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  The world was constantly in motion, but I was kind of getting used to it. I had already forgiven having been stepped on, and the giantess up above be could still be heard, her movements felt even but not seen.


“Damn, I hope I didn’t break it.”


  As I stood back up, I could feel familiar vibrations of large approaching footsteps. For a moment I thought about trying to jump for the crushed cardboard lid, but changed my mind as Kelsey came into view, leaning down to inspect me. There was a look of concern as her voice once again filled my entire container.


“What did you do, did you step on it?”


  Her hand reached down, not for a paper this time, but instead her thumb and index finger pinched me up. My feet left the ground as her flesh threatened to envelope my entire body. I was lifted what felt like hundreds, mayhap thousands of feet off the ground, the wind whipping through my.. Through my shiny bald head. Was it sad that I missed my hair?


  One giant blue eye stared down at me for a moment. I wanted to wave, or do anything to make this feel less awkward for the two of us, but my arms were pinned to my side. If she wanted to, she could have ground me to dust in just those two dainty fingers.


  Then the world went upside down as I was turned this way and that. Seeing the ground so far beneath me made my stomach churn again. Holy fuck this was far up. God we were so.. So… I watched her bare toes with their chipped red polish wiggle below. I thought she had on socks, no?


“Yeah, well he’s mine anyways and you’re the one that left him on the floor. Is that what we were supposed to do with him?”


  I couldn’t see the other person, the one who had stepped on me, just her legs and her socks. White socks, which I swore ahd looked a dark grey, and yellow spongebob pajama pants. Cute. I had seen some of those before. The rest of the giantess was blocked by the fat of Kelsey’s finger holding me. As she kept me pinched, upside down, I grew dizzier and dizzier. Was there blood rushing to my head? Did I even have blood in this thing? I had no idea, though probably not.


“No, it said ‘A’ on the paper. I was coming to find you, I thought you were in the kitchen?”


  This is what I had paid major bucks for. To dangle upside down while a couple of teenage girls had a pajama party and talked to each other. Still, that secret macrophiliac side of me was having a blast. 


  “No, my mom was asking me to save her one. Let me see the paper.  Oh, okay. See here? They only checked one box. It’s a flavored tiny, chocolate. The A stands for ‘anything’. They couldn’t afford something particular. They paid for flavor and that was it, so we can do whatever we want with them.”


  Suddenly I found myself turned rightside up as I was brought back to Kelsey’s face. That look of concern was gone, “Anything, huh? Well, that was dumb of you. I guess now you’re just mine to do whatever I want with.”


  This girl’s stare wasn’t just intimidating. It was a look of.. Desire. She was looking at me like I was the coolest new iphone to play with or something, which was somehow worse. And holy shit if it wasn't hot as hells. I couldn’t even contain myself as everything began to stand at attention. For a moment I became concerned that she would notice, be grossed out or amused or, I dunno, anything. But I guess it was just too small for her to pick up on.


“Whatever -I- want with. It’s mine.”


  I felt myself slipping as Kelsey’s finger loosened its grip. Out of instinct I grabbed out at the flesh of her thumb, but before I could even begin to slip, I felt a train crash into my legs, folding them into my butt, and I was sent flying through the air at breakneck speeds.


  That should have been the worst part of it. That little asshole had flicked me like I was a paperclip, sending me sailing across the room, my butt feeling like it just had the paddling of it's life. Should have been, but wasn’t. In the 0.5 seconds I spent flying, I saw my destination, and the second giantess for the first time in my life. My little sister Kelly.


  How had I not pieced it together? It was like everything was in slow motion as I was flicked across the room. Kelly’s room. This was her room, my house. Kelsey was sleeping over tonight, likely because -I- was sleeping over at my friend’s house. Brown hair and emerald green eyes stared at me, as pink lips with a snotty expression parted in shock. Then I crashed chest first into her chin, then pinballed down her shirt.




  The lights dimmed as I crashed into the soft flesh of Kelly’s bosom, my body rolling along the steep slope until colliding with the material of her bra cup. I felt like I had just died and came back again, my body sore all over. The temperature had gone up at least ten degrees, and the worst part was that I couldn’t enjoy any of this. It was my bratty little sister. She was about a year and a half younger than me, and if she found out she had me trapped in her shirt at this size? God.


  And despite my disgust at the situation and knowing that this was money down the drain, that small part of me continued to stir. I wanted to scream down at it, ‘Are you fuckin’ serious? Disgusting!'


  But it was biological. It was the lizard brain, or whatever they called it. I was on the softest warmest ground of my life, and my hormones weren’t saying ‘sister’, they were say, ‘boobz r gud’. Of course, I didn’t have time to think things over. As soon as I fell down her shirt, my sister began to giggle, and reached out to smack at her friend.


“You jerk! Now we’ll never find it!”


  All the movement had me bouncing and clawing at her flesh. For a moment I thought I would be launched into her cup somehow and smothered to death, but that fear was abated as I was quickly bounced over the bra, rolling sideways until the ground left from under me and I was free falling.




   The weight of her shirt sent me crashing against her stomach, where I bounced and continued down, out the bottom of her shirt and landing hundreds of feet down onto her hardwood floor with a splat.


“Let’s just do the next one.”


“Okay, open it and I’ll read.”


  I peeled myself off the floor and held my head. I should have been dead. I should have been a stain. I should have.. Woken up from this goddamn nightmare and been back at Sam’s house waiting for her to get home to play some video games. Instead I was banged up, feeling sick as hell, and my knees were shaking as the two giant girls walked around me, opening the last of the tiny packages.


“Okay, so this one wants to be my boss. I’m his secretary who was angry at him, and is going to shove him- Ew! Oh my god.”




“They want him to go up my butt!”


“What, I thought this wasn’t one of those kinds of websites?” Kelsey stared at a second figure that she had pinched between her fingers. It wasn’t activated yet.


“It’s not.”


“How old do they think you -are-?”


“Shh, not in front of, you know. I’m twenty three.”


  I stared up at my lying ass of a sister. She was not twenty three, what in the fuck?She was sixteen and-


  -And that’s when it happened again. The world went grey, then completely black. Only this time, there was no immediate relief. The weight, the smell, the disgust, it all returned a hundredfold, and it wasn’t going anywhere.


  Kelsey sat down on the bed while Kelly read from a script, standing up on her toes, then letting her heels back down again, over and over. Giggling with each other, Kelsey asked, “And how much are we making again?”


  It had been a joint venture. They had used Kelly’s mother’s information to get the job, and while most parents would have been appalled at such a thing, Kelly’s hadn’t. It was an innocent enough job, crushing little robots and sometimes taste testing little candies they shipped in. She was, however, largely ignorant of exactly what was going on. The roles that were portrayed, the live feed cameras, all the stuff that would have made any reasonable parent put their foot down. Not that these girls had been doing it for too long. Kelly had done this once before, and she had asked Kelsey to come over to help. As a reward, she was going to give her some of the money.


“A thousand dollars, are you kidding me!? Give it to me, I’ll be the secretary. I’ll be this guy’s worst fucking nightmare for a thousand dollars, holy shit! We’re gonna be rich.”


  In the darkness, I was only vaguely aware of what was going on up above. The socked foot of my sister would grant me a small bit of reprieve, only to be smashed back down again. If I could have thrown up, I would have. This had gone terribly wrong, and was easily the worst day of my life.


  Then a bitter thought came to my mind. One that had no business being there in the first place. No one who had ever held such a thought hadn’t regretted it. It was the foreshadowing of idiots getting their just desserts.


How much worse could it get?




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