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As he flew through his house toward the bathroom he realized just how easy flying had become in such a short time and wondered what else he’d get used to as quickly. As he approached the door he saw with relief that it was slightly open, this also made him wonder how Cassy planned on them getting out of the house since he knew he closed the window she came in and that would have been the only way out but he put that thought aside as he entered the room and arrived at this destination.


Hovering in front of the mirror he was able to see himself for the first time since the change and what he saw was beautiful. He could tell his new body was hot from what he saw and felt when he checked himself out earlier but for some reason he had just assumed his face didn’t change or if it did not by much. Boy was he wrong. The face looking back at him bared no resemblance to his old self in any way. Then there were his eyes, he could tell they had gotten bigger and were likely similar in size to Cassy’s but he didn’t realize the color would be so vastly foreign. His normal brown eyes, while not ugly in any way, were nothing compared to what he saw now. The large almond shaped eyes he was looking at in the mirror were a bright shade of pink and like Cassy’s had those golden specks only his were much brighter and seemed to almost glow. Putting his hand to his face he mouthed the word ‘wow!’ and spent some time studying his new features. 


When he was done he floated back a little to see his whole body when he noticed that his wings were mostly working on auto-pilot. He was able to move his body in any way he wanted without drifting in any direction, it was like he had built in stabilizers. He decided to do a few poses to test this out. 


The first one was that Charlie’s Angels gun point pose he saw so many girls do in pictures online. He looked hotter than most of the ones he had seen and felt an odd sense of pride in what not too long ago was a foreign and scary body to him.


After that he bent forward at the waist and jerked his body upward, flipping his hair back behind him as he did. He felt the hair brush against the wings and for a moment was afraid he was going to get it tangled and go crashing to the floor but nothing happened. He couldn’t tell if the wings moved out of the way on their own but he knew it wasn’t a conscious decision.


“Cool!” he said out loud


Finally, he decided to have a little fun and crossed his arms across his chest and did that Russian dance where the guys squat down and kick their legs out. The sight of the tiny beautiful woman in the mirror doing that made him laugh out loud which was followed by Cassy bursting out laughing as she was hiding behind the door watching him. He stopped immediately and asked, 


“How long were you watching?”


“Long enough” she answered, “And yes, in case you’re wondering, I do think you’re very sexy like this” as she flew in closer for a kiss. 


“You know”, she said looking him up and down, “you sort of look like that girl from those funny movies you made me watch. The one about the ‘wizards’”, she did air quotes when she said this and he knew exactly what she was talking about. He looked at his face again and agreed, he did have some resemblance to Emma Watson, at least in the face, his body was much more developed than hers.


Running his hand down his cheek he said,


“yeah, I guess I do a little. But I told you before, those movies weren’t meant to be funny” 


She couldn’t help goading him a little more and replied, 


“I know they weren’t meant to be funny but seriously, humans doing magic is hilarious to me”


They’d had this argument many times and he knew she wasn’t trying to be mean, she just genuinely believed the thought of humans doing magic was funny so he just nodded and said, 


“Ok, sure. It’s hilarious” and let it go. He also wondered if he would soon find that idea amusing if he was like this long enough but didn’t dwell on it. 


She saw him floating there without saying anything and felt bad about what she had said. They had never had an actual fight about it but she knew he didn’t like the jokes so she pulled him into a closer embrace and kissed him again, more passionately this time while gently massaging his right nipple under his dress. After a few minutes of this he forgot all about what was bothering him and reached down to slip a hand underneath the hem of her outfit but she stopped and him said, 


“There’ll be time for that later, but for now let’s head out so we can find out about fixing you”, she hesitated then added, “That is, if you want to be fixed”.


Carl was surprised by how long he paused before answering but said,


“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind being like this once in a while but I have a life to live” but did he really? he wondered. What was he in such a hurry to get back to? But he pushed thoughts down and took the hand Cassy offered as they flew back into his bedroom and landed on the window she came in from.


“This is going to be a problem” she said looking up at the window and banging on it to test the strength, not surprised to see that it was too thick for either of them to break without help. She flew away and came back with a pencil from the desk. Handing it to Carl she said, 


“Here, I want you to turn this into a sledgehammer so we can smash our way through”


“Seriously?” he said


“Unless you want to spend who knows how long trapped in this house then yes, I’m serious”


“There’s goes my deposit” he joked as he held the pencil in both arms and concentrated. 


It didn’t take long for him to feel the changes and soon enough he was holding a heavy hammer. He held it back, and warning Cassy to stand back, took a swing only for the head to hit and bounce off so hard it almost pulled him off the windowsill. Luckily Cassy saw what was happening and managed to catch him with one arm and the hammer with the other, again reminding him of how small and light he was. As he regained his composure he saw her looking at the head of the hammer and laughing hysterically. 


“What’s wrong? Am I too weak to even break a window now?” he wondered


“No”, she said while still laughing, “Just come here and feel the hammer head” 


He reached out and touched it then started laughing too


“Crap, I forgot to change the material didn’t I?” as he touched the hammer shaped eraser head on the edge of the handle. He said the enchantment again and this time focused on it becoming hard steel and it was changed immediately. Still, he didn’t want to be embarrassed again so he passed the hammer to Cassy who took it and with one swing managed to smash a hole big enough for both of them to crawl through. 


Once outside, the first thing Carl noticed was how well he could see in the dark, and how far. He knew it was late at night but it still looked like early evening to him, and when he looked ahead he could see as far as the end of the road which he knew was several miles and if he focused he could even make out details like license plates all the way to the end.


“Oh yeah” Cassy said from behind him, “I forget that you humans can’t see very well. It’s pretty wild, huh?” he nodded and she added, “Now you know why these are so big” as she pointed to her eyes. 


“It’s amazing Cass, it really is” Carl replied as he stood looking out into the distance, “everything is so crisp and clear even all the way down there” as he pointed far down the road.


She just shrugged her shoulders and said, “Yeah, it’s nice. but remember I’ve always been like this. But I get it so take a moment to adjust and we’ll head out”


He just stood there focusing on minor details like a small dent on a brown truck several blocks away, then a cat quietly stalking around what had to be a mile away, looking away just before it pounced on a mouse. He didn’t like seeing that as a human, now it just made him feel uneasy knowing he could easily be that cat’s prey. Cassy, who had been watching too but didn’t look away, assured him that their ability to communicate with all animals made them get along, but on the rare occasion they came across a rogue dog or something their magic was more then enough to defend themselves. 


When he was done he told Cassy he was ready and she told him to focus on following her and stay close. He could probably find the way if they got separated but she wanted to make his first long distance flight as easy as possible. 


“Before we go, here. I made these for you” she said while handing him a pair of the same shoes she always wore. “We forgot to make some so I figured I’d take care of it for you”


He reached out and took them from her hand, standing on his tiptoes to plant a big kiss on her cheek as a thank you then slipped them on. He remembered on one of their early dates when he asked her about the ones she wore she had placed one on his fingertip and he marveled at how something so small looked so well made. And now here he was putting those same tiny shoes on his now equally tiny feet. And they were very comfortable too, the lack of a need for a sole made them more like slippers and it seemed that Cassy had put extra care into them which made it even better.


“Ready?” she asked, and when he nodded and gave the thumbs up, took off.


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