? That can’t be true. There has to be something you can tell me…”

“No.. no there’s not.” Jon corrected him. “I don’t have much family, I mostly work. I don’t have anyone back at my place, friends are slim pickings. Haven’t seen them in probably a year. Boss is a jerk.” Jon didn’t know why he was spouting out all this nonsense to Vera. As bad as it sounded, it was a life that Jon wanted to get back to. “Anyway, like I said nothing.”

“Really,” Vera said, sounding sad. “What about a girlfriend?”

Jon scoffed, “Please… I don’t have the time.” He didn’t mention the social skills either but that wasn’t something he was sharing with Vera. “There isn’t anyone I like right now.”

Vera was silent as Jon went back to work. Vera seemed to smile over his knees as he spoke, “I like you.”

“Thanks,” Jon replied as he scrubbed another layer of black on Vera’s toe before moving on to the next one.

Vera couldn’t help but feel so overjoyed that he met Jon. Jon was such a nice person, always helping him. Vera didn’t know a lot of people, especially humans here, but Jon seemed like one of the nicest so far. It felt kind of bad that they would be parting soon. However, Vera felt that they grew so close to each other that Jon and himself would end up “hanging out” more. Yet, part of Vera worried that might not be the case.

“Finished,” Jon grunted as he nearly toppled over after holding that damn nail polish brush for so long. It had been a while since he went to the gym, but this felt like a full-body workout. His arms were weak and his legs were wobbly. It was almost too much for Jon to stay standing with the brush. After the announcement of completing his job, Vera peered down and let out a delighted sound as he drummed his newly painted toes on the floor. The rapid flexing of toes tapping near Jon made him take a few steps back. The last thing he wanted was to get caught up under them again. He had his week's worth of foot time and preferred to not get put under them again.

Vera cheered, “Wow… they look perfect,” Vera praised Jon. “I should have you do this more often.”

Jon bit back his comment of today being his last day. He was so close to being free and gone that he didn’t need to say or do something he might regret. Instead, he ignored the giddy boy elf mesmerized at the fresh coat of nail polish. “So can you at least make me bigger than this,” Jon asked, showing off his size once again to Vera.

Vera looked away toward Jon before giving him a happy smile, “But you look so cute when you're tiny like that.” The smirk on his face and again using the word cute were not the things Jon wanted from the elf.

“Vera…” Jon said in a calm but warning tone, “I don’t like being, CUTE. I want to be able to walk out of the room without having it take the rest of the day to do so.”

“Well, I could carry you-” Vera started only for Jon to get a little more upset.

“Vera…” Jon said more sternly.

Vera huffed, “Fine… I was just saying I could help that’s all…” Vera gave a soft pout.

“Yeah, by growing me back to a decent size,” Jon crossed his arms and gave a serious look to the upset elf boy.

“Fine,” Vera repeated. Not as happy as he was a few moments ago. Jon watched as Vera reached out. “I just wanted you to know that I think it's adorable when you’re this size.” Jon watched Vera explain his reason as his large hand came closer to Jon. The familiar blue light sprinkled down on him and grew him back to a decent six inches. Jon was now large enough to not have to worry about running a marathon just to get across the apartment.

“Finally,” Jon exhaled as he liked his current size much more than the last one. “I’m gonna watch some TV,” Jon exclaimed, leaving Vera to sit alone in his room and let his nails dry. Making it back to the couch, it would only be a few more hours before the day was “over” and Vera would turn him back to normal. Vera had to have him back to normal before five, that was when he would need to head back to drop off the tax forms at the office. Then he would be free of Vera for good.

“Sooooo,” Jon said, looking at the clock as it was getting to that time. “It’s almost five.”

Vera was sitting on the couch with a fluffy brown blanket wrapped around him, making him look like a chocolate candy ball. The layer of brown warmth was just a few shades off of his own skin almost camouflaging him in the ball of fluff. They hadn’t said much and Vera seemed to be mulling over something for the rest of the day. Which was fine with Jon. It seemed the less Vera was talking or doing stuff with him the better off he was. The boy had some special way of always finding a way to annoy or rub Jon the wrong way. Or maybe it was just his tolerance being spent. A week of Vera was way too much for him. Jon had his fill of Vera for at least a good month, maybe even the year.

As Jon called out, Vera seemed lost in thought looking at a TV commercial for some silly fantasy show coming soon. Jon tried again, “Hey… hello? Vera?” Jon called out on the other side of the couch toward the dazed elf. Getting closer Jon shouted louder, “VERA!”

Vera’s ear twitched and flicked for a second before he shook his head, “Huh? Oh, sorry… what was that?”

Jon was a little worried for the young teen looking elf, but Jon had his fill of helping. He just wanted to go home and sleep alone and free. “I was saying it’s getting kind of close to that time… you know… when I have to go…” Jon let those words hang around before adding, “Back home… normal sized.” Jon added each part to emphasize his point.

“Oh, yeah, right,” Vera slowly nodded as if he completely forgot. Something that added another jab at Jon’s anger. Jon had to mentally tell himself to stay calm. Vera slowly opened his mouth, but kept looking at the flashing screen on the television. “I was thinking…”

Jon didn’t like that.

“Maybe,” Vera slowly added. “Maybe… you could stay for a little longer?”

Jon felt his mouth drop, “Hu-”

Vera quickly added, “You know, like the weekend. Or like another week would be fine too!”

Jon felt his mouth drop lower, “Uh, no… yeah no. No, no, I can’t. I got work. Remember? I have to go back, file these papers,” Jon stabbed his hand toward the paperwork set off to the side. “I need-”

“I COULD MAIL THEM!” Vera blurted out. “I.. I could send them in. For you, you know!”

Jon hated the fact that this was true. As long as the papers got to the office, but this was his trump card of getting the heck out of here, “Vera… We had a deal, remember.” Vera turned to Jon. There was worry on his face. Jon had to play on this. “I thought we were friends? Are we not friends? I thought we could trust each other. You’re making me think I can’t trust you…”

“YOU CAN TRUST ME!” Vera blurted out leaning in toward Jon. The towering fuzzy brown pudding on the couch dipped closer, showing off how much larger Vera was than Jon.

“It doesn’t sound like it,” Jon added, not trying to show how intimidated he was by the size of Vera. For someone so small compared to many normal people, Jon always forgot how much bigger he was compared to him.

Vera looked a little hurt but went on, “I was just saying… like earlier you were saying you were having fun with me, right? It doesn't have to end. We can still have fun and-”

Jon cut him off, “I have work. I have a life. I have obligations and commitments to uphold. Something you are supposed to have too. A commitment to turn me back to normal at the end of the week. Vera, I had fun, I really did.” That was mostly a lie. “But sometimes the fun has to end. So, again, I’ll ask you. Are you my friend, or not?”

Vera looked suddenly saddened at the news. He looked so sad that Jon noticed his ears dip a little with his lips. Vera was quiet for a while and slowly he nodded. Jon sighed and felt the weight of the moment come off him as Vera slowly extended his arm from one of the folds in the blanket. The blue light sparkles left his hand and flew toward Jon.

For all the time that Jon was with Vera, he never felt his size come back like this. Soon in a few seconds, he went from standing on an enormous couch cushion to having his butt take up the entire seat. Never before had he been so glad to be back to his original size. In fact, the whole apartment, that once seemed so large to him, just seemed so tiny now. Even the gigantic TV was no longer huge, it was about average size. Heck, Jon swore his own was a little larger.

“Thank you Vera,” Jon said. He almost wanted to hug the boy, almost. However, Jon kept from being too happy at going back to normal. He didn’t want to insult Vera or upset him by acting too happy being free. Jon slowly got up off the couch, refraining from bolting out the front door. No, he needed to stay calm and controlled. “I should head home-”

“You don’t want to finish the show,” Vera asked, sounding a little gloomy at the news of Jon leaving.

No, he really didn’t. However Jon slowly shook his head, “Sorry… Like I said it’s almost five, and the office closes soon. I figured the sooner I drop these off,” Jon held the file and tax forms up, “The sooner we’ll both feel relieved. The faster this is processed the sooner the IRS will be off your back.”

“… I guess so,” Vera muttered into the blanket he pulled tighter toward his lips.

Jon froze for a moment. Was he feeling sorry for Vera? He looked lonely sitting there on the couch by himself watching possibly a rerun of some show. However, memories of what Vera put him through… his butt sitting on his face. His freaking feet, sweaty and sticky, pushing him into his shoe padding. Shoved into his pocket, almost touching his-

Oh yeah, Jon’s sympathy left once this week's horrors came back to remind him why he was leaving in the first place. “I’ll see you later, Vera.” Jon announced as he turned and walked toward the door.


The door.

So close.

So… so big? Wait…?

Jon watched as each moment the door grew and grew and grew. Soon the doorknob was laughably high above him. Still, he watched the size of the door grow. Jon looked around starting to panic as he watched not the door, but the whole room increase in size. Soon the door was beyond a mountain in size.

Jon was too shocked and confused to put things together, that was till he heard the thunderous thumping of hurried footsteps approaching. Jon spun around about to berate and scream at Vera. However, it was the size of him that made Jon’s voice vanish. Never before had Jon seen Vera so large. The boy was a god as he quickly walked briskly toward Jon. Vera was only a few steps away, but at his size Jon was bouncing off the ground from each earth-shattering step. When Vera stopped standing above him, Jon had to gaze upon a moon-sized face as Vera crouched down.

Jon was possibly an ant to Vera, or maybe a bread crumb.

Vera’s saddened face blocked out the ceiling light as he crouched lower, his knees spreading apart so he could dip lower toward Jon, his pajama pants creating an enormous V in the sky. Vera's face looked to be in a painful expression, “… we were having fun… And I don’t want it to end! I’m… I’m sorry!” Vera blurted out. “But… Maybe you’ll forgive me someday? I promise you’ll never worry about working or not having friends or paying rent. You can just stay with me!”

Finally, Jon’s words came back, “VERA WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING! TURN ME BACK NOW!”

Vera didn’t even flinch when Jon cussed. In fact, he didn’t even blink. It was like he didn’t even hear him.

“Besides,” Vera went on, “Alty knows some people,” Vera looked excited as he nodded at the thought, “I’m sure he can pull some ropes,” Vera paused his train of thought as he put a finger to the bottom of his lip and frowned over something, “Or is it strings…” he muttered before shrugging and going on, “He could help clear my tax stuff if he has to!”


Again not so much as a reaction from Vera. “It can just be me,” Vera said as his fingers started to dip close to Jon. Those enormous house-sized fingertips came speeding toward him. Jon’s words died as he noticed the newly painted nails easily ten or twenty times his size dip down toward him. The lines in Vera’s fingerprints were easily visible as the elf started to pinch at Jon. “And you,” Vera spoke joyfully as he gently but firmly pinched Jon by the shirt and started to pull him off the ground.

“OH MY GOD! VERA OH GOD,” Jon started to freak out seeing just how punny he was to the enormous floor below and the elf boy’s face as he was brought closer. Vera’s soft breath filled Jon’s air as Vera held him close, or to Jon, too close. The hint of chocolate and potato chips hit Jon’s nose as Vera smiled. His lips tugged a big grin over his face. His usual soft voice, much louder now that Jon was close to him, giggled. The rumbling was heavy in the air.

“For as long as we want,” Vera spoke excitedly with immense joy.

Jon shook his head. Fuck that. “VERA LET ME GO! I WANT TO GO HOME!”

“I was worried,” Vera sighed. The gust of air blowing at Jon threatened to rip him away from Vera’s grip. Tugging on him from the soft but violent puff of air. “That I wouldn’t do it. That you’ll be mad at me.” Vera’s words were causing Jon’s ears to ring from how close he was to the enormous mouth. “But,” Vera’s tone went up as he smiled again at Jon. “In a little while, you’ll see that we can have even more fun than before. And you’ll be thanking me, I promise. Just you wait!”

Jon wasn’t ready for Vera’s next attack. His mouth surged forward.

Jon was freaking out as the open mouth lurched forward to swallow him whole, “WHAT THE FU-”

The enormous lips of Vera pressed deeply into Jon as he got a taste of the boys’ lips smothering into him as Vera gave him a quick kiss. The sound of the smooch shook Jon as a fresh wave of elf saliva splattered over him with the attack. Jon let out a disgusted sound as he could taste the aftermath of Vera’s “meal” or what he called a meal. The junky snack food and sweet cola he had made it feel, smell, and taste like being doused in some sticky syrup.  Vera’s mouth slowly pulled back and a disgusted Jon watched strands of spit bridge the small gap between him and the boy’s mouth.  The dripping beads of goo slowly broke as Vera pulled back, leaving Jon in a gooey state of shock.  Vera giggled and grinned like a child getting a new toy for his birthday.  Suddenly Vera sprung up.

Jon swore he felt his brain dislodge from his skull and fall down to his shoes where it became a puddle. The gravity of Vera jumping up caused so much force on Jon that he blacked out for a moment. It wasn’t till he felt a jerking sensation and a soft creak from the couch that he was coming to.

“Oh this is the best part,” Vera boomed as he flopped backward on the couch. His shirt flopping upward slightly revealing his looming flat smooth belly. “You’ll be safe right here,” Vera whispered as he slowly lowered Jon onto his exposed belly. Jon was still sticky from the Vera spit, and when the fingers touched the brown skin to let go, Jon felt himself faceplant into the warm supple skin.

“Vera,” Jon groaned, still recovering from his blackout.

It wasn’t till Vera removed his hands from his belly that Jon felt truly alone on the goliath of a being. It was even more horrifying when Vera inhaled slowly that Jon felt his world blossom as he was shoved down into the layer of flesh. Then Vera exhaled, dropping his belly.  The exhale of breath yanked Jon downward. Jon was catching his breath when it happened again. It was like being on one of those amusement rides where they launch you straight up into the sky and drop you back down. Only Jon’s safety restraints happen to be a sticky layer of spit and sugary sweets trying to keep him from being flung off Vera’s belly.

Jon was still recovering from everything that had happened in the past minute that he thought he was dreaming. However the rumbling sound of this childish bastard filled Jon’s world as the fleshy skin reverberated from the laughter he was doing at the TV show.

Jon did the only thing he could do as he lay stuck there. He screamed out with all his hate and venom he had for his tormentor.


Chapter End Notes:

I don't know if this is the last one, still waiting on feedback on concept/OG to idea.  However didn't want anyone lead on so just giving everyone a notice about this story

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