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“Hey there tiny man!” boomed Fran down at the naked, 3-inch-tall man standing on her sofa cushions as he shook in fear. He was staring up at the enormous woman’s body that loomed high over him, casting a shadow completely over his minuscule form. The middle-aged woman was definitely overweight, but her body still managed to retain the hulking, voluptuous curves of her younger years, even though they were now accentuated with the jiggling bulk of additional body fat. Of course, it went without saying that much of this added weight was in her breasts — ever since her teenage years, Fran had always sported a massive rack, but as she had gotten older, more and more weight seemed to have gone into her already-massive breasts, until now, in her mid-40’s, they were nothing short of gargantuan. 

But it was Fran’s outfit that was really making Li nervous. She was wearing nothing but a thong and a bra, and both of these articles of clothing represented nothing more than paltry, failing attempts to contain her monstrous body. The bra barely even covered the front part of her mammoth breasts, and the thong was having trouble even containing the thick, swollen camel toe of Fran’s pussy that pushed its imprint decisively into the strained black polyurethane. It was nighttime, and, already a few days into his week of captivity at Fran’s house, Li knew enough to start shaking in fear. Fran was in the mood to play…and for Li, “play” entailed any variety of cruel sexual games that usually ended up with him with him passed out in a thick, pungent flood of Fran’s cum, deep in her pussy. 

But it wasn’t just Fran’s outfit that was tipping off Li that he should be afraid of what was to come. In her right hand, Fran was holding what looked like a pair of furry, wired black cat ears, and in the other hand, she held a makeup pen. Clearly, Fran had plans that involved him…some kind of sick role-playing game, and the devious, sly smile on her face told Li that his darkest fears were well-founded. 

“We’re gonna play a game tonight!” continued Fran, bouncing ever so slightly on her toes as she spoke down at Li excitedly. As she bounced, her breasts, ass, hips, and the flesh around her stomach jiggled and bounced, arresting Li’s eyes and making him fear the worst. 

“A…a g-g-game?” Li managed to squeak out into the living room. He knew at this point that he was expected to engage his gigantic capturess in conversation, otherwise she would quickly become angry and accuse him of not being grateful for her attention, and for this opportunity for her to train him to be more thankful for his partner, Zelda, from whom Fran had borrowed Li for the week. 

“Yes! A g-g-game!” Fran mocked, smiling toothily down at the terrified little man. “Any guesses about what I have in mind? Good lord…I know it’s already been a few days but oh my god…I still just can’t get over how teeny tiny you are! 3 inches!?? Haha, you’re less than a shrimp! You’re nothing more than a little snack for me, hahaha! Aaaaaaaa!” 

Fran suddenly bent down and opened her mouth wide, descending on Li’s shivering body as he shrunk from her incoming, threatening maw. “Nooooo!!” he squealed, collapsing down on the sofa cushions as he shielded his face from Fran’s open mouth. “D-don’t eat meeee!” 

“Aaaaaaaaaa!” Fran kept coming, and she didn’t stop until her mouth had completely encompassed Li’s body. He was still crouching down on the sofa cushions, but his body was completely engulfed in the hot darkness of her mouth. If someone had walked into Fran’s living room at that exact moment, they wouldn’t have had any idea that there was a tiny man there. It would have just looked like Fran was pressing her open mouth into the sofa cushions. If the person had walked closer, though, and put their ear to Fran’s cheek, they would have been able to hear the piercing, agonized cries of terror that came from the tiny man inside her mouth. Fran heard Li’s desperate squeals and high-pitched cries of terror, and her rumbled laughter bubbled up from deep in her belly, coursing through Li’s imprisoned form, rattling every atom in his body and making his ears ring from the noise. To him, Fran’s laughter sounded like nothing less than rumbling thunder. 

After a full minute of this torment, Fran came up off Li’s body. He was crouching on the cushions, sniffling pitifully, his body glazed in the moisture of her breath. Fran looked at him for a moment, shaking in terror, and gave a great laugh that once again rattled his ears. After a few more moments, though, she sobered up and eyed him dangerously.

“Well?!” she boomed intensely. “What’s your guess little man? What game do you think I have in mind for us tonight?!? 

“S-s-some k-kind of…of r-r-roleplaying game?!” stuttered Li. He was so scared that he could barely talk, both from his fear of being eaten by this gigantic woman, and from his fear of something even worse happening…like getting lost forever in her pussy or something like that. He badly wanted to go back to Zelda, who was far more gentle, and far less careless, than Fran. 

“Correct!” laughed Fran. “A role-playing game! And any guesses at to what roles we’ll both be playing? I’ll give you a hint — me pretending to eat you just now was a little….“acting exercise”…you know…to help me get into the role of what I’ll be playing.” 

“Are…are y-you going t-to…to be a c-cat?” asked Li, his voice trembling. He had already seen her cat ears, so he knew that his guess was right — he was just playing along with Fran’s cruel game. It wasn’t like he had any choice in the matter. 

“Why yes I am! Such an intelligent, intuitive little man!” said Fran brightly, with a great deal of condescending exaggeration in her voice. “And what do you think you will be, little Li?”

“A, uh…a m-m-mouse?” he squeaked in fear. Li didn’t even mean to make his voice sound so high-pitched, but the reality of his only being 3 inches tall was compounded by the fact that he was terribly afraid, and as a result, his question was literally squeaked out into the air, sounding for all the world like the squeak of an actual, frightened mouse. 

“Right again!” laughed Fran, her huge body jiggling in pleasured laughter. “And I can see…or hear…that you’re already getting into character too, my little mouse! Your little squeaking voice is absolutely perfect for the part! Now, tell me, little mouse…how do I sound?”

Fran suddenly reared back and bared her teeth, hissing violently as she extended one of her hands in the implication of a clawed attack on Li’s miniature form. He fell back down on the sofa as Fran hissed and swiped at him. He knew that she was just play-acting, but she was so huge, and he was so tiny, that he had no choice but to react this way. His body, and his animal brain, were both telling him that Fran was a predator, and that he was nothing more than her prey. 

“Hahaha, your scared little face is all the answer I needed for that one!” laughed Fran. “Ok, well, it seems like we’ve got our sounds down for this fun little game. All we need now is the look. So these cat ears are for me…let me just put them on my head here…there we go…and these little mouse ears are for you!” 

Fran reached down and produced a tiny pair of grey wired mouse ears that Li hadn’t even seen, and she dropped them in his lap. he looked at them blankly for a moment. 

“Well, go on, put them on!” said Fran, for the first time starting to sound a little impatient. “Come on little guy, I can’t do everything for you. I can’t be the one to put all the energy into this relationship, you understand? I’ve gotta get some help from you, Li! I mean, I’d put them on you myself, but those little things are too small for my big fingers. You’ve gotta do it!”

“I’m…I’m s-sorry!” cried Li, and he quickly pulled the wired mouse ears over his head. 

“There we go; that’s better,” said Fran, relenting a little bit. “And now all we’ve gotta do is put some whiskers on our little mouse here. Hold still, Li — I’m gonna take care of that here, if I can just do it carefully…cause you’re just soooo small.” 

Fran leaned in with the makeup pen, and Li tried to remain as still as he could possibly manage while Fran drew whiskers on his face. After a minute or so, she was satisfied, and she leaned back, surveying her work with a toothy smile. 

“Say something,” she ordered suddenly. 

“Uhh…p-p-please p-play gently with…with me this t-time!” squeaked Li, mustering up enough courage to beg mercy from Fran. The previous night, he had fainted two times in the thick torrents of her cum as she used his little body to stimulate her clit. 

“Hahaha, perfect!” laughed Fran, clapping her hands. “The little mouse squeaking its little voice for mercy from the big bad cat! Too good…too good…and you’ll be happy to hear, my little mouse, that tonight’s game offers you a chance…a chance to have the entire night off!”

“Th-the…the entire night!??” stammered Li, hardly able to believe his ears. It was almost too good to be true. There had to be a catch, surely…

“Yes, the whole night!” said Fran, smiling deviously, “We’re going to play a classic little game of “cat-and-mouse” tonight…here’s how it works, and listen carefully. You can hide anywhere you want — anywhere inside the house. And I have to give you three whole minutes to hide. That way I know you’ll have enough time to run your little mouse legs into another room if you want to. And right when my three minutes are up, I’ll start the timer on my phone for half an hour. And then…hahaha, then I’ll come looking for you.”

Li blinked silently up at Fran, immediately starting to rack his mind for places to hide. 

“If you can stay hidden from me for an entire half hour…for 30 whole minutes,” continued Fran, “Then I’ll let you have the entire night off. You’ll get to go to sleep peacefully in that little bed I made for you, and I won’t get to use you for any of my sexual games.”

Fran paused, still smiling down at Li. He knew it was coming — the catch. 

“But if I do manage to find you,” said Fran slowly, her smile widening, “Then you’ll spend the next few hours taped to my favorite dildo…and you can imagine where that dildo’s gonna be, can’t you?” 

Li whimpered pitifully, his little knees knocking together in fear of this horrible potential outcome. He had barely managed to survive the previous few nights…and he didn’t see how he was going to manage to survive being taped to Fran’s huge, veiny dildo…for 3 whole hours!!! He would pass out too many times to count, surely!! his brain would be deprived of so much oxygen that he would die!! Or at least get brain damage!! There was no doubt that he had to stay hidden from Fran — he just had to. His life depended on it. 

“Ok, little mouse — understand the stakes?” asked Fran. Li nodded. “Here,” said Fran, reaching out, encircling her fingers around his naked body, and depositing him down on the floor. “I’ll even give you a fair start, so you don’t have to waste time climbing down on the sofa. See how fair I am?”

“Y-you…you are very fair t-to me,” said Li mechanically. 

“Ok,” said Fran, plopping down her massive, bulky ass down on the sofa, exactly where Li had been crouching a moment before. “I’m about to shut my eyes and put my fingers in my ears. As soon as I do, go hide, little mouse! Ready?!”

“R-ready,” squeaked Li, his tiny heart pounding in his tiny chest. 

“O-k…..Go!” shouted Fran excitedly. Li took off across the floor, running as fast as his little legs could carry him. Behind him, Fran had started counting out loud, “1, 2, 3, 4…”

Li knew that he had to find some place that Fran would never think to look…or a place that she could never hope to access…his first thought was hiding in one of the air vents. He saw one of the vent grates along the bottom edge of her living room wall, and ran straight up to it. If he could just manage to squeeze himself through, he could take refuge deep in the vent, and lie there, totally still, until the 30 minutes were up. The only possible way that Fran would be able to find him would be if she actually unscrewed the vent grate and reached down deep inside the duct with her hand. And surely, she would never think to do that, would she? 

Much to his despair, however, Li found that, although his tiny body was far too small for almost anything, it was slightly too big to squeeze in between the narrow ducts of the air vent grate. He tried desperately for several awful moments to squeeze his body through, but there was nothing he could do — he just didn’t fit. 

“31, 32, 33…” 

Cursing his luck, Li scurried off, deeper into the house, searching desperately for somewhere else to hide. At least in the meantime, as he searched for ideas, he could put as much distance between Fran and himself as possible. He ran into the kitchen. There wasn’t a lot of furniture that he could hide under in this room, but he quickly spied an opening in one of the cupboard doors — it wasn’t completely closed, and offered the hope of a chance for Li to squeeze his body through. 

“62, 63, 64…” 

Li knew that he was already running out of time. He had less than 2 minutes left to hide, and he quickly made up his mind that this kitchen cupboard was going to have to do for a hiding place. He quickly scampered across the floor and attempted to squeeze his body through the slight cupboard door opening. Yes!! He managed to fit through!! His world immediately became dark as his little body popped into the cupboard, and he promptly banged his shin into the side of a metal pan. Li cursed again, but lost no time in climbing up and through the various pots and pans in the dark, until he was all the way at the back of the cabinet. He was safe here, surely…right!? 

“130, 140…” Fran’s voice, though muffled, was still clearly audible deep in the cupboard. 

Li wasn’t satisfied with this spot. Something uneasy inside him was saying that it wasn’t enough, and that she was going to find him. He curled up inside one of the smallest bowls at the back of the cupboard, praying that this would be enough. 

“180!! Ok little mouse, I hope you’re ready, because I’m coming for you!!” Li knew that Fran was speaking loudly to make sure that he could hear her, no matter where he was in the house. His heart sank as he heard her next words. 

“Hmm, didn’t even think about the little marks your feet leave on the carpet, did you, little guy? Haha! Looks like you went straight up to the heating grate…cleverrrr! Very cleverrrr! But, ohhh! It looks like you were too big to fit through, huh? Hahaha, that’s probably the first time you’ve ever felt too big in your life, huh, little Li? I can seeeee your little footsteps leading away from the grate…uh-huh…ok…”

Li’s heart was hammering away like mad in his chest. Fran’s voice was getting louder…and he kicked himself for not having even thought of the tracks he left behind in the carpet…she would see! She would see that his tracks led straight into — 

“The kitchennnn!” he heard Fran say loudly, and it was all Li could do to avoid shaking at the sound of her voice. 

“Hmmm, a nice place to hide, since there’s no carpet in here to give away your tracks,” mused Fran out loud. “But not a lot to hide under here…unless…” and Li felt a sickening vibration go through the cupboard as Fran flattened herself out on the kitchen floor. She was staring up under something…probably the stove…or the refrigerator. 

“Nope, not there!” said Fran, who was enjoying narrating her search out loud. “Hmmm, maybe the little mouse scurried somewhere else in here…but where!? There’s nothing to hide under or behind, and those cupboard doors are waaaay too heavy for a mouse to open, but…” 

And here, Fran’s voice stopped dead, and Li’s heart stopped along with it. Had she found it?! Had she spotted the cupboard door that was slightly ajar?!? 

Li kept himself curled up in the bowl at the back of the cupboard, now shaking uncontrollably, and his worst fears were realized when a torrent of light came barging through the darkness. Fran had thrown the cupboard door open, and, even though he was behind a whole bunch of other pots and pans, Li was able to see her hungry, excited face peering into the darkness. 

“Hmmm, maybe the little mouse is in herrrrrre!” she said brightly. “Maybe it snuck in through the little opening there! Only one way to find out!” 

Without wasting any more time, Fran started taking pots and pans out of the cupboard, checking inside each one before she set them loudly down on the kitchen floor behind her. Li couldn’t believe it! It had barely been a few minutes into the game, and already Fran was about to discover him!! He couldn’t stay here! He had to do something…he had to try and slip out of the cupboard unnoticed…otherwise, he was just delaying the inevitable — Fran was going to find him if he stayed where he was. There was no question about that. 

As Fran continued taking out pots and pans, checking them as she clicked her tongue, Li slid out of the bowl as quietly as he could and crawled along the back wall of the cupboard, hoping to find some place where he could escape. However, he wasn’t able to find any openings, and after a minute or so of stealthy creeping along the edges of the back wall, he found himself hiding behind the other cupboard door, the closed one next to the one that Fran had opened. This was it — he knew he had to somehow slip around this door, and out of the open door, in the tiny frame of time when Fran’s attention was elsewhere, at the back of the cupboard. Li knew that he had to time it perfectly, otherwise she would see him. He also knew that he had to act fast, otherwise she was sure to open up the door he was hiding behind and discover him instantly.

A few moments later, right as she reached back to fetch the bowl he had been hiding in, Li took his chance. Sliding his body as quickly as he could around the door, he escaped the cupboard and took off running across the kitchen floor. He had done it!! She hadn’t seen him!! But where was he going to go now!?! He quickly fixed his eyes on the thick wooden legs of the kitchen table, and knew that hiding behind one of those was going to be his only shot, at least for now. If he kept freely running across the floor, she would be sure to see him if she did so much as turn around. Li managed to reach the leg of the kitchen table, which was about 5 or 6 times thicker than his little body, just in time to hear Fran’s scary words:

“I smell you, little mouse — I know you were hiding somewhere in here. I can smell your scared little body. You have a scent — you know that, right!? And it gets more and more pungent the more scared you are. You were in here, I’m sure of it…but where are you now??” 

Li heard her toss a metal bowl onto the floor in frustration as she flung the other cupboard door open, and she spent the next minute emptying the cupboard with more frustrated abandon than she had when she had first started looking in there. Li watched her, transfixed with fear, as her huge ass wiggled and wobbled with each movement from her body. After a little while, Fran tossed the last pot on the ground as she huffed in exasperation. 

“But if the little mouse was hiding there, and decided to run, it couldn’t have gotten far,” she said out loud, almost to herself. “But where? It couldn’t climb up on the counter…it couldn’t open the door to the powder room…maybe…maybe it’s over here.” 

Li heard Fran get back on all fours, and he felt the hardwood boards of the kitchen floor shake and vibrate as she crawled across them. His heart resumed its frantic beating — once again, by the intensity of the vibrations in the floor, he knew that she was getting closer to him…that she was approaching the table. Li held his breath as he suddenly smelled her breath very close by to where he was. 

“Behind one of these table legs, maybe?” she breathed, and it was all Li could do to keep from screaming out loud at how close she was. He was terrified that she would hear the desperate drummings of his little heart. He saw the tendrils of her hair emerge around the leg where he hid, and, in a desperate act of instinct, Li scampered around the leg to the other side, and right in time, because Fran was peering around the leg. 

“Hmm, not there,” she muttered, and she proceeded to check the other legs, finding nothing. Li had to get out of here. Any change in her perspective, and Fran would be sure to see him. With a wild and desperate energy, he took off running from his hiding place behind the table leg, right as Fran stood up. Li found himself literally running in between her giant legs, as her swollen camel toe loomed high above him in the sky. 

But she still hadn’t seen him. 

“Where the fuck are you…you little rascal?” Fran muttered. Li couldn’t stop — he had to keep going. He reached the carpeted floor of the living room again and kept going, not caring that he was leaving tracks again. He was hardly even thinking anymore — he was just trying to get as far away from her as possible. 

“Hmm…time’s half up!” he heard Fran call out into the house as he fled. “The little mouse has already done better than I thought it would…but it’s not going to end well for you, little one…oh no….I’m going to find you. Count on that.”

Li ran into Fran’s bedroom. He had not savored the idea of hiding there, since that was the spot where he had suffered the most torment so far, but he was just acting on pure instinct now. He scurried into her room and quickly stopped in his tracks. He heard Fran opening and closing more doors in the kitchen, and for the first time, he took a moment to breathe. He had a little time…time to think. And right then, Li got an idea. Taking care to leave tracks in Fran’s carpet, he ran to the edge of her bed, and stopped. Then, moving as lightly as he could on his feet, he made more tracks over to her laundry bin…and then under her nightstand. He was going to fool her…he was going to make it seem like he could be hiding under any of these, and she would have no choice but to check under each one. It was brilliant! 

Li was about to make tracks up to Fran’s other nightstand when he felt a clap of fear go through him again. It was Fran’s voice, and what she was saying, that struck renewed fear into his heart again. 

“Aha! New tracks!” she called. “So the little mouse thought it could run away from me…into my bedroom!? Haha, we’ll just see about that!” 

Li was caught in the open floor in front of her nightstand, and he quickly heard the booming footsteps of Fran getting closer and closer. She was running now. Li was once again acting on nothing more than adrenaline-induced fear impulse, and he made a beeline straight under the huge expanse of Fran’s dresser. He scurried under it just in time before Fran burst into the room, and he went all the way to the back wall, cowering in fear. He could see the massive, fleshy pads of Fran’s huge feet and toes as they paused in their search. 

“Again, very clever!” she said out loud. “Looks like my little prey has decided to try and fool me. Well, it’s not gonna work, little thing! I know you’re in here, and I know that your time is running out. I’m gonna find you — here I come!” 

Li saw Fran’s huge bulk flatten itself down on her bedroom floor, her ass and hips jiggling mightily as she looked under her bed. He knew that if he stayed here, she was going to find him — his tracks led a whole bunch of places in the bedroom, but they also led here. He had to find some way of hiding somewhere else. 

“Not under the bed…hmmmm….now I’m really getting impatient, little mouse,” said Fran, and Li could tell that she wasn’t playacting anymore. She was speaking the truth — she really was starting to get annoyed that he had managed to evade her for so long. 

“The clothing hamper, huh?” he heard her say. “It would be just like a little pervy mouse to hide in my dirty laundry. How about we just dump all this out and go through it piece by piece?” 

Li stood up under the back of the dresser and searched for some way to escape. His hands felt some exposed nail heads that were jutting out of the back of the dresser, not far, but just far enough…to grasp…and as his eyes got accustomed to the darkness, Li could see that the nails went all the way up, up to the dresser’s top. This was it!! His hope for salvation! If he climbed up on the nails, using them as foot and hand-holds, it wouldn’t matter if Fran looked under the dresser. She wouldn’t see him! He climbed up the nails, until he was a few feet off the ground, and stayed there, hoping beyond hope that he had found the perfect place at last. 

Fran had looked through the last of her dirty clothes, and was now audibly angry. 

“Where are you, Li?! You think you’re gonna get away from me, but you can’t!” growled Fran. Li heard her look under her nightstand, and then, he was sickened to hear that she moved the whole piece of furniture off the wall, looking in the space where it had been before. She quickly crossed her bedroom, following his tracks, and did the same to the other nightstand. Li immediately started climbing up the rest of the nails on the back of the dresser. She was going to do the same to this piece of furniture! She was going to find him back there! She wasn’t just checking underneath — she was checking the whole piece of furniture! 

Li managed to reach the top of the dresser right as Fran had flattened herself out, looking underneath it. He could hear her breath issuing forth in frustrated bursts. Li was totally exposed on top of the dresser now. He hid behind a candle, but it was a poor hiding place. He had just a couple minutes left…maybe….maybe she wouldn’t look here…

Li suddenly went tumbling forward as Fran yanked the dresser away from the wall, and his body went tumbling down. He would have fallen off the dresser entirely, if Fran’s top drawer hadn’t flown slightly open from the vigorous motion. A bunch of Fran’s drawers opened slightly in the same way. As it happened, Li’s body tumbled straight down into one of the top drawers…Fran’s underwear drawer. Without thinking, he quickly hid himself among her panties. There was nothing else to do. 

“What the fuck….where…are…you!?!” barked Fran. “One minute left.” Li’s heart hammered away as he heard Fran haphazardly opening her drawers and tossing her clothes out. He was lost, surely! But she had started at the bottom drawer…maybe he had enough time…he heard her desperately rummaging, up and up, and he was about to actually entertain the hope that he had won the game when she yanked open the underwear drawer. She grabbed a fistful of her panties, and L’s body with them, and she was about to toss them aside when she stopped. 

Li’s little foot was exposed, and he suddenly felt Fran’s sharp fingernail tickle the sole of his foot. His heart sank as far as it could — Fran whipped the panties off from around his body, and she stared at him viciously, triumphantly, as she smiled an ecstatic smile. 

“In my panty drawer…what a dirty little thing,” she chided. The timer on her phone suddenly went off, and her smile grew wider as Li’s little body shook in terror. 

“Time’s up, little mouse!”

Chapter End Notes:

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