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A couple days later, Timothy’s head was still reeling from Clare’s presentation to the Board of Fizzy Pop. He had known that his role in the presentation was going to be humiliating, and he had been aware that his dwindling stature, compared to the girls’ burgeoning bodies, was going to be the cause of ridicule against him…but nothing could have prepared him for the sheer intensity of the humiliation that he had been subjected to during the presentation. He had tried to mentally and emotionally armor himself against what was going to happen, but once he felt the full force of the (mostly female) laughter in response to the presentation, he had felt himself starting to lose it. 

Why had he reacted that way!? Didn’t he love the humiliation, after all?? Isn’t this what he asked for?? He thought back to the presentation, and realized that it was probably the utter shock of seeing the girls all growing before his eyes as the presentation went on — yes, that was probably what did it, what made him feel so completely helpless and scared. He recalled hearing the big whoop of laughter, praise, and adulation that the Board was heaping on Clare as she stood next to him, putting her big, strong arm around him as she forced him to stand hip-to-hip with her. Well, actually, it was more like her hip to his shoulder, since she dwarfed him by so much now. He had actually felt Clare’s hips expand against his shoulder — he had felt her thighs getting fleshier and fuller, and he had seen her rise up, up, and up, higher and higher, as she drank in the praise. 

This was probably why he was feeling so out of sorts, even two days later. That, and the fact that the girls just didn’t seem to have stopped growing. They were all easily 8 feet tall now, with Patricia standing at a “respectable” 8 feet even, Katie standing a couple inches taller at 8’2, Ashley even taller at 8’4, and Clare, the tallest of the bunch, topping off at a whopping 8’5. And that wasn’t even counting the heels they were wearing! Timothy had been trying to concentrate on his batch mixing, but, even aside from his own shrinking, how on earth was he supposed to do his job now? Patricia and Ashley were the only ones not wearing heels, and they were 8 feet and 8’4 tall! Katie was strutting around in her massive 6-inch gladiator platforms, bringing her up to a monstrous 8’8, and Clare was striding about the office in a pair of absolutely ferocious 7-inch heels, which made her a solid 9 feet tall! Timothy could do nothing but gawk whenever any of these women, but particularly Katie and Clare, were in the room. 

He felt like he had lost control of the whole process. As he sat there in his office chair, his feet dangling from the seat, he agonized over the choice he had made a few days ago, to plead with Maia to speed up the process. His own shrinking had been happening at a more rapid pace, and he was just over 3’8 now. But the growing…he had not been prepared for all of this. As he sat there ruminating, he thought that maybe he had bitten off more than he could chew this time. He just couldn’t believe how quickly the girls, and Beatrice, were growing! Deep down, he had an ominous feeling that Maia hadn’t just sped things up once — instead, she was continuing the speed them up, over and over, without stopping. 

This thought had occurred to him earlier that morning, when he was in Ashley’s office and literally saw her desk slowly growing, without ceasing, in order to accommodate the organic growth from Ashley and the other girls. Timothy had shook his head, trying to clear it, and looked again at Ashley’s desk. But there it was, still slowly, slowly growing. Timothy had swallowed an uncomfortable lump in his throat — it was as if Maia’s finger was constantly pressing the “growth button,” never letting off for even a second. Was this what he had wanted? Timothy wasn’t sure; he wasn’t really sure about anything anymore. All he knew was that his giantess dreams and fantasies were becoming a reality, and that, far from being blissful, he was experiencing an extremely uncomfortable combination of fear and anxiety. What was this Pandora’s box that he had unwittingly opened? He could only sit there and wait to see. 

Suddenly, he heard Katie’s rich, powerful voice at his door. “Hey there Tiny Tim!” she chuckled from his doorway. His head snapped up to see the 8’8 gorgeous goddess leaning against the doorframe, her huge height and amazonian bulk completely filling the doorway. Timothy knew that, at this point, the doorways had been growing to accommodate the giantess’ bodies, but even with that additional growth, Katie’s incredible body filled the doorway completely. 

“Oh!” said Timothy, starting up in surprise.

“Did I scare you, little guy?” Katie laughed. 

“N-no!” Timothy lied. “I…I just d-didn’t see you there.”

“Uh-huh,” said Katie knowingly, cocking her head at him and raising her eyebrows. “Anyway, boss lady says there’s a special meeting in her office.”

“F-for what?” asked Timothy, sliding out of his chair and walking towards Katie’s huge body. 

She shrugged. “No idea,” she said, but then she bent down over Timothy as he stood next to her, smiling down darkly on him as her enormous frame loomed over him, casting him completely in her shadow. “But from the looks of it, Clare’s got a fun little surprise…for all of us.” 

Timothy blinked up at Katie and swallowed nervously. He had already begun to learn that “surprises” were generally at his expense, and resulted in more shrinking. 

“Well, go on, after you,” said Katie, standing back up. “Let’s get a move on!” Timothy just stood there looking up at her, not finding it within his powers to ask her to move out of the door. Katie just stood there with her hands on her hips, staring down at him for a moment or two, and then pretended to realize something.

“Oh!” she said, laughing. “Oh, I’m sorry — am I blocking the door? Am I blocking the way? How rude of me!” And she spread her legs open widely, making a large triangle of space underneath her torso. “After you, little guy,” she giggled, indicating with a large hand that he should walk underneath her legs. Timothy looked at her for a moment longer and then decided that there was no use not humoring her. Katie was going to make him do this, whether he wanted to or not, so he may as well get it over with. He took a deep breath and walked underneath her body, the two huge pillars of her legs rising up mightily on either side of him as he walked through them and out into the hallway. He could hear Katie giggling above him, and then behind him as they walked down toward Clare’s office. 

“Oh my god,” said Katie when they were halfway there, “you’re soooo slow, Timmy.” He felt a huge shadow pass over him as Katie literally stepped over his entire body as she took the lead. “Must be those short little shrimpy legs you’ve got, huh?” She laughed back at him derisively as she neared Clare’s office, and Timothy’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head as he saw her enormous backside swaying and jiggling and undulating up and down with each step. There was no question about it: at this point, a single one of her ass cheeks weighed more than he did. He walked into Clare’s office, in Katie’s wake, feeling smaller than ever.

“Finally! Everybody’s here!” said Clare, who had been sitting at her desk but now rose up and walked around to greet them. Ashley and Patricia had been leaning on Clare’s desk, but now they straightened up, their eyes looking down at Timothy with a mixture of amusement and…and something else that he couldn’t quite place. He just knew that their eyes made him feel uneasy. 

“Thank you, Katie, for fetching the runt,” said Clare. “Now all of you, please, take a seat.” The girls all sat down in adult-sized chairs, which Timothy did not fail to notice were growing bit by bit, before his very eyes. The girls must still be growing, he thought, and then looked around, wondering where he was supposed to sit. His heart sank a little as he saw a tiny chair, obviously intended to seat children, that Clare must have brought for him. He went over and sat down in it, his feet still not actually touching the floor. The girls giggled high above him from their lofty seats as they looked down at his pitiful get-up. 

“I can see you didn’t need any special instruction on where to sit, Timmy,” mocked Clare. “That’s good — for once you don’t need additional directions to do as you’re told. Now then! You all might be wondering why I called this meeting.”

“Hmmm, maybe Timmy’s wondering,” said Ashley with a strange smile, “but I think the rest of us can probably make some educated guesses.” Patricia and Katie chuckled amongst themselves at Ashley’s comment. Timothy stared up at them blankly — he had no idea what Ashley was talking about. 

“Yes, well, just for ceremony’s sake,” said Clare, and she held up a stack of envelopes in her hand. “I’ve received this collection of special envelopes from the top brass,” she said with a slow smile. “One for each of us.” She started handing them out to the girls. “One for you, one for you, one for you, one for me, aaaannddd…one for little Timmy here.” Clare was not able to stifle a snort of laughter as she handed Timothy what to him was an oversized envelope, as big as his chest. In her hand, it had looked normal-sized, and maybe even a bit small. He sat there holding the huge envelope, staring at it stupidly — he was surprised to have gotten one. 

“Well, let’s open them up!” said Clare excitedly, “although you girls may have already guessed at the contents.”

“Make Timmy open his first!” sang Katie eagerly, looking down at him from her seat. 

“Yeah, I’m more curious what he’s got,” said Ashley. “I kinda already know what’s in mine.”

“Same here!” agreed Patricia energetically.

Clare looked down at Timothy severely. “Well!?” she said, “you heard the girls, shrimp! Let’s see what the Board has in store for you!” 

Timothy did as he was told; as he struggled to open the large envelope, his mind was utterly blank. What could this possibly be?? He had no clue. He opened the envelope unceremoniously, having to rip and tear through several different parts of the envelope to get to the letter inside. With more difficulty, he opened up the letter and read it. 

“Out loud!” ordered Clare. “Read it out loud.” 

“To T-timothy Springer…” he began. “Per your performance in the presentation, this is a notice that you have been…r-reassigned…t-to…to the position of…office assistant.”

“Haha!! What!?” burst out Katie as she laughed loudly. “That’s the lowest position at the company!”

“Oh my god, that’s right!” laughed Ashley in kind as she looked down at Timothy, her eyes sparkling. “It has like, no benefits.”

“And isn’t it minimum wage too?” asked Patricia, her huge breasts shaking with soft laughter. 

“It sure is!” said Clare, putting her hands on her knees as she peered down at Timothy. “But really, who’s gonna argue with this? I mean, is it reasonable to pay anyone as short and shrimpy and useless as Timothy anything but minimum wage?”

The girls all joined in on the laughter as Timothy hung his head. He couldn’t believe it — he was already barely making ends meet. And now he had been demoted!? To the lowest position at the company!? It was all too much to process. But he was interrupted from his internal self pity from a great whoop from Katie. The girls had all just opened their letters.

“Oh my god!!” she screamed, “I got a promotion! Co-assistant office manager!”

“Me too!” cried Patricia, “same thing!!” The two giantesses high-fived each other, which sounded to Timothy like a sudden clap of thunder, and it made him jump. 

“Just like I suspected!” breathed Ashley excitedly. “Clare…they’ve…they’ve promoted me to your position!”

“Oh hell yeah, Ash!” cried Katie. “You deserve it, girl!”

“That makes sense,” said Clare, opening and reading her own letter, “because the Board has promoted me as well…to an Executive!!” 

The girls all let loose a loud and exulting range of whoops and hollers in response to the incredible news. Timothy just sat there in his tiny chair, trying in vain to process what had happened. He had been demoted to making $7.50 an hour, with no benefits whatsoever, and the rest of the girls had all received these sparkling promotions! None of them was making under $150,000 a year by this point, and they were all probably making a bunch more…Clare especially. His head was spinning. So much energy was emanating from his co-workers that it was almost making it tough for him to breathe there in Clare’s office. He braced himself for more sudden and god-like growth to happen, but almost as soon as he braced himself, he felt like something just snapped in his head. He looked around for a moment, dazed, but he couldn’t find an external source for this sudden, powerful feeling he had just experienced. It was just like…something had broken, like some kind of psychic dam had just come down. He didn’t know what to make of it, but he suddenly heard Maia’s rich, calm, textured voice in his head. 

‘I did it, Timothy,’ he heard her say, and he could almost feel her smiling over the whole proceeding. ‘I broke all the barriers, little man. I hope you’re ready….here it comes.’ 

“Hey Katie!” said Clare suddenly, snapping Timothy back to her office, “why don’t you close my office door, huh? And put down the “Busy” sign while you’re at it…yeah, and lock it!” She rounded on Timothy as the other women surrounded him. “We’ve got some celebrating to do with Timmy here, and I don’t want us to be interrupted.”

Without even really meaning to, Timothy jumped out of his chair and backed up against one of the walls in Clare’s office as the four women closed in on him, blocking off any chance for escape. To his horror, he was noticing that all the growth that had sped up in the past couple days was absolutely nothing in comparison to what was going on now. All of the girls seemed to be steadily growing before his eyes, still slowly, but at a much faster pace than they had been before. 

“Yeah, that’s right, you pathetic little pipsqueak,” said Clare savagely as they closed in on him. “This is where you belong Timmy — below us, surrounded by us, dwarfed by us in every way.”

“And that’s every way, you know,” said Katie, “and not just our awesome bodies.”

“Yeah, just face it, Timmy,” said Ashley quietly, shaking her head down at him. “We’re superior to you in every possible facet of life. And it’s not even close.”

“To start with, you’re just the size of a child to us,” said Patricia, laughing. “I can’t believe that, just a few years ago, Katie and Ash and I were actually working in the same office with you!”

“Oh my god,” laughed Katie as she shoved Timothy into the wall with a tiny flick of her wrist, “that seems like ages ago, Trish! But you’re right — we all started in the same spot as he did!” 

“And look where we’ve all ended up,” chuckled Ashley, stretching out her leg to compare it with Timothy’s body. At this point, her single leg was longer and thicker than Timothy’s entire body. 

“And who would argue against it, after all?” mocked Clare, seizing Timothy by the chin, her huge hand wrapping easily all the way around his face, as she forced him to look up at her. With each humiliating ploy from the girls, Timothy shrank more and more. His heart was beating so fast as he realized that their growing, and his shrinking, were now on accelerating at an unprecedented rate. Everything they did to him made him shrink more. Katie shoved him — he lost half an inch. Ashley compared her huge leg to his body — he lost a quarter inch. Patricia teased him with her big boobs, bending down and making kissing faces at him — he lost a quarter inch. Clare flicked him in the forehead, laughing harshly — he lost half an inch. It was all totally out of his control.

“Holy shit, look at him go!” chided Clare unsparingly, “look at him! He loves it — he can’t get enough of it, girls! Everything we do to him just makes him get smaller and smaller and smaller!” 

“Oh my god, what a pathetic little sub,” groaned Katie, obviously aroused as she twirled her huge fingers in tufts of Timothy’s hair, taking pleasure in tugging his head up in her grasp. 

“Let’s take this up a notch!” said Clare aggressively, and then she turned down to look at Timothy, her eyes shining darkly. “Strip, little boy!” she ordered. Timothy started shaking in fear, but there was nothing he could do. A few moments later he was standing in front of the giant girls, totally naked. 

“Now I wanna see you play with yourself,” cackled Clare. “Because, after all, this is what you’ve always wanted, isn’t it? To be surrounded by a cohort of gigantic women who dominate you in every way and force you to do their will? Tell me I’m right, slut.”

“Y-you’re…you’re r-r-right,” squeaked timothy as he reached for his erect cock and started to stroke himself. 

“Aww haw haw!” laughed Patricia, totally letting loose. “It’s really true! You can’t fake that!” 

“It’s incredible, really,” said Ashley sardonically, “how someone can be so submissive, so tiny, so…totally inferior.”

“It’s almost like we’re a different species altogether!” laughed Katie, her eyes shining down on Timothy as he stroked his tiny cock. “I mean…forget “almost” — there’s no way he could be considered the same species at this point! We’re something beyond human — we’re like goddesses, girls! Giantesses! And Timmy here…he’s something less than human now.”

“Some kind of weird, shrunken homunculus,” agreed Ashley.

“Well girls, let’s not leave our little sub-human in the lurch here!” laughed Clare. “Let’s give him a show!” And they did. For the next few hours, the girls teased Timothy mercilessly, flaunting their gigantic bodies at him. Patricia teased him mercilessly with her tits, forcing him to cum on them over and over as she made fake cooing noises in his ear. Clare undulated her huge hips in his face, laughing harshly as she gave him a series of “lap dances,” forcing him to blow his load everywhere. Ashley kept comparing her long limbs to his body, delighting in how she dwarfed him, and not failing to point out every one of his physical and mental inadequacies along the way. And Katie danced around, delighting in teasing Timothy with her huge, oozing curves and her massive ass, which she shook over and over in his face. He lost track of how many times he came to Katie’s ass, as she viciously, aggressively teased him with it. Once, she even went so far as to pick Timothy up and place him on one of the grown-up chairs, and she turned around and sat her enormous ass directly down on top of his shrunken body. The other girls had cheered, and Timothy could feel Katie laughing through the shaking ripples in her ass flesh, as he shrank down further and further into her ass crack. It felt like Katie’s butt was literally eating him, consuming him alive, but really it was a combination of his body shrinking and her ass getting bigger. 

Hours later, Timothy was laid out on the office floor, totally out of breath, naked, sweaty, and covered in the girls’ cum. He had shot his load too many times to count, and he was totally depleted, physically, mentally, and spiritually. He was now only 6 inches tall. And the girls…well, true to form, they had all burgeoned extraordinarily. They were all just around 12 feet tall now, with Clare being the tallest, closely followed by Ashley, then Katie, and then Patricia. Timothy’s body was nothing more than a handful for any of them. 

“Yeah, that’s right,” laughed Clare, staring down at Timothy’s limp, tiny form. “You’re my little office bitch now, Timmy. My little office slave. Ooooh boy, the things I have planned for you!” She picked him up in her hand and held him up to her face. “Maybe I can just use you as a paperweight,” she chuckled, “although I doubt you’d amount to much in that job. You’re too much of a lightweight!” The rest of the girls joined Clare in their mocking laughter and Timothy shrank one final inch in response to this latest humiliation. He was everybody’s bitch now, but especially Beatrice’s at home, and Clare’s at work. He finally regretted his hasty words to Maia, but there was nothing he could do about it now. He was a tiny little shrunken bitch slave, not even good enough to be used as a paperweight. He was truly inferior to the women in his life…in every way.

Chapter End Notes:

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