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Chapter 25: (Not sure what to call it yet, lol)

Jeff spent much of the following week in bed. At first, he bowed to his mother’s wish that he spend time on the sofa downstairs, but as the week wore on he isolated himself more and more. He just didn’t feel comfortable hanging out in the living room with his parents — his mom had made the choice to stay home from work this week, and she monitored him around the clock, making sure that he got up every hour and moved his legs. Jeff initially appreciated this attention, but as time went on he began to despise the feeling of strangeness that accompanied any interaction with his parents. It was like they were in a completely different world, talking away about normal things and not appreciating for one second the utter turmoil that was unfolding inside Jeff’s head. 

Once or twice he was even tempted to just spill the beans and tell them the whole story — but he quickly realized that he didn’t even really know what the story was, or how to tell it. His obsession with Sarah — and his unwilling but intensely erotic attraction to her immense size, and the fact that she dwarfed him in every conceivable way — felt more like something he would have to confess rather than something he would simply tell a story about. He felt completely implicated in all the uncertainty, all the pain, and all of the hopeless eroticism that surrounded Sarah Helleger. 

What’s more, he was beginning to feel like he might actually be insane. The way that his parents casually just seemed to assume that Sarah had told him about the operation involving both hips forced him to scan his mind back through all of his previous conversations with Sarah, desperately searching for some kind of clue that he may have missed. He could find nothing, however, that he remembered. He still felt in his core that Sarah had misled him about the nature of the operation, and he spent a large portion of the week studying the incisions on his legs with a kind of uneasy fascination. What had Sarah done to him? What had she put in there? 

Whatever it was, it seemed to work. After the first few days, he was able to move both hips successfully in a rotating motion without too much inhibition. He was definitely still sore, but his body actually seemed to be healing faster than he expected. By the end of the week he was able to move relatively freely, albeit still with the aid of his crutches. 

“I’m looking forward to seeing Sarah tomorrow!” said his mother cheerfully over dinner that night. 

Jeff said nothing, feeling the pit in his stomach deepen — he didn’t know how he felt about it all. On one hand he was beyond excited to see Sarah again, and on the other, he felt terrified. How was she going to interact with him? And around his parents? There were too many questions to keep track of, and they had the combined effect of dulling his mind. 

“It sure does sound like she’s done well for herself,” said his dad. Then he stared off a little into the distance. “God, little Sarah Helleger,” he mused, “she was quite a feisty little thing back in the day.” 

“She’s not little anymore,” Jeff blurted out, immediately feeling mortified that he had done so. 

“Well, I’m sure she’s grown up quite nicely,” said his father casually. 

“N-no,” said Jeff, almost feeling out of control as the words came tumbling out of his mouth. “No, I…I mean…uh — she’s…she’s — ” but he couldn’t bring himself to tell them. It would all sound too odd, and he felt like if he broke his mental dam about talking about her size, his parents would somehow figure out everything that had happened. 

“She’s what, Jeff? What are you talking about?” prodded his dad. 

“Leave it, Carl,” said his mom. “He’s still just a little upset about his…uh…his diminished height. I’m sure Sarah’s taller than him now and it’s all just a little weird for him. Right Jeff?” 

“Uhhh, yeah,” said Jeff, feeling like it would be unwise to pursue anything else on the topic. 

“Aww sweetie,” said his mom lovingly, “I know it’s really hard for you to adjust to this…this change in your life, but look at it this way: you aren’t going to be in constant pain anymore and you can…you can be free to get your life back on track.”

“What a stirring speech, Jen,” remarked his dad.

“Oh get lost Carl.” 

The conversation descended into familiar ad hominems, and Jeff was left alone to stew in his thoughts. Tomorrow…tomorrow…he got poor sleep that night, spending much of it lying in bed with his eyes shut, Sarah’s gorgeous face looking at him behind his eyelids. She smiled at him sweetly; she had tears in her eyes; she snarled, rolling her eyes back in her head as she shook her head back and forth with his dick deep in her throat; she looked down at him impassively…her hands on her hips as she looked down on him naked, her huge body shining with sweat. It was enough to make him feel crazy. He had never before felt such a combination of fear and dread at the sound of birds singing. 

He was lying on the sofa nervously scanning random pages on the internet when the doorbell rang. 

“She’s here! I’ll get it!” said his mom happily, shuffling over to the door. Jeff closed his laptop, feeling an odd sense of nothingness. The sheer intensity of his feelings had overwhelmed him to the point of internal paralysis. But almost as soon as he heard his mother open the door, he strained his ears to hear her reaction to seeing Sarah in the flesh.

“Oh my goodness!” he heard his mom say, her voice full of wonder. But a flood of emotion overcame his curiosity as he heard the rich sound of Sarah’s voice answering. 

“Hi Mrs. Stintum!” came her voice, sounding bright and chipper despite its deepness. “It’s been so long!” 

“Yes…yes it has!” said his mom, and Jeff could tell by the sound of her voice that she was a little discombobulated. “S-Sarah…I — I just — wow!” 

“Haha, yeah, I grew a little since I last came over here, huh?” Sarah laughed. 

“A — a little. Yes, just a little bit,” said his mom, still awestruck. “Sarah…you just — you look incredible.” 

“Aww thanks Mrs. Stintum!” 

“Well…well look at me, all out of sorts!” laughed his mom. “Come on in, Sarah!” 

A few moments later Jeff’s mom stepped into the living room her. Her face was beet-red. Jeff and his dad looked up. 

“Look who I brought in,” she said, smiling through her embarrassment. And in walked Sarah. It was like she sucked all the air out of the room — her mere presence put everything else to shame. The first thing Jeff noticed was that Sarah looked bigger…and taller. How could that be possible? Surely he was just imagining it…she was wearing a blank white t-shirt that was skin-tight over her enormous boobs and all the way down her torso. A pair of compact jean shorts showed off her huge hips and thick creamy thighs — she was wearing white tennis shoes. 

“Hiiii,” said Sarah, shyly waving a huge hand as she looked bashfully over at Jeff’s dad.

“S-sarah!” he choked, immediately standing up. “Sarah…oh my—oh my god!” He walked over to her, extending his arms. Sarah bent down lovingly and gave him a warm hug. Jeff was stunned by the size disparity. His parents looked positively tiny. Jeff’s dad, who stood at a healthy 5’8, found himself staring straight into the top of Sarah’s immense breasts. As she stood back up straight from the hug, Jeff could see that her chin completely cleared the top of his head. And his mom…well, she almost looked like a child next to Sarah. Her eyes were just under Sarah’s nipples. Sarah looked from Jeff’s mom to his dad, smiling coyly. No one spoke for several moments — Jeff’s parents were clearly struggling to comprehend how the tiny little tomboy from ten years back had grown into such a giantess. Jeff badly wanted her to look over at him. 

“Well, I’ll be damned,” laughed Jeff’s dad after several seconds. “Sarah — you just…you grew up!” Jeff noticed that his father had started to go red in the face as well. 

“I sure did, Mr. Stintum,” said Sarah, grinning down at him. “Imagine how my parents reacted when I came home from school!” 

“I…I can’t even begin to guess,” said Jeff’s dad in wonder, shaking his head as he looked up into her face. “Sarah…I’m sorry…I just…wow — I can’t believe it!” 

“Isn’t she gorgeous?” asked Jeff’s mom, who, like his dad, was staring up into Sarah’s face, transfixed by her size and her beauty. 

“Amazing,” he breathed, momentarily lost in her features. As soon as Sarah had walked into the room, Jeff had felt his cock harden instantly. He thanked his stars that he was lying on the sofa with a convenient pillow over his crotch, but he could not avoid noticing that his own father was sporting a bulge in his pants. And he was so captivated by her that he hadn’t even noticed yet. 

“Aww, thanks you guys,” said Sarah modestly, blushing a little. “It’s so nice to be back in here, even though everything looks a little smaller, haha.” 

“I’ll bet,” said his mom. Both his parents were still quite red in the face, and it was clear that they were deeply embarrassed by how helplessly attractive they found Sarah. 

“And there’s the little trooper over there!” said Sarah, turning over to look at Jeff. He felt his heart seize in his chest as they locked eyes. Her sea green was noticeable even from across the room. “How’re you feeling Jeff?”

He tried to answer her but found that his mouth was completely dry. He had to swallow a few times before his mouth was sufficiently lubricated to form words. 

“F-f-fine,” he managed to say, in a voice that sounded tiny. In the time that he had taken to answer, Sarah had crossed the room in a couple of strides and had bent down towards him on the sofa, engulfing the upper half of his body in a gracious hug. Jeff’s cock strained under the pillow as he felt her mammoth breasts pressing into his lap. He was overwhelmed again by her sandalwood scent, and inhaled the delightful fruitiness of her shampoo. He felt her big arm tighten around his upper back as her hair fell all around them. 

“Don’t cum shorty,” she whispered in his ear, and immediately stood up, smirking down at him as she gave him a playful wink. It was all Jeff could do to keep from shooting his load right then and there, but he set his teeth and obeyed her. All three members of the Stintum family were now red in the face.

“W-why don’t you sit down, Sarah,” said Jeff’s mom, making an effort to proceed ahead with a semblance of a normal interaction. “Can I get you anything to drink?” 

“I’ll take a glass of water, if you don’t mind,” said Sarah, lowering herself onto the middle part of the sofa, right next to Jeff. He heard the couch sigh as it accepted her body. 


“I’ll…take a glass of water too,” he said mechanically. He was distracted by the fact that, even sitting down, her head rose up almost as tall as his mother’s, and not far away from his father’s as well. She absolutely looked bigger than he remembered…could it be that she was she still growing? He couldn’t even begin to wonder how that could be possible, but the evidence was plain to see in front of him. Sarah looked taller, curvier, and thicker than ever. 

Jeff’s dad shuffled over and took a seat next to Sarah on the sofa. Sitting down next to her, he looked even shorter, because her massive ass gave her a much higher cushion to sit on. The top of his father’s head was now about even with her cleavage. 

“So Jeff,” she said happily, folding her manicured hands in her lap, “how’s the recovery going?”

“It’s…it’s going…fine,” Jeff said robotically, not knowing what else he could say. He was just trying to sound as normal as possible — he had a terrible fear of giving away the secret of the path their relationship had taken. So he hated that whenever he spoke now, his voice seemed to tremble. 

“Fine, huh?” asked Sarah, smiling as Jeff’s mom handed her a glass of water. Jeff accepted the other glass and immediately noticed the difference: Sarah took her glass casually with one hand, whereas he had to reach out to clutch it with two. Her single hand easily wrapped all the way around the glass — one of Jeff’s hands barely reached halfway. The size comparisons started uncontrollably firing off in his brain, and he shut his eyes for a moment, attempting to steady himself. 

“So you’re walking around on the crutches and everything?” asked Sarah, the bracelets jingling around on her shapely arms.

“Y-yeah…yeah…it’s…it’s going pretty well.” He couldn’t make eye contact with her, and he kept his head down, determined to hunker down until this feeling of impending panic passed away. 

“Those first couple of days back home were pretty tough,” said his mom as she sat down in the seat next to the sofa. “But Jeff was able to pull through it ok.”

“Of course he was,” said Sarah warmly, looking over at Jeff and giving him a big smile. “Jeff might be small on the outside, but he’s a tough little customer on the inside.”

“Oh speaking of that,” said his mom, “we wanted to ask you, Sarah — Jeff lost a good deal of height as a result of the operation. Is that normal? Should we be worried about anything?”

For the first time Jeff was able to bring his eyes up to look fully into Sarah’s face. He was too…curious…too interested in her reaction. Maybe he would even pick up a few clues about what she had done to him. He thought he saw something sparkle darkly in her eyes, but maybe he was just imagining it. Sarah seemed to react to the question normally. 

“Well…and the nurses probably told you this too, I’m sure…it’s normal to have some height fluctuations after a surgery like this. As long as Jeff’s range of motion is good, I wouldn’t say there’s much to worry about.” She turned casually to Jeff. “How many inches did you lose?”

Jeff looked up into her face, his lip trembling. Sarah was looking calmly down at him, dispassionate…giving no indication that there was anything odd about her question. And yet…and yet Jeff just knew that she was playing with him. Right now. In front of his parents. 

“I’m…I’m 4’11 now,” he croaked. Her nostrils flared, her pupils dilated, and the muscles in her cheeks hardened — for a second she looked like she was about to attack him, or eat him, or do something to subsume his body. It was a frightening reaction, animalistic…and deeply unsettling — but only Jeff could see it. She was turned away from his mom and dad. And it only lasted a second or two. In the amount of time it had taken to send Jeff into another internal panic attack, she was creasing her brow and turning back to his parents, looking thoughtful. 

“Hmm, so he lost a good few inches, huh? That is a bit unusual in these kinds of operations.” She gestured her hands in explanation, her bracelets jingling around on her wrists. “But, you see, one possibility is that Jeff’s bone marrow had lower-than-average density, and they had to hammer the titanium spike deeper into his femur marrow to get it set correctly.” 

“Aha, interesting,” said Jeff’s dad, in the tone people used when they were pretending to keep up with something they didn’t understand. 

“And it’s also possible,” continued Sarah, still addressing Jeff’s parents, “that because of Jeff’s weakened bone density, they had to clear out a larger-than-average portion of his hip cavity to make room for the artificial joint. It’s likely that he had a high number of rogue bone fragments that were corrupting the joint. Both of these reasons would probably account for his losing a few inches more.”

“But…his bone density,” said his mother uncertainly, “why were Jeff’s bones so weak to begin with?”

Sarah turned to Jeff, smiling. “You wanna answer that one?”

He felt the embarrassed heat rise in his face as he recalled the conversation that he and Sarah had had a while back. “It…it was my fault, mom.”

“Ohhhh,” she said, nodding her head up and down, “so you mean it’s like…lifestyle choices and everything that weakened his bones?”

Sarah nodded matter-of-factly, pursing her mouth. “I’m afraid so,” she said after a couple moments. But she suddenly stretched her arm over towards him, extending her hand as she reached behind his ears and scratched him lovingly with her sharp red fingernails. Her hand felt positively huge behind his head, and evidently his parents saw this too. They were watching the whole scene wide-eyed, as if they could hardly believe how small their son looked next to Sarah, the little neighbor girl who was seven years younger. 

Sarah smiled down at Jeff, scratching him behind the ears like some little pet. He looked up into her eyes and she made them wide at him, then normal, then wide again. She opened her lips to reveal her tongue which was flipping up and down in between her teeth so fast that it was a blur. She scrunched her nose at him. He orgasmed. She giggled, inclining her head just a bit, as if to say, ‘I know you just disobeyed me.’ All of this had only taken a couple seconds, and Sarah then turned back to face his parents, her strong fingers still scratching behind his ears. 

“But I wouldn’t worry, you guys. When I had Jeff at my house I had him on a strict regimen of healthy food without any of those…vices that contributed to this problem in the first place.” 

“Really?” asked Jeff’s mom. “You mean like you didn’t even let him smoke outside?”

“Oh god no!” laughed Sarah, finishing up her scratching and petting Jeff’s cheek playfully a couple times before withdrawing her big hand. “Noooo no no, if Jeff’s staying with me he’s going to foster good habits.” 

“She’s right, Jen,” chuckled his dad, “We’re too soft on him — we need to hire a taskmaster like Sarah to whip Jeff into shape.”

“Welllll,” said his mom, arching her eyebrow, “I’ve gotta say, Sarah — it’s impressive that you were able to just lay down the law like that. You know…set the rules and everything. And he followed them?” 

“Oh, he mostly did,” said Sarah, looking back to Jeff and winking. She wasn’t going to…to tell them…about…about all that…was she?? He could feel himself getting faint. She turned back to his parents. “He actually did break the rules once, but…well, I think he learned his lesson, didn’t you Jeff?”

He nodded wordlessly, thinking about the cage…and about the low light in Sarah’s bedroom when he pushed the door open and saw her huge ass bouncing as she rode Steve. He started hardening again despite his recent orgasm. He suddenly felt the oddest desire to go back into the cage…to sleep in it…to feel it levitate, with his body inside, as Sarah lifted it up into the air. 

“See, Jen?” laughed his dad. “Taskmaster. So what, did you punish him, Sarah? No TV for the day? No dessert?” He laughed loudly, and it suddenly became clear to Jeff that his own father was trying to make light of something that he didn’t understand…because he was uncomfortable. He knew his dad well enough to tell the difference between him having a good laugh, and laughing to try and cover up his discomfort. Realizing this was not encouraging at all to Jeff — it all served to highlight the insane size difference between himself and Sarah. His dad’s loud awkward laugh just seemed to underline it all. 

Sarah laughed politely. “Mmm, yes, something like that,” she said. “But what I was going to say was that Jeff really showed a willingness to follow my rules when he was staying with me. Except for that one time, he did what I told him to…followed all my instructions and everything. It was really good Jeff — you know, not everyone in your position would have done what you did.”

Jeff couldn’t believe what he was hearing. She was totally messing with his head — and his parents had no idea. Her words sounded completely ordinary, and…and they were true. But in more ways than one. All Jeff could think about was the sound in his dick…and the shot glasses full of cum…and Sarah’s long probing fingers as they pushed deeper and deeper into his ass, questing for his prostate. 

“Well speaking of that, Sarah,” said his mom, “I also know that not just anyone would have taken Jeff into their own home and dedicated themselves to taking care of him before a scary surgery. Jeff, I think you owe Sarah a big “thank you,” don’t you?” 

“Uh…uh, th-thanks S-sarah,” he mumbled, afraid that if he spoke any louder it would be obvious that his voice was shaking. 

“What was that?” asked his dad. “Come on Jeff, speak up!”

“It’s ok, I heard him,” laughed Sarah. “I think he’s just…uh, he just gets a little nervous around me sometimes.” She turned to him with a devious smile on her face. “I can’t imagine why, though.” 

“Well I can,” said Jeff’s dad flatly.

“Carl!” protested his mom.

“What?” he asked innocently. “Come on Jen, I’m not saying anything that isn’t obvious already.” He turned to Sarah, a little sheepish red in his cheeks. “I’m sorry Sarah…I mean…I mean I hope you don’t mind — it’s just…wow…yeah seeing you sitting there next to Jeff…it’s just…” and he shook his head. 

“It’s just what, Mr. Stintum?” asked Sarah playfully. “What are you talkin’ about?”

“I just…uh…it’s just,” stuttered Jeff’s dad awkwardly, the red deepening in his face, “I mean, just…just look at you, Sarah. I, uh…I hope I’m not being too forward, but I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone you come across gets a little nervous around you.” He turned to his wife. “How was that?” he asked, partially humorously. “Did I say it right?” Jeff’s mom closed her eyes and shook her head, then opened them again as she looked at Sarah.

“You’ll have to excuse my clumsy husband,” she said. “I think what he’s trying to say is that you look…uh…you look wonderful, Sarah. And…and, uh…I’m sure lots of people are attracted to you.” His mom stopped talking, a bit of a puzzled expression on her face, as if she was surprised that she too was not able to avoid sounding awkward. 

But Sarah set everything right with another good-natured laugh. “Oh! Haha, well, you guys are too sweet.” She reached over again to Jeff and ruffled his hair. “Besides, I think this guy is pretty cute myself.” She made a point of playing with her fingers in his hair for several seconds as his parents watched, unable to really comment on what was happening. Jeff was spending most of his energy trying not to have a second orgasm as he felt Sarah’s huge fingers loop and pull their way through his hair. After several seconds of silent petting, Sarah let him go. “Mmmmm yeah, super cute,” she said, almost purring. 

“So, umm,” said his mom, feeling like she had to say something, “so Sarah, it sounds like you’ve been making quite the name for yourself in college, huh? You’ve already written in…uh…like, in academic journals and everything, right?”

“Sure have!” said Sarah brightly, and then launched into an enthusiastic breakdown of her current research. Jeff didn’t really hear most of what she was saying, first because it was all way over his head, and second because he was too preoccupied with her huge body. With every gesture, every movement, her hips jiggled, and her boobs bobbed ever so slightly from side to side. After while Jeff could see that her white t-shirt had slightly darkened around her nipples, which could be seen jutting out of the tightness of the shirt. Was…was Sarah lactating into her shirt?? Too focused on all these physical things, Jeff hardly participated in the conversation. 

About half an hour later Sarah stood up to go. Jeff’s parents had been thoroughly impressed with the conversation, and almost seemed to trip over each other in their eagerness to give Sarah a hug. Jeff just gawked once more at how tiny his parents looked — Sarah loomed hugely over both of them, looking positively statuesque and bodacious as she bent down to embrace each of them. Her long arms and huge hands seemed to wrap effortlessly around both his parents. She looked bigger than both of them put together, even though Jeff knew they probably combined to outweigh her. But it certainly didn’t look like it. 

“And how about you, Jeff?” said Sarah suddenly, turning to him and smiling over the heads of both his parents. 

“Me?” he asked blankly. 

“Yeah,” said Sarah, “come on, I want you to stand up before I go. You know…just so I can see for myself.” 

“Go on Jeff,” said his mom encouragingly. “It’s about time you stand up to move around anyway.” Jeff did, going through the motions without thinking. His mom handed him his crutches and he stood up slowly in front of them all. Sarah stepped forward, in between both of his parents, to get a clear view of him. He suddenly wondered if they could see his boner…or the slight wet spot in his crotch. It didn’t matter now…what mattered was that he was staring straight into the middle of Sarah’s stomach. He looked up. The top of his head was just shorter than the underside of her boobs. Sarah stepped even closer. He looked up towards her head and couldn’t see her face past her boobs. But he could feel her looking down at him. 

“Now let’s see you walk a little,” he heard her say from high above. He did, crutching himself up and down the living room floor for a minute or so. “Now move your leg up and down,” said Sarah. Jeff did. “Now side to side.” He did again. 

“Well!” said Sarah happily, turning to his parents and inclining her head downward so that she was looking them in the eye, “He certainly seems to have made excellent progress so far!” She turned back to look down at him. “This is excellent, Jeff,” she said. “Excellent.” They locked eyes, and Jeff blurted out what he had been meaning to ask ever since she got there. 

“When can I come back and stay with you?”

Chapter End Notes:

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