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Chapter 2: There’s no escape from Conqueror Kelly!

In the outskirts of the city of Mojave, California, in a trailer park mainly surrounded by the Mojave desert, a 13-year-old Hispanic girl named Kelly Cartel watched as a saucer shaped scout ship belonging to some Micros crashed not too far from the trailer park. Intent in capturing some Micros, she set out into the warm but not overwhelmingly hot October day and tried to track down the scout ship.

She carried a small plastic jar in one hand, and scoured the desert in search of the scout ship. After about fifteen minutes, she spotted it in the distance; it was a silver disk about three feet in diameter. She could see a dozen different one centimeter tall Micros scurrying about in front of the fallen scout ship. When she approached, they tried to run back to their spacecraft, but Kelly ran and intercepted two of them before they could return to safety. These two Micros tried to run, so she stomped her left ankle-high boot clad foot in front of them and knelt down and captured the two of them, and set them in her jar.

When Kelly stood up, the other Micros tried to run back to the scout ship, so she turned and walked back toward the trailer park, knowing she was unlikely to capture more. Upon entering the trailer she lived in with her parents, she went to her bedroom and closed the door. She dumped out the jar on her desk, and her two Micros fell out and stood up, looking at their captor.

“I’m Kelly Cartel, I’m your new owner!” said Kelly triumphantly. “From now on, you’re my property!” Kelly turned on her stereo and slammed her fist down on the desk near her two captives. “Dance! I command you to dance!”

As the two tiny captives danced, one of them told Kelly: “We have microcircuitry and transponders built into our uniforms, so we can be tracked and located by our people!”

Kelly put them back in the plastic jar, and screwed the lid on. There were air holes punched into the metal lid. Kelly carried her captives into the living room, where her father was watching the Dodgers playing in the National League Division Series on television.

“Daddy, I captured two Micros, and one of them told me they have transponders built into their uniforms. Since you’re an electrician, can you build something so their microcircuitry gets damaged?”

The father looked at the captives, then looked at his daughter and said, “I can build an electromagnetic pulse bomb that can melt some of the microcircuitry.”

“How long will it take you to build it?” Kelly asked.

“I can jerry rig one together inside of an hour,” said the father, “but you need to take it out into the desert far from the trailer park so you don’t damage the wiring in the trailers.”

About an hour later, Kelly marched out into the desert with her jar containing her two captives in one hand, and the pulse bomb in her other hand. The sun hadn’t set yet. Kelly was far enough out into the desert so that she couldn’t see the trailers. She set the jar down in the sand, not far from the crashed scout ship, and activated the pulse bomb. Within seconds, the microcircuitry in the two Micros uniforms was damaged beyond repair; it goes without saying that the scout ship’s microcircuitry was damaged beyond repair, as well.

Kelly returned to her trailers and showed her Dad the two captives. Kelly’s father agreed that the pulse bomb worked.

Kelly took them to her bedroom. She unscrewed the lid to her plastic jar, and dumped out her captives.

“What can you do now?” Kelly asked. “Your transponders are fried!”

One of the captives looked at the captive who warned Kelly about the transponders and said, “Great job opening your mouth! Now we can’t be tracked! The scout ship will probably never fly again!”

“How did I know her father was an electrician?” the other captive said.

Kelly picked up one of the captives and held him above her mouth. “I haven’t had my dinner yet, so maybe I should swallow one of you!”

The tiny captive struggled, and Kelly dropped him into her mouth and swallowed him, then laughed. She lifted her shirt and looked at her belly.

“You savage tyrant!” said the other captive who was still standing on her desk.

“I’m not going to digest him,” said Kelly. “I’m going to vomit him back up!” Kelly walked into the bathroom and plugged up the sink, then stuck her finger in her mouth and gagged herself until she vomited. The swallowed captive was ejected from her esophagus, and plummeted into the sink, directly into the vomit. Kelly rinsed him off and returned to her bedroom.

Kelly took out her cell phone and called her cousin in Bullet Bay. “Alondra? This is your cousin Kelly Cartel in Mojave. I know where there is a crashed scout ship! How soon can you get here?”

To Be Continued!

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